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Central Military Commission

  • CMC Membership
  • CMC History
  • General Office
  • Joint Staff Department
  • Political Work Department
  • Logistic Support Department
  • Equipment Development Department
  • Training and Administration Department
  • National Defense Mobilization Department

  • Discipline Inspection Commission
  • Politics and Law Commission
  • Science and Technology Commission

  • Office for Strategic Planning
  • Office for Reform and Organization
  • Office for International Military Cooperation
  • Audit Office
  • Agency for Offices Administration

  • People's Liberation Army
  • PLA Ground Forces
  • PLA Navy
  • PLA Air Force
  • PLA Rocket Force
  • Strategic Support Force
  • Joint Logistics Support Force
  • People's Armed Police

  • 4th Independent Regiment [PLAAF]
  • 1st Submarine Flotilla [PLAN]

  • 15th Airborne Corps [PLAAF]

  • Hong Kong Garrison
  • Macau Garrison

  • There are two Central Military Commissions; one is a State insitution, and the other a party formation Party, both with identical memberships.

    During 2016 Xi Jin-ping conducted a thorough-going reorganization of the Chinese military. This process, unprecedented in recent times, appeared to have at least three objectives:

    1. The new structure more clearly divided warfighting tactical and operational formations from the logistical support formations. Mao's "People's War" concept had envisioned units that were nearly self-sufficient [growing their own food, etc]. In recent decades, the logistical support functions have become both more critical and more complicated.
    2. The sector-wide shakeup provided an opportunity to weed out corrupt and incompetent officers. In recent years corruption [eg, sale of promotions, etc] among senior officers had become rampant, and introduced a rot across the military, to the detriment of combat readiness.
    3. The re-organization created many new command positions, and realigned many that were retained. In every case, the result was an officer corps that owed their positions to Xi Jin-ping, rendering the emergence of a cult of personality nearly inevitable.

    The State Council and the CMC jointly lead mobilization preparation and implementation work through the inter-agency National Defense Mobilization Committee. In peacetime the state conducts mobilization preparation and integrates armed mobilization of the people, mobilization of the national economy, civil air defense, national defense transportation and other mobilization preparations into the state's overall development plan and program. It improves the mobilization system step by step, and establishes a strategic materials storage system. The state attaches importance to national defense education and conducts it in line with its plan for economic and social development.

    The armed forces of the PRC are composed of the PLA, both the active and reserve components, the Chinese People's Armed Police Force and the militia. The active components of the PLA comprise the state's standing army, which mainly undertakes the task of defensive combat, and helps to maintain social order, if necessary, according to law; reservists undergo military training in peacetime according to relevant regulations, and help to maintain social order, if necessary, according to law, and in wartime they shall be incorporated in the forces in active service in pursuance of the state's mobilization order. The Chinese People's Armed Police Force undertakes the tasks for maintenance of security and social order entrusted by the state. The militiamen, under the command of military organs, perform combat service support and defensive operations, and help to maintain social order.

    The Central Military Commission (CMC) is the highest military leading body of the Party under the leadership of the Communist Party of China's (CPC) Central Committee and is responsible for directing China's 2.5 million strong armed forces. The commission members are decided by the CPC Central Committee. The Party's organizational system and institutions in the armed forces are decided by the Central Military Commission.

    The chairman of the CMC is elected by the National People's Congress [NPC], and the choice of other members is decided on by the NPC or its Standing Committee according to the nomination by the chairman of the CMC. The CMC chairman assumes overall responsibility for the work of the CMC and is responsible to the NPC and has the power to make final decisions on matters within the functions and powers of the CMC.

    The armed forces of the PRC are composed of the People's Liberation Army (PLA), both the active and reserve components, the Chinese People's Armed Police Force and the militia. The CMC of the PRC directs and assumes unified command of the nation's armed forces.

    By 2017 the Central Military Commission (CMC), in charge of the overall administration of China's armed forces, had 15 functional sections including seven departments (offices), three commissions and five directly affiliated bodies.

    The PLA is implementing massive structural reforms designed to improve leadership, administration, and command of joint operations across the force by 2020. Changes include rebalancing the forces to raise the relative importance of the Navy and Air Force and establishing a theater joint command system for the five theaters of operation. Recent military reforms in China created the Strategic Support Force, designed to consolidate the PLA’s cyber, space, and electronic warfare capabilities.

    In January 2016 China reorganized its four military headquarters -- staff, politics, logistics and armaments -- into 15 new agencies under the Central Military Commission (CMC). The new structure includes six new departments: joint staff, political work, logistical support, equipment development, training, and national defense mobilization. There are three commissions -- discipline inspection, politics and law, and science and technology -- as well as the general office and five more: administration, auditing, international cooperation, reform and organizational structure, and strategic planning.

    Chinese President Xi Jinping, also general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and chairman of the CMC, met with the new chiefs of each agency. He described the reshuffle as "a breakthrough" and "a crucial step" toward a stronger military.

    To address military corruption, a military auditing office was established to organize and guide internal audits and supervision. Auditors will be directly sent by the office to various military departments to ensure their independence, said Wu Qian, spokesman for the Ministry of National Defense, at a press conference on the reforms. Wu said the multi-department structure will help the CMC function better and is conducive to consolidating the absolute leadership of the Party over the armed forces.

    The new structure will also help the 15 organs carry out strategic planning and administration and help strengthen the supervision of powers, said Wu. The key Joint Staff Department is in charge of military operation planning, command and control, studying and formulating military strategies, and assessing operational capacity, among others. With regard to the new office for international military cooperation, Wu said it demonstrates that Chinese troops are committed to expanding international communication and cooperation and safeguarding world peace and stability.

    President Xi Jinping has urged the reorganized organs of the Central Military Commission (CMC) to focus on winning wars as their central task. Xi, also general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and chairman of the CMC, made the remarks on Monday when meeting with the new heads of the 15 organs, including a joint staff department, a discipline inspection commission and an audit office. CMC organs must concentrate on the study of military affairs, wars and how to fight battles, and strengthen their awareness in preparing for war at any time, said Xi. CMC organs must measure their work by the only fundamental standard of whether troops' fighting abilities can be improved, said Xi.

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