
Where are the Gators?

Expeditionary Strike Groups

Amphibious Ready Groups

Carrier Battle Groups
IDTC - Inter-Deployment Training Cycle

Where Were the Gators?


Status Color Code
Pre-Deployment Workup DEPLOYED Post Deployment In Overhaul Building

IDTC Progression

Amphibious Assault Ship News Date Evolution
Forward Deployed
LHA-6 America [news] 06 Dec 2019
May 2019
09 Mar 2018
02 Feb 2018
05 Oct 2016
23 May 2016
Mar 2016
02 Feb 2016
14 Jan 2016
arrived at Sasebo
to replaces Wasp at Sasebo
offload ammunition
return from WESTPAC deployment
COMREL in San Diego
Flight Deck Recertification
finish Post-Shakedown Availability (PSA)
75 percent completion milestone Post-Shakedown Availability (PSA)
search and rescue (SAR) recertification
LHD-4 Boxer [news]
[wordpress] [facebook]
13 Nov 2019
25 Jun 2019
22 Jan 2019
22 Jan 2018
12 Sep 2016
16 Jun 2016
11 Jun 2016
27 Feb 2016
Arrive Pearl Harbor
Arrived 5th Fleet AOR
Southern California Operating Areas off of San Diego
light off assessment (LOA)
15-month phased maintenance availability
returned to homeport of San Diego
AV-8B Harriers bombed Daash, with USS Harry S. Truman
concluded four-day port visit to Bahrain
began operating in the U.S. 7th Fleet area of operations
LHD-5 Bataan
[news] 06 Jan 2020
01 Jan 2020
09 Sep 2019
28 Jul 2019
10 Jan 2019
30 Oct 2018
?? Jan 2018
23 Sep 2017
23 Sep 2016
10 Jun 2016
10 Feb 2016
03 Feb 2016
ordered to CENTCOM
training with Morocco
Bahamas Hurricane Dorian relief
Surface Warfare Advanced Tactical Training
in port Naval Station Norfolk
returned to Norvolk after 11 months @ BAE Ship Repair
started 11 months @ BAE Ship Repair
completed MED17 deployment
completed 2-week PHIBRON-MEU Integrated Training (PMINT)
change of command ceremony
War Familiarization Exercise (WARFEX)
completed sea trials
LHD-7 Iwo Jima [news] 15 Dec 2019
15 Dec 2019
05 Apr 2019
06 Dec 2018
28 Nov 2018
09 Aug 2018
11 Dec 2017
11 Oct 2016
departed Norfolk for seatrials
year-long Chief of Naval Operations (CNO) maintenance availability
Returns to Mayport Homeport
departed 6th Fleet AOR
returned to homeport of Mayport
Combined Composite Training Unit Exercise (COMPTUEX)
steaming to Haiti for Joint Task Force (JTF) Matthew
PMA [phased maintenance availability] finish
LHD-3 Kearsarge [news] 18 Jul 2019
25 Jun 2019
14 May 2019
17 Jan 2019
17 Dec 2018
13 Oct 2018
21 Aug 2018
06 Nov 2017
31 Aug 2017
03 Oct 2016
05 Apr 2016
12 Jan 2016
returned to Norfolk
replaced by Boxer
Arabian Sea
departed Souda Bay, Greece
deployed for MED18
composite training unit exercise (COMPTUEX)
ARG Marine Expeditionary Unit exercise (ARGMEUEX)
completed 68 days of hurricane relief in Puerto Rico
departed for the Gulf Coast for Hurricane Harvey relief
in homeport at Naval Station Norfolk
departed U.S. 5th Fleet area of operation
Muscat, Oman four-day port visit
LHD-2 Essex [news]
01 Mar 2019
05 Jan 2019
07 Oct 2018
Sep 2018
Jun 2017
30 Sep 2016
03 Mar 2016
returned from deployment
in the Arabian Sea
in the Arabian Sea
deployed Gulf of Aden, with F-35B
PMA completed
In port, San Diego
phased maintenance availability (PMA) award
LHD-1 Wasp [news]
18 Nov 2019
04 Sep 2019
18 Jun 2019
24 Jan 2019
04 Apr 2018
22 Dec 2016
13 Oct 2016
01 Aug 2016
25 Jun 2016
24 May 2016
03 Mar 2016
returned to Norfolk
departed 7th Fleet
Syndney port call
flight operations, East China Sea
Ssangyong [double dragon] amphibious landing drill, w/ F-35B
finished offloading the 22nd Marine Expeditionary Unit (MEU)
At sea, Gulf of Aden
Operation Odyssey Lightning (OOL) Libya
Marine Expeditionary Unit/Amphibious Ready Group deployment
Completes Composite Training Unit Exercise
completed Group Commander Fleet Synthetic Training (FST-GC)
LHD-8 Makin Island [news] ?? Nov 2018
25 Aug 2017
15 May 2017
Fall 2016
22 Sep 2016
08 Jun 2016
09 Feb 2016
08 Jan 2016
?? planned completed upgrade with F-35B deck
14 month depot-level planned maintenance availability (DPMA) @ NASSCO
retured from WESTPAC
scheduled deployment
completed a two-week Certification Exercise (CERTEX)
integrated training phase
conducting operations off the coast of Southern California
completed phased maintenance availability (PMA) in San Diego
LHD-6 Bonhomme Richard [news] [facebook] 2019
09 May 2018
21 Apr 2018
14 Apr 2018
04 Apr 2018
14 Oct 2016
10 Apr 2016
28 Feb 2016
extended maintenance availability, F-35B upgrade
arrived in San Diego, new homeport
final time in Sasebo
Okinawa White Beach Festival 2018
Ssangyong [double dragon] amphibious landing drill
at sea, South China Sea
completed deployment in US 7th Fleet AOR
completed certification exercise (CERTEX) with 31st MEU in the East China Sea
LHA 7 Tripoli Summer 2020
06 Jan 2020
fall 2019
19 Jul 2019
01 May 2017
Commission Summer 2020
Commission ???
completed Builder's Trials Launch
LHA-5 Peleliu [news] 31 Mar 2015

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