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Belarus - Signal Corps

Signal CorpsThe liaison forces are separate special forces that are part of the state’s military organization and act as a means of ensuring its armed defense. At present, military communications are an integral part of troop command and control. Military units and communications units are part of all branches and arms of the Armed Forces. Solving the tasks of combat training, daily activities, the warriors-communicators around the clock ensure the functioning of the communication system, as well as provide communication during operational training activities, while demonstrating high professional skills and military skills.

Today, the military connection is at the stage of fundamental restructuring. At an accelerated pace, large-scale tasks are being carried out for the construction and development of the communications system and troops aimed at its transition to a new, more advanced form of organization by digitizing and integrating it into a single telecommunications space of the Republic of Belarus.

The Communications Directorate is a structural subdivision of the General Staff of the Armed Forces, designed to control the communications system and troops (hereinafter referred to as communications control) in the Armed Forces and territorial troops of the Republic of Belarus, as well as the contented body of the Armed Forces on ground communications technology, ground radio interference technology and radio navigation computer and copying equipment, automation systems, communications and command and control equipment, radio intelligence and special radio equipment communication.

Tasks solved by the communications department:

  • organization and management of communications in the Armed Forces, the regional grouping of troops (forces) of the Republic of Belarus and the Russian Federation (hereinafter - RGV );
  • maintaining the combat readiness of the system and communications troops at a level that ensures the fulfillment of missions for their intended purpose;
  • development of the communications system of the Armed Forces, the theory and practice of the use of communications troops, the development of new methods of organizing communications, the combat use of the system and communications troops of the Armed Forces and the RSG ;
  • planning the use of the system and the communications troops of the Armed Forces and the DGW ©;
  • organization of operation of existing communication systems and automation systems;
  • the improvement of the training and recruitment systems for communications management bodies, formations, military units and communication units;
  • organization of communications security and operation of communications secret equipment in the Armed Forces;
  • organization of providing the Armed Forces with communication equipment;
  • organizing interaction with officials of communication management bodies of other ministries and departments, coordinating the development of special communication networks of the state military organization;
  • leadership of the compound and military units of direct communication;
  • planning and organization of construction, reconstruction, technical re-equipment, repair of communication facilities and structures.

The history of the formation and development of the liaison forces of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus is closely linked with the Russian and Soviet army. The history of communications troops began with the formation of the first military communications units of the Russian army and navy during the Crimean War of 1853-1856, when telegraph communications were first used to control troops. The appearance of the first subunits and communications units, even though their leadership was not centralized, led to the further development of military communications. As the means of warfare and military art developed, the requirements for command and control of troops increased. Improved communication technology. From 1878, telephone communications began to be used in the Russian army to control the troops, and from 1899, radio communications.

The experience of the Russo-Japanese war convincingly showed that in a combat situation it is impossible to ensure sustainable command and control of troops without improving the work of the headquarters and the use of the entire range of communications equipment. During the First World War, the Civil War and foreign military intervention due to increased tensions and the scale of hostilities, pre-prepared front-line and army operations involving a large number of troops and military equipment, it was impossible to ensure command and control of military forces her in separate special troops.

Considering the importance of resolving questions of troop management and the role of the liaison service in it, the Council of Workers 'and Peasants' Defense of the young Soviet Republic developed and approved the Regulation on Field Communications Management in the Red Army, according to which RVSR Order No. 1736/362 of 20 October 1919 the Department of Communications of the Red Army and the relevant departments (departments) in all headquarters were formed. For the first time in the history of military affairs, the communications troops received independence as special communications troops. October 20, 1919 - the day of signing the order RVSR - was the birthday of the communications troops.

During the years of the Great Patriotic War, the personnel of the communications troops showed high military skill, courage and heroism. 303 military signalmen were awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union, 106 became full knights of the Order of Glory, tens of thousands were awarded orders and medals. Over the years, nearly 600 communications units were awarded orders, more than 200 of them twice, many of which became guards and were awarded honorary titles. Most of the formations and military units of communication of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus took part in the battles for the liberation of Belarus from the Nazi invaders. They include 86 Volkovysk Red Banner Order of Alexander Nevsky communications brigade, 60 Baranovichi Red Banner Order of Alexander Nevsky separate communications regiment, 74 Berlin Red Banner Order of Alexander Nevsky separate communications regiment,

Over the past post-war years, with the transition of the troops to a peaceful situation, the communications troops of the Belarusian Military District, and later the Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus, took measures to restore and develop the stationary communications system, deploy communication systems of garrisons and military camps, and conditions.

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