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Cabo Verde / Cape Verde Coast Guard

The Coast Guard is the component of the Armed Forces for the defense and protection of the economic interests of the country at sea under national jurisdiction and for the air and naval support to the terrestrial and amphibious operations, according to its specific missions. Its structure comprises the forces and the naval means, aerial and on land. Wears the black beret.

In the first RM is the Naval Squadron that controls the naval means of the GC - the Vigilante Patrol, of German origin (at the end of maintenance period), the Tainha Boat, of Chinese origin (to patrol Leeward Islands, in particular to guarantee The safety requirements of the Port of Mindelo), American Speedboat (to patrol the Windward Islands), and Yacht Sea Ray Boat (In preparation for patrolling the sea salt area)

The third RM is the Coast Guard Command, the Operations Center for Maritime Safety (COSMAR), the Air Squadron with the Dornier 228 air force, of German origin , And the Espadarte Lancha responsible for the patrol of the Windward Islands, in particular for the maintenance of the security requirements of the Port of Praia. To these means join the Squad of Approach of the Company of Marines that although belonging to the NG is under the "Command" of the GC integrating the elements that make the safety of the teams of inspection in the Sea.

The GC awaits the entrance to the cash Of new media during the next two years: a life saving of American origin (in 2010), Two SAR helicopters of Chinese origin and an Ocean Patrol with 56 meters under construction in the Netherlands (in 2012).

These are the missions of the GC:

  • Ensure the military defense of the country and the air and naval support to fulfill the other missions of the Armed Forces;
  • Carry out, in its scope, the declaration of the state of siege or emergency;
  • Patrol airspace and maritime areas under national jurisdiction, including the exclusive economic zone, and may engage in the pursuit, approach and boarding of vessels and vessels engaged in illegal activities, including customs tax fraud and offenses, illegal fishing and marine pollution;
  • Collaborate with and under the responsibility of the competent authorities in the fight against illegal immigration, As well as in the prevention and suppression of trafficking in narcotic drugs, weapons and persons and other forms of organized crime;
  • Ensure the safeguarding of human life at sea and coordinate and execute search and rescue operations, without prejudice to the competencies assigned to other institutions;
  • Carry out the other maritime authority functions assigned by law;
  • Participate in the national civil protection system;
  • Accomplish missions for the control, control and repression of illegal activities at sea, within the framework of international commitments;
  • Collaborate in tasks related to protecting the environment, meeting basic needs and improving the living conditions of the population;

"Guardian" was the latest patrol vessel of the Cape Verde Coast Guard. The ship is 51m long and has been configured to carry a crew of 19 (the project predicts from 17 to 24). In case of need or rescue at sea, the vessel can carry up to 53 people. The Guardian carries a speedboat with a capacity of 18 people, which uses an access ramp at the stern of the ship and can reach a speed of 35 knots. The hull of the ship is steel and its approximate displacement is 800t loaded. The maximum speed is restricted to 23 knots and the ship has autonomy for more than 3,500km.

As of 2012 the government of Cape Verde had plans for the acquisition of two other ships of the type, thus guaranteeing a minimum coverage in the territorial waters of Cape Verde, as well as in the exclusive economic zone of the country. According to declarations made by the Cape Verdean government, the ship will be used to combat narco-trafficking and guarantee the defense of what Cape Verde has the most important, its Exclusive Economic Zone.

The Guardian was built in the Dutch shipyards Damen and is considered a type of revolutionary ship. Its most distinctive feature is its straight prow, reminiscent of the ships of the early twentieth century and with an "ax-bow" appearance. According to engineers in the Dutch shipyards, this type of solution was studied with the aim of ensuring the best performance and stability of the ship in oceanic waters. The new ship of the navy of Cape Verde cost € 10,900,000 but received no arms. They are expected to receive a piece of artillery in the future.

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