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AT Ocean Tug

The ocean tug is a tugboat used on the high seas, as opposed to smaller harbor tugs which stay in port. The oceanic tugboat sails on the sea, the bow is high, and the structure is strong to prevent the waves from hitting the sea. Its hull is small and the water is deep. There is no cabin on board the cargo. The powerplant on the ship is powerful, and the ship is equipped with towing equipment. The towed transport method is used to tow the ship without power. The ocean-going tug can be towed with a ship in the same way as a locomotive towed a train with a row of towed barges; it is also possible to tow barges from both sides.

A tugboat is a support vessel designed to tow non-propelled craft, such as barges, docks, cranes, rafts, etc., and can also be used to assist ships in distress ( ships). Tugboats are divided into marine tugboats, inland river (Yangtze River) tugboats and ports as tugboats. Marine tugboats can be divided into ocean-going tugboats and coastal tugboats, which can carry out towing and transportation operations in corresponding navigation areas, and can perform rescue tasks. Inland river tugboats mainly carry out towing operations on the river. Port tugboats operate mainly in the port, such as assisting large ships to leave the dock and enter and exit the dock. Tugs are divided: by destination - into towing and rescue workers, and by area of use - into ocean, sea, raid, port and river tugs.

  • Harbor tug - Displacement up to 300 tons, power plant capacity up to 500 kW (680 hp), designed for towing (moving, moving) non-self-propelled boats, as well as ships (ships) in ports. Port tugs have additional propulsion devices (winged, active rudders) and thrusters, which significantly increase their maneuverability. Port tugboats are the most important harbor ships, and they are most frequently used in port operations. Its role is to be used to tow other ships or floating buildings, to help by docking, berthing and other operations, but also used as a port ship and a small number of people to transport goods. The characteristics of the port-based tugboat are that its hull is small and its power is large. It has a large thrust (towing) force, good stability and operational flexibility. It does not carry cargo or passengers. Some tugs are provided with vacuum suction cups so that when the mooring between the ship and the ship is inconvenient, the ship can be directly sucked for traversing. The speed of port tugboats is generally 8-15 knots. Towing facilities include tow hooks, tow poles, mooring winches, etc.
  • Sea tug - A vessel with a displacement of up to 1,000 tons, a power plant capacity of about 3,000 kW (4 thousand liters. From.), Is designed to perform emergency rescue operations and towing ships and vessels that have no course in the sea.
  • Ocean tug - Displacement of ocean tugs in excess of 1,000 tons, power plant capacity of more than 4,000 kW (6 thousand liters. From.), Is designed to assist ships and ships in the ocean (sea) and towing vessels over long distances.
  • Rescue tug - An ocean or sea tug having the necessary equipment to assist the ship (vessel) in fighting fire, water intake, as well as removing it from the shallows and towing it to the base (port). According to its technical characteristics, the vessel is able to quickly respond to danger signals and perform its functions in any part of the World Ocean in the most difficult storm conditions. In addition, the tug has the equipment of a powerful fire-fighting vessel.

The oceanic navies of the world are equipped with various types of tugboats to ensure that the ship can be towed back and forth in time even if it encounters a fault while sailing in the ocean. Typical of these are the various types of tugs equipped by the Russian Navy. Due to the unfavorable maintenance of equipment, the Russian Navy often has various faults when sailing in the ocean. Therefore, tugboats are often required to tow. During the many exercises and visits of the Russian Pacific Fleet, the oceanic tugboat was often seen.

Compared with the tugboats equipped in the past, the new tugboats launched in China have stronger horsepower and longer battery life, which can meet the complex environmental requirements of ocean rescue. They are equipped with equipment such as winches and tow hooks. At the same time, in order to have a larger working space, the rear deck is also wider. In addition, in order to ensure stable navigation, the draft is deeper and the aspect ratio is smaller.

Like the Chinese navy, the Russian Navy also attaches great importance to the role of large tugs. On 14 November 2016, the Russian Navy’s second 23120 type tugboat "Vsevolod Bobrov" was launched. The type of tugboat has a full displacement of 9,700 tons, making it the largest tug in the world today. According to the Russian hydrological environment, it also has a certain ability to break ice. It was expected to enter the Black Sea Fleet service in 2018. Similarly, the US Navy, as the world's most powerful ocean-going navy, has the world's first demand for tugs. The US Navy is equipped with a large number of ocean tugboats (the US side is a fleet tugboat) to ensure the safety of the ship.

In addition to playing an important role in military use, tugboats also play an important role in civilian use. For example, when a large ship enters Hong Kong, the port tugboat will be able to cope with the complex port environment and stop at a low speed and low rudder.

In addition, the development of various non-main warships such as degaussing vessels, salvage vessels, barges, and cable-laying vessels, which are included as "auxiliary vessels" together with tugboats, is also an indispensable part of the Navy's move to the ocean. Despite the eye-catching star warships in front of the stage, it is important to not forget the countless silent dedication and shoulders of the auxiliary ships and their sailors.

As far as the offshore / ocean rescue tugboat is concerned, according to the history of development, China has developed a total of three generations. The Beitou 739 should belong to the first ship of the third-generation ocean-going rescue tug . It can also be called the first ship of the first-generation 19,000-horsepower ocean-going rescue tug.

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