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Minister of Defense and Veterans Affairs

Etat-Major Général des Forces Armées Togolaises (EMG/FAT) missions, as in most countries, include three main components: Territorial Defense, Participation in Public Services, Participation in Security Missions. The defense of the national territory by guaranteeing the inviolability of land, air and maritime borders, assistance to public services in particular in the context of natural disasters and, participation alongside security forces in public security missions. In addition to these three traditional missions, participation in multinational peacekeeping operations.

Kpatcha Gnassingbe was Minister of Defense from 2005 to 2007 and half-brother to President Faure. The longest-serving African dictator, Togo's Gnassingbé Eyadéma, died unexpectedly in February 2005 after 38 years of autocratic rule. After the announcement of the death of President Gnassingbé Eyadéma [in power since 1967], on 5 February 2005, the Forces armées togolaises (FAT) Togolese Armed Forces proclaimed Faure Gnassingbé, son of the deceased head of state, as President of the Togolese Republic.

Shortly before 05:00 on Wednesday, 15 April 2009, Kpatcha Gnassingbe arrived at U.S. Embassy Lome seeking refuge from arrest for questioning in the investigation of a coup plot. His appearance surprised the local guard force and he gained entry only to the main Compound Access Control (CAC) point, where he remained for over 2 hours. At 7:20, a small gendarmerie arrest team was permitted to enter the CAC and quietly escorted him into a waiting vehicle.

Kpatcha was under great pressure from family members not to name lawyers and possibly antagonize Faure, which would prolong his imprisonment and subject the country to a divisive and messy trial, just before the presidential election. Since Kpatcha is still quite popular in Kabaye country, his continued imprisonment could negatively influence votes Faure needed from the north.

The state of health of Kpatcha Gnassingbe, imprisoned for seven years in the civil prison of Lomé for attacking the security of the State, suddenly deteriorated. He was admitted on 05 August 2015 to the military pavilion of the university hospital of Lomé. The former deputy of the Kozah, the same father as Faure Gnassingbé, ws accused of breach of state security in 2009, suffered from pulmonary embolism, diabetes and blood pressure. He would be in a grave condition, without any more precision. Kpatcha Gnassingbe, sentenced to 20 years in prison in a case of assault on the safety of the State, was to recover his freedom on 31 December 2016, by presidential pardon.

The Minister of Defense and Veterans Affairs is responsible, under the authority of the President of the Republic, Chief of Army, and Prime Minister, Chief The implementation of military policy, including the organization, management, employment, mobilization of all forces and the military infrastructure required, as well as Relating to veterans. He assists the Prime Minister in the implementation of forces and, in particular, in the preparation and superior conduct of operations.

The Minister of Defense and Veterans Affairs has authority over all armed forces and services and is responsible for their security. In accordance with governmental decisions, it follows international negotiations on defense. He is responsible for military missions abroad and for military representations within the inter-allied organizations.

The Minister of Defense and Veterans Affairs shall preside over the Committee of Chiefs of Staff whose powers, composition and functioning shall be determined by decree. He is responsible for military missions abroad and military representations within the inter-allied organizations.

The Cabinet of the Minister of Defense includes:

  • the director of the Cabinet;
  • the head of the military cabinet;
  • the head of the civilian cabinet;
  • technical advisers;
  • the head of the private secretariat.

The director of the cabinet directs the civil and military cabinet and ensures the execution of the directives of the minister.

The head of the military cabinet, general or superior officer of land, air, sea, gendarmerie or commissaires, assists the director of cabinet in the coordination of activities related to national defense. It monitors all matters of direct concern to the armed forces and ensures the enforcement of the Minister's decisions in this matter.

The head of the military cabinet manages the military personnel placed at the disposal of the ministry. Appointed by decree of the President of the Republic, he is assisted by senior officers representing the army, the air force, the national navy and the national gendarmerie.

The head of the civilian cabinet assists the director of the cabinet in his duties and assures the missions entrusted to him by the minister. He is appointed by decree of the President of the Republic. The advisers give their opinion and make proposals on the matters entrusted to them for their competences. The head of the private secretariat organizes the secretariat of the minister.

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