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1992 Reports

  • Conduct of the Persian Gulf War, Final Report to Congress, April 1992 Pursuant to Title V of the Persian Gulf Conflict Supplemental Authorization and Personnel Benefits Act of 1991 (Public Law 102-25) [6100 kb PDF]
  • "The Nigerian Civil War: Causes, Strategies, And Lessons Learnt" by Major Abubakar A. Atofarati. Marine Corps University Command and Staff College [1992] A review of the causes, strategies and the lessons learnt by the Nigerian Civil War.
  • "Regaining Control Of The Modernization Process" by Major R.A. Arnold, United States Marine Corps. Marine Corps University Command and Staff College [1992] Argues that the current acquisition system is effected by differrent perceptions of threats, argues for compromise.
  • "Laser Mythology" by Major Roger D. Atkins, United States Marine Corps. Marine Corps University Command and Staff College [1992] There are too many Marines that do not fully understand current Marine Corps laser systems and how to best employ them to increase the combat power of the MAGTF.
  • "Increase The Size Of The FSSG: An Evolutionary Idea" by Major William S. Aitken, United States Marine Corps. Marine Corps University Command and Staff College [1992] Even though the emphasis on mobile and rapid warfare demands that the Marine Corps have a logistics capability that is rapidly deployable and capable of supporting sustained, large-scale, combat operations, at this time Marine Corps logistics doctrine and organization does not fully support this concept.
  • "Counternarcotics In Peru: High Risk, Low Return" by Lt. Commander C.D. Bott, United States Navy. Marine Corps University Command and Staff College [1992] The current U.S. national strategy of using the military to fight narcotics trafficking in Peru risks undercutting Peruvi- an President Fujimori, with little chance of long-term success; our strategy should, instead, support Fujimori through assistance in counterinsurgency training.
  • "Will The Next War Be Like The Last One?" by Major Drew A. Bennett, United States Marine Corps. Marine Corps University Command and Staff College [1992] Reviews the Gulf War, theorizes about future conflicts.
  • "The Opposed Amphibious Assault Dilemma" by Major D. L. Brush, United States Marine Corps. Marine Corps University Command and Staff College [1992] The Navy/Marine Corps team must reassess its equipment, training and tactics if it is going to be able to conduct amphibious assaults against defended beaches in the future.
  • "Post-Independence Low Intensity Conflict In Kenya" by Major H. K. Biwott, United States Marine Corps. Marine Corps University Command and Staff College [1992] A review of the conlfict in Kenya.
  • "Can We Afford A Marine Corps?" by Major J. T. Boggs, Jr., United States Marine Corps. Marine Corps University Command and Staff College [1992] Discusses the costs and advantages of having a Marine Corps.
  • "Naval Aviation: Running On Fumes" by Major Russell H. Bell, United States Marine Corps. Marine Corps University Command and Staff College [1992] The current requirement that the Navy must use Air Force tankers in meeting its need for strategic refueling has proven itself inadequate and unresponsive and the time has come for the Navy to obtain its own land-based tankers."
  • "Geography, National Power, And Strategy" by Major Robert I. Boland, III, United States Marine Corps. Marine Corps University Command and Staff College [1992] To be effective in dealing with regional crises, military leaders must understand the way in which geography affects strategic and operational planning, tactics, logistics operations, relations with civilian populations, and the military evaluations of areas.
  • "AH-1W Air Combat Maneuver Training -- Why It Must Be Reinstated" by Major R. M. Brady, United States Marine Corps. Marine Corps University Command and Staff College [1992] In order for an HMLA squadron to be capable of accomplishing its three doctrinal anti-air warfare (AAW) mission, AH-1W air combat maneuver (ACM) training must be reinstated.
  • "The Third Revolution Of Artillery" by Major S. A. Bucher, United States Marine Corps. Marine Corps University Command and Staff College [1992] Argues that the military is on the brink of a revolution in artillery.
  • "A NEO Is More Than A Maneuver" by Major S. L. Bumgardner, United States Marine Corps. Marine Corps University Command and Staff College [1992] The Department of Defense needs to create joint doctrine for the conduct of noncombatant evacuation operations (NEO) which recognizes the significant political consequences of the operation.
  • "Drug Epidemic Not War" by Major William L. Burnham, United States Army. Marine Corps University Command and Staff College [1992] Argues against military involvement in the drug war.
  • "The Reorganization Of Marine Artillery" by Major W. N. Brown Jr., United States Marine Corps. Marine Corps University Command and Staff College [1992] This paper examines the evolution of the current artillery reorganization and evaluates its suitability in meeting the fire support needs of the MAGTF.
  • "War Termination And Our Cultural Heritage" by Major Daniel E. Cushing, United States Marine Corps. Marine Corps University Command and Staff College [1992] The American view of war termination in recent times has overwhelmingly required victory as the principle consideration; this is an end result of the major conflicts that the society has participated in.
  • "U.S. Expeditionary Force Alternatives" by Major R. A. Christie, United States Marine Corps. Marine Corps University Command and Staff College [1992] Given current world uncertainties, the United States' future military strategy may place an even greater emphasis on ground forces and the amphibious ships needed to transport them.
