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Força Aérea Cabo Verdiana

Força Aérea Cabo Verdiana, formed 1982, had 6 cargo and light planes. At one time the Guarda Costeira de Cabo Verde had one plane. The national flag was the fin flash, which changed as the flag changed in 1992.

The Cape Verdean Defense Minister said 14 February 2012 that in the next six months the Cape Verdean air force will have new airplanes to monitor territorial waters and ensure an effective fight against international crime. Speaking to journalists at the end of the inauguration ceremony for the new commanders of the National Guard / Army and Logistics, Jorge Tolentino did not specify how many planes will join the only existing one, a 'Dornier', which, after years of stoppage, would resume operations in the coming days.

"Cape Verde will never be a safe and safe cove for international crime," the minister said during the ceremony. He told journalists that there are already "very concrete" results in combating the different types of trafficking that Cape Verde has as a Way to other destinations. "At the limit of the resources we have, which are meager but have worked in complementarity, we have very concrete results against organized crime," he said.

For Jorge Tolentino, the challenge and the challenge is to "reinforce more and more" the security institutions of Cape Verde, among them the Armed Forces. "We have very concrete investments in relation to the Coast Guard, which has recently been reinforced with a large ship for inspection by the naval squadron, and we will enter the next time in a fast pace Of investments in the aerial squadron, "explained Jorge Tolentino. "The 'Dornier' aircraft is scheduled to resume operations in the next few days and we will have, I daresay, in the coming months very concrete investments in operational means, ie more airplanes for the airborne squadron. More units for the aerial squadron, "he added.

Cape Verde was seeking partnerships from countries such as Portugal and Brazil to acquire aircraft to patrol and inspect Cape Verdean territorial waters and ensure an effective fight against international crime. The information was released 20 February 2012 by a spokesman for the Council of the Cape Verdean Ministry of Defense, Major António Silva Rocha, who announced that, shortly, Minister Jorge Tolentino would go to Brazil to discuss the matter with his counterpart Brazilian.

"The acquisition of aircraft is a priority for this year. The negotiation of the helicopters with China is underway and we will seek new partnerships for the acquisition of fixed-wing aircraft (aircraft), important in maritime surveillance and search and rescue operations. Rescue," he explained. Silva Rocha said that Brazil is one of the possible partners, as well as Portugal, in the framework of the technical working group with the Portuguese Defense Minister on the Economy of the Sea.

The major did not mention the amount needed to purchase the equipment, nor how many will be purchased. "It is very difficult for Cape Verde to acquire these resources only with the financial resources of the country, and that makes these processes very complex, we need to do the study and then look for financing protocols," he explained.

Airports - with paved runways:
total: 			9
over 3,047 m:		1
1,524 to 2,437 m:	3
914 to 1,523 m:		3
under 914 m: 		2

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