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North Korea
Military Industry

Military Industry - Introduction

Second Economic Committee

Economy - Plans

Chagang Province

First Machine Industry Bureau artillery systems less than 82mm, other light conventional weapons and ammunition
17th factory Hamhung, South Hamjing pyrotechnics and fuses
95th Plant Samjiyon Precision Machine FactoryKomsan District, near Hyesan, Yangando Provincecartridges and automatic weapons
Second Machine Industry Bureau armored vehicles and military trucks
915 Plant Shunchuan, Ping’an South Provincearmored vehicle engines and transmissions
Chonchon-Up Munitions Factory PUG 65 40°37'N
Kusong Tank Plant PUGtracked launch vehicles for missiles 40°03'33"N 125°13'46"E
Liujingzhu Machinery PlantNorth Ping’an Provinceproduction and assembly of tanks, armored vehicles and self-propelled artillery
Mupyong-ni Arms Plant PUG armored vehicle components, turrets, etc 40°27'43"N 126°25'35"E
Ryu Kyong-su Tank Factory
Sinhung Armored Vehicle Plant
Sinhung South Hamgyong Provinceproduction and assembly of tanks - 40°12'06"N 127°36'39"E
Shengli Automobile PlantDuochuan, South Ping’anproduction of medium and light tracked chassis
SeongcheonSongch'on-kun, South Pyongan ProvinceChonma-ho and Pokpung-ho MBT; likely Chuch'e-Po and Koksan artillery guns
Third Machine Industry Bureau Artillery greater than 82 mm and multiple launch rocket systems
32nd PlantChagang Provinceartillery shells
Hamhung Machinter PlantYongsong M-1974, M-1975, M1981 SP artillery
Hamxing Longcheng Machinery Plant South Xianjing Provinceproduction of artillery shells
Kangso-up Tractor and Construction Machintery PlantKusong / KumsongM-1974, M-1975, M1981 SP artillery 38°54'36"N 125°31'51"E
Sinhung Armored Vehicle Assembly/Repair Plant PUG40°12'06"N 127°36'39"E
Tokchon / Tokhyon Munitions PlantM-1974, M-1975, M1981 SP artillery
Zhizhou Machinery PlantZhizhou, North Ping’an Provinceproduction of guns of 122, 152 and 170 mm calibers
Fourth Machine Industry Bureau tactical and operational-tactical missiles, anti-ship missiles
Missile Factory No. 26 Kanga
Fifth Machine Industry Bureau chemical weapons
Sixth Machine Industry Bureau warships and submarines
Bong Dao Bo ShipyardsSinpo, near Mayang-Do Island Naval basebuilder of the Sang-O and Gorae class Submarines
Hambuk ShipyardChongjin, Hamgyongbuk-do province33 meters long submarines are assembled at one of the three largest shipyards in North Korea. It employs 7,500 workers
Mayang-do Naval Shipyards Mayang-do Islandmaintenance facility with graving dock; has built some ships for the navy (12 Romeo class submarines)
Najin ShipyardsKowan-Class submarine rescue ship, Soho class frigates and Najin class frigates
Nampo Shipyardswest coastbuilds small- and medium-size submarines (Sang-O and Yugo?)
Wonsan Shipyardseast coastbuilds small- and medium-size submarines (Sang-O and Yugo?)
Yukdaeso-ri Shipyardswest coastbuilt midget submarines (Yugo class submarines or Yono class submarines) since the 1960s
Seventh Machine Industry Bureau Purchase of aircraft and production of parts
Ch’onjinsmall factory for spare parts and rebuild aircraft for the Air Force
Panghyon NodongjaguNorth Korea's primary aircraft assembly, repair and research facility established in the mid-1980s 39°52'00"N 125°15'30"E
Taechonspare parts and rebuild aircraft for the Air Force
Tokhen largest aircraft plant in the DPRK, assembly of light multipurpose Mi-2 helicopters
Eigth Machine Industry Bureau military communications & electronics
Anju Communications Equipment Plant Wire broadcasting equipment and telephone equipment
Ch'ondong Communications Equipment and Material Plant Military radio communications equipment and parts, including copy of Soviet R105 transmitter/receiver. Plant also repairs chemical and radiation equipment.
Huichon-up Communications Equipment Plant Electronic tuhes, military wirecommunications equipment, and military radio communicationsequipment; also is probable location of imported semiconductor manufacturing equipment
Kanggye Communications Factory Military wire communications equipment
Mupyong-ni Communications Equipment Plant Military radio and wire communi-cations equipment, including copyof Soviet R108 transmitter / receiver
Nampo Communications Equipment Plant Primarily civilian electronics, including radios, television sets, telephone equipment, and small amounts of military telecommunications equipment.
Pyorha-ri Signal Equipment Plant Military radio and telephoneequipment.
P'yongyang Communications Equipment Plant Military and civilian wire communications equipment
P'yongyang Electric Machine Plant Primarily electric motors buthas produced radios, telephoneequipment, and test instruments for the military
P'yongyang Electric Bulb Plant Small quantities of electronic tubes that could be used in military communications Equipment
Pyongyang Integrated Circuit FactoryPyongyang integrated circuits

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