  • "Coalition Warfare In Latin America" by Major R. A. Colbert, United States Air Force. Marine Corps University Command and Staff College [1992] Discusses the ways in which a coalition effort in Latine America may be differrent from the coalition force during the Gulf War.
  • "Mines: Will They Sink The U.S. Navy?" by Lt. Commander C. A. Donahoe, United States Navy. Marine Corps University Command and Staff College [1992] Argues that USN countermine warfare is insufficient.
  • "The Need For Improved Helicopter Navigation Systems" by Major C.W. D'Ambra, United States Marine Corps. Marine Corps University Command and Staff College [1992] The navigation equipment on board Marine Corps helicopters, tasked to fly in support of MEU(SOC) missions, Is inadequate to meet the demanding mission requirements.
  • "Express It: Privatization Of Airlift" by Major Dale L. DeKinder, United States Air Force. Marine Corps University Command and Staff College [1992] Discusses the implications of privatizing airlift capabilities.
  • "Is The FSCL Obsolete?" by Major Richard C. Daniels, United States Marine Corps. Marine Corps University Command and Staff College [1992] Although misinterpreted and improperly used as a boundary to delineate battlefield areas of responsibility, the Fire Support Coordination Line facilitates maximum effective use of battlefield operating systems (BOS).
  • "The FSCL. Is It Still Valid Today?" by Major Robert D. Dozier, United States Marine Corps. Marine Corps University Command and Staff College [1992] The FSCL is supposed to be a tool to help the battle run smoothly; however, it is a source of argument between the U.S. services to determine exactly what the FSCL will do.
  • "Battlefield Mobility And The Soldier's Load" by Major William L. Ezell, United States Marine Corps. Marine Corps University Command and Staff College [1992] Discusses the risks of overloading infantrymen, outlines methods to tailor loads.
  • "The Who" For Offensive Relief In Future MIC/HIC" by Major B.H. Fullerton, United States Army. Marine Corps University Command and Staff College [1992] The combat aviation brigade from the corps is well capable and suited for providing a planned offensive relief for division-sized forces in future armed conflict.
  • "Clausewitz vs. The Scholar: Martin Van Creveld's Expanded Theory Of War" by Major K. M. French, United States Marine Corps. Marine Corps University Command and Staff College [1992] Discusses Van Crevald's theories on non-conventional warfare.
  • "The Need For A Greater Expeditionary Capability In The United States Air Force" by Major Richard A. Fryer Jr., United States Air Force. Marine Corps University Command and Staff College [1992] The changing world scene implies the USAF must be an expeditionary force to be able to project significant power in all contingencies.
  • "Mobile Subscriber Equipment, The Future Of Communications In The Marine Corps?" by Major Bill Febuary, United States Marine Corps. Marine Corps University Command and Staff College [1992] Although MSE has some advantages over current Marine Corps communication systems, it is an extremely expensive solution to mobile, secure communications on the battlefield.
  • "Protection of SFS 2000 Against PGMS" by Lt Col. Gunnarsson, Goran, Royal Swedish Navy. Marine Corps University Command and Staff College [1992] "Lessons learned", how PGMs were used in Operation Desert Storm together with indications on future developments will give us a good foundation to decide in what areas we have to conduct further studies in order to give SFS 2000, a new Swedish coastal defense system, sufficient protection against PGMs.
  • "Redefining Operational Art: Continuing The Reform" by Major Jeff D. Grelson, United States Marine Corps. Marine Corps University Command and Staff College [1992] Argues that a reevaluation of operational art and presenting a concise definition in ways that can be taught, assimilated and practised is crucial.
  • "Marine Corps C2 Systems Integration: Considerations For The Future" by Major Robert A. Gearhart Jr., United States Marine Corps. Marine Corps University Command and Staff College [1992] The Marine Corps can streamline C2 systems integration by employing the C4I2 concept, improving professional military education, removing M0S progression path impediments, and using a more logical manpower to billet assignment process.
  • "Amphibious Forces: The Gulf War (A Study In Quick Response And The Versatility Of Amphibious Forces)" by Major Charles M. Herndon, United States Marine Corps. Marine Corps University Command and Staff College [1992] Marine Corps planners should consider the deployment of Brigade size forces, as the only MAGTF potent enough, to provide a viable deterrent option to the CINC's in future regional conflicts.
  • "Marine Aviation Logistics Squadron" by Major Charles T. Hayes, United States Marine Corps. Marine Corps University Command and Staff College [1992] Argues that MALS are an ideal system for the Marine Corps.
  • "The United States Needs The B-2 Bomber" by Major Kenneth P. Hasenbein, United States Air Force. Marine Corps University Command and Staff College [1992] Argues that the B-2 is a key component of the US warfighting capability.
  • "The Achilles Heel Of Our National Strategy: Sealift" by Major M. L. Hayes, United States Marine Corps. Marine Corps University Command and Staff College [1992] The United States has an insufficient surge sealift capability and is rapidly approaching an insufficient sustainment sealift capability.
