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Kazakhstan Republican Guard Corps

There are two types of ground units in Kazakhstan — the Kazakh armed forces and the Kazakhstan National Guard, also called the Republic Guard or the Republican Guard. The servicemen of the National Guard carry out the service of the guard of honor, guard President Nursultan Nazarbayev, and other senior officials and foreign guests during their visit to Kazakhstan. Kazakstan created a wholly new unit outside the regular army to provide balance outside the army. They are directly subordinated to Kazakhstan President, who pays a special attention to drilling for the military exercises that he personally attends, himself testing weapons.

The Republican Guard is said to be one of the most combat-ready units of the Armed Forces. In December 2012 Aydar Toleshov, deputy commander of a special task force battalion, said that 80 percent of the servicemen recruited in spring of that year have university diplomas.

With independence international ties were growing, with more visits to our country, necessitating observance of the international protocol. That brought forth Kazakhstan National Guard, established at N.Nazarbayev’s personal attendance 16 March 1992 on the President decree. Even the name for it, attributes and uniform were his ideas. He attended the first oath-taking on 16 December 1992 – the Day of Independence. The Republican Guard was established on the basis of a an Internal Troops separate brigade of operational designation deployed in the village of Krasny Vostok, Kaskelen district, Almaty region. The newly-created National Guard had both Russian and ethnic Kazak personnel, but approximately 68 percent of the officers were Kazak, an unusual (but understandable) proportion. However, its size was too small to be a true counterbalance. In March 1997 he handed the colors to the guard, and personally controlled its development, battle training, logistic support and social support to the servicemen.

1st RG Brigade Almaty
2nd RG Brigade Astana
Ceremonial Battalion
Training Battalion Almaty
Logistics BattalionAstana
In 1996 the military units were first to be re-stationed in Akmola, and the President came to see them in the new location, taking interest in condition of the barracks, meals, healthcare of the servicemen. Foreign leaders paying visits to the country marked a high training level of the guardsmen, and Malaysian PM M.Mohammad suggested their visiting his country. In July 1997 the servicemen of the ceremonies battalion and the President orchestra went on a tour to Malaysia, presenting Kazakh culture and combat art there. Appreciating the performance of the elite troops – 11 July 2001 the President – Supreme commander Nursultan Nazarbayev expressed hope that under the banners he had handed them the ages-old and new military traditions will be growing stronger. "The guard proves Kazakhstan has a professional army" he said.

The Republican Guard, as a special public body relating to the national security of Kazakhstan, occupies a special place in the sphere of Defense of the State. The Republican Guard carried out activities to raise combat readiness, which in the conditions of modern warfare is defined by a set of activities. This package includes the staffing units modern armaments and military equipment, ammunition and military technical equipment, maintenance of weapons and military equipment in constant readiness for use and ensuring their reliable operation in various conditions. The technical condition of readiness of armament and military equipment is a major part. According to tasks performed by the Republican Guard in the area of security, the head of State pays great attention to its military-technical equipment. But it is not necessary to show that, in 1992, the second year of the independence of the young State, a brigade of the Republican Guard units were equipped with small arms and military equipment from virtually the limit values of operating parameters as a result of intensive use, which respectively affected their condition.

In the early years of the independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan Republican Guard, as well as other types of troops, were going through difficult periods, including in military and technical support. Many industries and factories suspended production, supply of spare parts and supplies of small arms and military technology has virtually ceased, repair companies or were closed or had no opportunities. The issue of minimum resource and keeping working as weapons and military equipment to the Republican guards was made possible as a result of the technically competent operation and quality of training units.

At the present stage, thanks to a consistent policy of the head of State, as well as improving the quality of all parameters of the army. there continues the implementation of the unified State military-technical policy. It is based on the harmonious combination of measures to develop the domestic military-industrial complex, the international military and technical integration, as well as the supply of modern equipment according to the compatibility with existing weapons and military equipment.

To date, the military units of the Republican Guard are stocked with the main elements, layout and equipment which provides the convenience of placing and storage of vehicles, maintenance and repair, in accordance with the technological process, as well as the safety of machines and equipment, a quick exit from the depot, reliable safety and fire safety. Paragraphs have maintenance and repair modern garage equipment.

Following the tasks of military-technical modernization, in 2004 the Republican Guard in the Republic became the first to adopt BTR-80A with 30 mm automatic gun, sniper rifle OSV-96, machine pistols "bison-2". In 2006 the Guard purchased KamAZ 43269 Vistrel ["shot"] BPM-97 Armored Vehicle, and in the year 2010 "Tiger" multi-purpose armored jeeps. In short, the technical support of the Republican Guard to date allows the qualitative training of personnel and to prepare professionals to master modern technology and weapons. Proof of this may be the fact that while the presidential security service joint tactical exercises "Kamal" (September 2007), the progress of which was watched by the Supreme Commander of the armed forces, Republican Guard troops were able to show high levels of military excellence, full use of military equipment and weapons.

