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Bangladesh - Military Medals

Sl # NameDescriptionImage
1 Bir Sreshtho Eligibility: All ranks of the Bangladesh Forces both regulars and citizen soldiers.

Acts/Performance: Gallantry of the highest order in the face of enormous odds entailing the peril of certain death in which, but for the individual's gallant deed the enemy would have succeeded in inflicting grave loss on own face.
2 Bir Uttom

Eligibility:All ranks of the Bangladesh Forces.

Acts/Performance: As per BIR SERESHTO but of lesser degree.
3 Bir Bikram

Eligibility:All ranks of the Bangladesh Forces.

Acts/Performance: As per BIR SERESHTO but of still lesser degree.
4 Bir Protik

Eligibility:All ranks of the Bangladesh Forces.

Acts/Performance: of a degree not coming up to any of the above standards as laid down in BIR SRESTHA , BIR UTTOM, BIR BIKRAM but of a positive nature warranting recognition.
5 Dabanal Padak
6 Joy Padak
7 Mukti Taroka
8 Nirapattya Padak
9 Rono Taroka
10 Samar Padak
11 Songbidhan Padak
12 Uttoron Padak
13 Golden Jubilee
14 Gurnijhar 1991 Padak
15 Maha Plaban 1998
16 Plaban 1988 Padak
17 Sadhinota Padak
18 Sangsadia Nirbachan 01
19 Sangsadia Nirbachan 91
20 Sangsadia Nirbachan 96
21 Silver Jubilee
22 Jestha Padak 1
23 Jestha Padak 2
24 Jestha Padak 3
25 Bir Sorbottam
26 Bir Mrittunjoee
27 Bir Chiranjib
28 Bir Durjoy
29 Army Medal
30 Extraordiary Service Medal
31 Distinguished Service Medal
32 Army Medal of Glory
33 Army Medal of Excellence
34 Army Efficiency Medal

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