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Security Council

The Security Council is the deliberative body under the President and he organizes it according to the Article 109 (section 27) of the Constitution of the Republic of Azerbaijan. The Security Council provides the conditions for the realization of the constitutional authorities of the President on the protection of people rights and freedoms, independence and territorial integrity of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

The Security Council was established on 10 April, 1997 according to the decree of the President. According to the Decree the following officials have been appointed to the Council:

  • The Chairman of the Milli Majlis
  • The Prime-minister
  • The Head of the Office of the President
  • The State Adviser on the foreign policy
  • The State Adviser on the military issues
  • The Prosecutor General
  • The Defense Minister
  • The National Security Minister
  • The Internal Affairs Minister
The President presides at the sessions of the Security Council. The Head of the Office of the President acts as the Secretary of the Security Council. The Head of the Office provides the activity of the Security Council, manages the preparation of sessions. The President determines the agenda and order of the discussion of issues at the session of Security Council according to the submission of the Head of the Office.

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