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Belarus - Troops of Radiation, Chemical and Biological Protection

RHBZ troops are the troops of radiation, chemical and biological protection. The task of this type of troops is the detection, classification and destruction of radiation, chemical and biological contamination, protection of property and personnel from its harmful effects. Also, perhaps, the protection of the population. The RCB protection and ecology department of the General Staff of the Armed Forces is a structural unit of the General Staff of the Armed Forces and a content body that is designed to plan and organize RCB protection of the Armed Forces and territorial troops, control RChB protection forces, ensure radiation safety and monitor the implementation of environmental safety measures in the Armed Forces and the provision of weapons and RCB protection equipment.

The main tasks of the management of RChB protection and ecology of the General Staff of the Armed Forces are:

  • organization and implementation of the continuous control of the troops of the RCB protection;
  • planning the use of troops RCB protection;
  • directing the preparation of RCB protection troops for the performance of missions;
  • maintaining the constant readiness of the Directorate for the management of the protection and ecology of the General Staff of the Armed Forces and subordinate military units at a level that ensures the fulfillment of missions to the destination;
  • organizing and conducting training activities for military units of the RCB protection troops;
  • organization of the implementation of measures for the preparation of troops for RCB protection and quality control of its conduct;
  • scientific research in the field of RCB protection;
  • ensuring radiation safety and environmental control in the Armed Forces;
  • preparation of draft legal acts of the Ministry of Defense, regulating the issues of RChB protection, ecology and radiation safety;
  • interacting with state and military authorities of other military units on RCB protection issues;
  • participation in events on international military and military-technical cooperation on RCB issues of environmental protection and protection;
  • organization of the provision of the Armed Forces and territorial troops with weapons and RCB protection equipment, control over their operation and maintenance in constant readiness for use as intended.

The official date for the formation of troops of radiation, chemical and biological protection is November 13, 1918, when the order of the Revolutionary Military Council of the Republic No. 220 formed the first bodies and units of chemical protection in the current Red Army. The chemical troops, later renamed the troops of radiation, chemical and biological protection, with dignity and honor performed their tasks during the Civil and Great Patriotic Wars. For the exemplary performance of command assignments during the Great Patriotic War, 20 separate units of high-explosive flamethrowers, 12 separate battalions and 10 separate companies of knapsack flamethrowers were awarded with military orders, and 40 flamethrower units received honorary names. Government awards were awarded to over 70% of officers and generals, more than half of ordinary and non-commissioned staff of chemical troops. Twenty-two of the most courageous warriors were awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union.

For about ten years, chemical soldiers fought on the land of Afghanistan as part of a limited contingent of Soviet troops, where chemical support tasks such as the use of flame-incendiary agents and aerosols proved to be effective. Many representatives of the chemical troops that participated in the war were awarded military orders and medals.

In the course of eliminating the consequences of the Chernobyl disaster, taking into account the professional training and technical equipment of the chemical troops, they were entrusted with the most responsible, dangerous and difficult work. The great contribution of chemical troops to the cause of the aftermath of the accident is highly appreciated by the government. For courage and selfless work, many generals, officers, warrant officers, sergeants and soldiers were awarded high government awards.

The Department of Chemical Forces was established on June 1, 1992 on the basis of the disbanded administration of the Belarusian Military District and incorporated into the General Staff of the Armed Forces.

On December 21, 2001, in connection with the creation of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus, the Department of Chemical Forces of the General Staff of the Armed Forces was reorganized and included in its structure as the RCB for the protection and ecology of the General Staff of the Armed Forces. Renaming has become an objective necessity, caused by a change in both the volume of tasks performed and the quantitative and qualitative composition of the troops.

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