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Suriname - Personnel

After obtaining independence in 1972, Suriname abolished conscription. Previously, the Netherlands' conscription laws applied. Beginning in 1970, military service became mandatory for men between 18 and 35. In 1980 a military coup was instigated by sergeant Desi Bouterse, whose dictatorship lasted for several years. From about 1986 to 1992 there was guerrilla war between government forces and the Brunswijk Jungle Commandos. This war led to hundreds of deaths. After the 1992 peace agreement, the members of the armed opposition groups were amnestied.

The Bouterse government argued that restoring the draft would reverse the aging of the ranks of army personnel, while keeping young people off the streets. By 2013, the number of people retiring and leaving the army exceeded the number of people applying for a job.

Bouterse indicated early in his tenure that he would restore mandatory military service, for a minimum of 18 months. The adjusted version of the 1970 legislation, which will apply to both men and women, will keep them from getting involved in criminal activities, he said. “Draftees would also have the opportunity to follow advanced training in technical and technology subjects,” Bouterse recently told local media. The president said that besides curbing the youth delinquency problem, the draft will give idle youth a shot at success in life.

“It is certain that military conscription will be reintroduc­ed,” Defense Minister Lamoure Latour said in Januar 2012, noting that drafts of the bill were to be introduced in the 51 seat National Assembly shortly. “One thing is certain. Like it or not, conscription will be reintroduc­ed,” he said.

Defense is a multifaceted organization where soldiers and civilians work. As a soldier you work from the National Army participated in peace and security throughout the country. The National Army consists of several parts: the Navy, Army, Air Force, the Corps Military Police and the Military Hospital. There are many different functions in very diverse fields. Except in combat functions, for example troops can get started in the art of construction, communication or healthcare, or logistics or administrative field.

Furthermore, the military has functions at different levels, from executive to managerial. Troops can follow courses at all levels for improvement and career development. The work is challenging and requires a lot. Defense offers something different employers can not: unique work and life experience.

The Adjusted Under Officer Course (AOC) is a six-week course designed for soldiers with more than 10 years in the rank of corporal. With this training, they will be a step on the career ladder and continue their career within the defense organization as a sergeant.

The Postgraduate Officer School (VOC) of the National Army groomed captains for higher positions. The objective of the program to deliver well-trained personnel to perform the assigned tasks in a professional and efficient manner. In this training the functional and personal competencies are being strengthened, focusing on quality improvement.

Soldiers are entitled to free medical treatment and nursing, as well as provision of drugs for them and their families. A soldier in the Defense receives standard a special allowance (fee extra work), and once a holiday allowance as a percentage of gross salary. On top of basic salary and the standard allowances troops can also qualify for other subject-specific grants. Salary depends on rank.

National Army motivation sessions are held at various schools in cities and districts. These sessions are aimed at changing behavior and discipline among the youth. The army is clearly responding to the numerous complaints about improper behavior of young people inside and outside the school and hopes to help them advance.

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