It is known that the President and the Supreme Commander of the armed forces, Mr. Nazarbayev requires substantially increase local content in purchasing military equipment and weapons. Republican Guard command supports the head of State and focusing on domestic producer waiting for a decent and affordable types of weapons and military equipment. The Interior Ministry staff rose after the September terrorist attacks to 97,577. This figure probably includes the Kazakh National Guard. In the first 18 years over ten thousand military servicemen had been trained in the Republic guard, many of then currently doing their service in various enforcement structures of the country. The command is working for the elite troops’ conformity to a high status.

In January 2006 Abai Tasbulatov was appointed to command the Republic guard, assigned with the tasks of improving combat training and image of the elite troops, performance of the President orchestra, enhancing the guard’s part in nurturing patriotism in the country.

In August 2006, the Ulan National Guard, deployed in Astana, held a military exercise at its own Maylan training range in northern Aqmola Region for the first time. Earlier, soldiers of Ulan held exercises at a training ground near Karaganda [the administrative center of central Karaganda Region] and at a training ground of the Interior Ministry. According to the drill's scenario by the Ulan command, an armed group approached Astana. Guards met the unknown enemy at a place 50 km away from the capital. A squad consisting of 30 Ulan soldiers had to battle with 90 "simulated terrorists" who had nine heavy military vehicles and a lot of ammunition [pretty heavy equipment for "simulated terrorists"]. The weather in the steppe was quite cold, the strength of the north wind is 10-15 meters per second.

Special targets were used as "enemies" approaching the capital. All of the targets were manipulated by a computer at the command post. The computer provided sudden appearance of "enemies". Soldiers of Ulan, prepared for such exercises, firmly hit "enemies". While Ulan soldiers were battling the main group of the enemy, the right flank of simulated terrorists captured a hostage in a nearby village. A special task force swiftly eliminated the simulated terrorists.

Meanwhile, as the battle was ending, military hardware had been destroyed. Only snipers of the enemy did not stop shooting. They targeted soldiers in trenches. Ulan snipers must eliminate them. Military servicemen used the so-called "anti-sniper" gun for this purpose. The gun may even destroy a light armored vehicle. The mysterious enemy which had been striving to invade the capital was destroyed. Military officers who had been watching the exercise of Ulan soldiers assessed their performance as "good". At that time Lt-Gen Abay Tasbolatov was commander of Ulan.

In September 2006 Kazakhstan guardsmen were invited to the Russian capital for the celebrations of the Day of Moscow, where on the Hill of Respectful Salutation they demonstrated a brilliant military art, then three years later came a second trip to Moscow, where over a hundred of them took part in the international martial music festival “Spassk tower” and did well too.

On 23 November 2011 Kazakh President Nursultan Nazarbayev relieved the commander of the National Guard, Abay Tasbulatov, of his post. Nazarbayev signed a decree to this effect, the presidential press service reported. On 24 November 2011 Kazakh President Nursultan Nazarbayev appointed Yermek Ukibayev acting commander of the National Guard. Nazarbayev signed a decree to this effect, the presidential press service said. Forty-six-year-old Ukibayev had been the first deputy commander of the National Guard since January 2006. On 23 January 2012 Amangeldy Shabdarbayev was appointed commander of the National Guard of Kazakhstan. Kazakh President Nursultan Nazarbayev signed a decree to this effect, the presidential press service reported.

The commander of Republican guard of the Republic of Kazakhstan Mukhtar Ayubayev was appointed by the decree of the President, Akorda press service reported 06 March 2013. "Mukhtar Ayubayev is appointed as the commander of Republican guard of Kazakhstan, he is dismissed from the position of the head of the security service of the President of Kazakhstan," the message read. Amangeldy Shabdarbayev is dismissed from the position of the commander of Republican guard of Kazakhstan and dismissed from the military service as he achieved the age limit of military service condition. Also according to the press service, Anuar Sadykulov was appointed as the head of the security service of the President of Kazakhstan.

On 10-11 November 2012, the third World Cup in hand-to-hand fighting took place in Almaty at the Baluan Sholak sports complex. The World Cup opening ceremony was held on November 10 and the semifinal and final bouts battles took place the following day. The tournament was organized by the World Federation of hand-to-hand fighting led by its president Lt. Gen. Amangeldi Shabdarbayev, the commander of Kazakhstan’s Republican Guard.

In accordance with the tradition, the opening of the Festival in 2012 happened as part of the Days of Moscow. The capital city of Russia has celebrated its 865th anniversary on a large scale. The military parade happened near the Spasskaya Tower. This year the festival is devoted to the victory of Russia in the war with France in 1812. The festival this year involved military orchestras from Austria, Germany, France, Greece, Italy, Poland, Singapore, China, and Kazakhstan. The president’s orchestra and guard of honor of the Kazakhstan Republican guard are coming to the festival very often. Every year Kazakhstan brings a new program to Moscow, which involves world classical, folk, and modern songs. Talgat Berdigulov, Head, Presidential Orchestra Of Kazakh National Guard, said: "-It is our third festival and we are happy to participate in it. Even resident of Moscow says that the “Spasskaya Tower” festival without Kazakhstan is different. Every year the festival becomes better. This year it will involve a lot of good orchestras, which will show quite serious programs."

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