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ON POINT II: Transition to the New Campaign

The United States Army in Operation IRAQI FREEDOM May 2003-January 2005

Dr. Donald P. Wright
Colonel Timothy R. Reese
with the
Contemporary Operations Study Team






Part I. Setting the Stage

Chapter 1. Overview of Operation IRAQI FREEDOM: May 2003 to January 2005

Chapter 2. The US Army’s Historical Legacy of Military Operations Other Than War and the Planning for Operation IRAQI FREEDOM

Chapter 3. The Rise of the Iraqi Insurgency and the US Army’s Response

Part II. Transition to a New Campaign

Chapter 4. Leading the New Campaign: Transitions in Command and Control in Operation IRAQI FREEDOM

Chapter 5. Intelligence and High-Value Target Operations

Chapter 6. Detainee Operations

Chapter 7. Fighting the Battle of Ideas in Iraq

Chapter 8. Combined Arms Operations in Iraq

Part III. Toward the Objective: Building a New Iraq

Chapter 9. The US Army and the Reconstruction of Iraq

Chapter 10. A Country United, Stable, and Free: US Army Governance Operations in Iraq

Chapter 11. Training the Iraqi Security Forces

Part IV. Sustaining the Campaign

Chapter 12. Logistics and Combat Service Support Operations

Chapter 13. Taking Care of Soldiers

Part V. Conclusion

Chapter 14. Implications


Appendix A. Coalition Provisional Authority Order Number 1, De-Baathification of Iraqi Society

Appendix B. Coalition Provisional Authority Order Number 2, Dissolution of Entities

Appendix C. Unit Areas of Responsibility, 2003–2004

Appendix D. Theater Structure, 2003–2005

Appendix E. Unit Areas of Responsibility, 2004–2005

Appendix F. US Army in Operation IRAQI FREEDOM Order of Battle: May 2003–January 2005

Appendix G. Chronology, Operation IRAQI FREEDOM Major Events, September 2001 to January 2005



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