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Garde Nationale et Nomade du Tchad (G.N.N.T.)

National and Nomadic Guard of Chad [ Nomadic Guard of Chad GNNT], known as the Nomadic Guard, is attached to the Ministry of Interior and Security. The GNNT is an internal security force attached to the Ministry of National Defense for employment, operational defense territory. The GNNT was created a Military Training Homeland Security in accordance with Law No. 024 / PR / 94 of 20 July 1994.

The nomads of Chad's dry, northern areas include the Arabs and the Toubous. These two ethnic groups, both of which are caucasian muslims, formerly made their livelihood not only from nomadic herding, but also from slaving raids, preying upon the black tribes to the south. The Arabs, also found in small numbers throughout the country, are the second largest ethnic group of Chad. The warlike nature of the Toubou tribes has continued to affect Chad even into modern times. Both Toubou and Arab nomads in the north had strong tribal allegiances; hence they resisted the forced imposition of the alien French culture and institutions. Therefore, the French government in the north consisted of a military regime dedicated to preserving order.

By the late 1960's, the Chadian armed forces were divided into the Territorial Guard (later called the Garde Nationale et Nomade), the Surete Nationale, the gendarmerie, and the regular army. Except for the small number of nomad guards, the army and other security components continued to be composed primarily of members from southern ethnic groups, especially the Sara. Little effort was made to enlist northerners, who, in spite of their reputation as fierce warriors, were not attracted to the professional army.

The GNNT was first known in the 1960s as the Territorial Guard, but was early renamed in the decade Nomad and National Guard, and carried out much the same duties it does today, that is providing security for officials, government buildings, and regional government posts. Police functions in Chad were the responsibility of the National Military Police (Police Militaire Nationale-PMN), the Territorial Military Police (Police Militaire Territoriale-PMT), and the National Security Police, known as the Surete. To replace the National Gendarmerie, the 1979 GUNT coalition formed a police unit of soldiers drawn from FAN and FAP, with token contributions from the other military factions. Mixed military patrols attempted to maintain order in the capital among the contending factions. After the Habr6 government had been installed in 1982, most of the previous functions of the National Gendarmerie were entrusted to the newly created PMT. Many of the latter's personnel were southerners who had rallied to the government; it was often popularly referred to as the "gendarmerie."

In 1987 the PMT had an authorized strength of 1,600, but its personnel were poorly equipped, often armed with weapons confiscated from former codos. The PMT was nominally subject to the Ministry of Interior, and its field units were subject to the local prefect. In practice, the force came under military authority, and individual units were under jurisdiction of FANT military zone and subzone commanders.

The National and Nomadic Guard of Chad mission:

    The maintenance of order and public safety; The protection of public authorities and buildings; Police services; Guard and escort of prisoners; Active participation alongside other forces in wartime or requisition of disorders operations; The execution of the administrative authority; Tax collection.
National and Nomadic Guard of Chad comprises:
    the command of the National Guard and Nomad Chad with its organs and departments located in N'Djamena; the Central Group based in the capital and units based in the Heads-venues of the Prefectures; Detachments by administrative units; Companies of Intervention (CI) for the National Guard and Nomad speeches Companies (CIN) for the Guards Nomads; One or more Fluviales Brigades; From a single Instruction Center responsible for recruit training, operation of student platoons and recycling of organic units.

National and Nomadic Guard of Chad is commanded by a general officer or senior officer, assisted by two senior officers and assisted by an adviser. The Command of the National Guard and Nomad Chad has to perform its functions of Staff including the command and administrative personnel necessary for managing a staff, equipment and budget appropriations made disposition. Staff Command and administration are gathered in a central group commanded by an officer. The central grouping comprises: a Mobile Intervention Company; a company outside row (Honorary Section and Music); a service General.

Each prefectural unit of the National Guard and Nomad Chad is controlled by a senior officer assisted by a Subordinate Officer. The Prefectural National Guard unit and Nomad Chad does not fall under the authority of the Military Region Command of the place with which it is in cooperation, except as regards the defense of the territory in time disorder or war. In peacetime, any unit of the National Guard and Nomad Chad exclusively within the administrative authority responsible for its preparation and its implementation. In the context of law enforcement, the use of interventions Airlines (CI) and the Nomads speeches Companies (CIN) by administrative authorities should be on requisition duly signed by them or by representative of civil authority or service can receive delegated authority to the scene of the intervention. The Company Response (SR) or the Company Unplugged Intervention (CIN) is controlled by a Subordinate Officer.

In 2012, GNNT launched a youth recruitment from 18 to 25 years. The recruits have completed one year of training at the Moussoro Education Centre. At the end of their training, some elements have been affected in different groups GNNT to exercise and in other directions in N'Djamena. These young recruits numbered 1000, both sexes. These young people were treated as trainees, with a modest salary of fifteen thousand francs (15.000F CFA) for a year. In January 2014, the situation of recruits has been set. Their salary was revised upwards to 60.000F CFA. The balance Directorate has raised a point of six months, that is to say 60,000 F CFA per month salary. Mathematically, this gives 60.000F CFA x 6 = 360.000F CFA element is 60,000 CFA x 1000 = 60.000.000F CFA .

Funded by the French Cooperation and directed by the leadership of the GNNT the new position MANDJOURA was inaugurated June 17, 2014. MANDJOURA village, located 75 km east of Moussoro is a sub-prefecture of BARH-EL-GAZEL who enjoys company of the National Guard and Nomad Chad whose role is essential in securing the zoned. To enable the company GNNT MANDJOURA to fulfill its mission in the best conditions, it was decided in agreement with the COM-GNNT, General Mahamat Salah BRAHIM Corps, to provide it with a permanent building for sheltering the station transmissions, the Office of command and sensitive equipment. Thus the French cooperation, the ticket of its project to support GNNT, financed the purchase of N'DJAMENA of equipment for construction. This was then transported by a tractor trailer in DGRS to the place where the site GNNT of the workers have worked for a month to build a new post. This renovation is part of the continuity of the fifteen already renovated or rebuilt stations across the country since 2007, the launch year project to support GNNT. The excellent work of the workers of the GNNT be emphasized. These have, in less than a month, built quality building.

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