  • "Desert Shield And Desert Storm And Weinberger's Tests For The Uses Of Military Power" by Major Stanley L. Hill, United States Air Force. Marine Corps University Command and Staff College [1992] Argues that the Gulf War met the Weinberger Doctrine criteria for the use of military power.
  • "US Merchant Marine: Reviving A National Asset" by Major R. W. Ingles, United States Marine Corps. Marine Corps University Command and Staff College [1992] Argues that the US needs to procure enough vessels revitalize the merchant marine fleet.
  • "Marine Reserve Readiness" by Major D.T. Jackson, United States Marine Corps. Marine Corps University Command and Staff College [1992] Argues that the Marine Corps reserve training structure should be reformed to increase readiness.
  • "The USMC Medium--Lift Replacement Dilema" by Major H. C. Jackson, United States Marine Corps. Marine Corps University Command and Staff College [1992] Argues for the procurement of the MV-22 and the retirement of the CH-46E.
  • "The Time Has Come For The Marine Air Defense (MAD) Battalion And The Hawk Mobility Survivability Enhancement (HMSE) Program" by Major Jeffrey Josserand, United States Marine Corps. Marine Corps University Command and Staff College [1992] Argues that the equipment and organization of Marine air defense is insufficient.
  • "Reevaluating Our Amphibious Doctrine" by Major R. J. Johnson, United States Marine Corps. Marine Corps University Command and Staff College [1992] Argues for a reevaluation of amphibious warfare doctrine.
  • "Friendly Fire On Today's Battlefield" by Major A.C. Koehler, United States Army. Marine Corps University Command and Staff College [1992] U.S. armed forces lack an adequate capability to identify friendly vehicles on the battlefield; however, through advances in technology and training, this problem can be reduced.
  • "Low-Intensity Conflict And The Marine Air-Ground Task Force" by Major C. E. Kirkley, United States Marine Corps. Marine Corps University Command and Staff College [1992] Argues that the Marine Corps is uniquelly suited for LOIC.
  • "A Historical Comparison Of TACAIR Doctrine Since World War II" by Major J.R. Keadle, United States Marine Corps. Marine Corps University Command and Staff College [1992] A review of TACAIR doctrines since World War II.
  • "Grenada: Hindsight" Marine Corps University Command and Staff College [1992] An analysis of Operation Urgent Fury.
  • "Remain Behind Equipment - A Dilemma In The Rear Of Prepo Ops" by Major M. E. Kampsen, United States Marine Corps. Marine Corps University Command and Staff College [1992] The Marine Corps should reevaluate RBE policies and procedures at both the service and local levels, modify computer systems to better support RBE management, and include RBE management as an integral part of training for prepo ops.
  • "Case Study In Failure: The Iraqi Air Campaign, 1991" by Robert L. Knight, GS-13, Central Intelligence Agency. Marine Corps University Command and Staff College [1992] Analyzes the GUlf War from the perspective of Eliot COhen and John Gooch.
  • "The Amphibious Assault And The Advanced Assault Amphibian" by Major K.R. Lardie, United States Marine Corps. Marine Corps University Command and Staff College [1992] Argues for the procurement of the Advanced Assault Amphibian.
  • "Navy SEALs And The Battle For The SOF Budget" by Lt. Commander Richard B. Landolt, United States Navy. Marine Corps University Command and Staff College [1992] Funding for our special operations forces must, at a minimum, be maintained at current levels.
  • "The Reunification Of Korea" by Major R. W. Larsen, United States Marine Corps. Marine Corps University Command and Staff Colleg [1992] A study of the potential reunification of Korea reveals political, military and economic issues of importance to the region and the world.
  • "Simulating The SuperCobra" by Major William R. Liston, United States Marine Corps. Marine Corps University Command and Staff College [1992] The SuperCobra is a complicated and expensive aircraft that requires "hands-on" training. Therefore, greater use of flight simulators for pilot training will lower operating costs, increase pilot proficiency, and save war- fighting assets.
  • "Improving Our Ability To Fight (And Win) Theater Air Campaigns" by Major A. L. Mink II, United States Air Force. Marine Corps University Command and Staff College [1992] Although Desert Storm highlighted critical weaknesses in the Air Tasking Order (ATO) process and the computer systems used to support the process, a new USAF system, CTAPS, will overcome the limitations of the current system and promote interservice cooperation.
  • "Combining Naval Aviation's Helicopter Communities: The First Step" by Lt. Commander A. R. MacConnell, United States Navy. Marine Corps University Command and Staff College [1992] Argues for the combining of the Helicopter Antisubmarine Squadron and Helicopter Antisubmarine Squadron Light communities.
  • "Marine Reserve Aviation: Capable Of A Larger Role?" by Major C. E. Mamzic, United States Marine Corps. Marine Corps University Command and Staff College [1992] In order to maintain combat capability while reducing force structure, Marine Corps force planners should transfer more aviation units to the Marine Corps Reserve, and incorporate Marine Reserve units in active duty commands.
  • "The Weinberger Doctrine In The Post-Cold War Era" by Major Colin F. Mayo, United States Marine Corps. Marine Corps University Command and Staff College [1992] Notwithstanding its origins as a response to security concerns in the bipolar world of the Cold War, Secretary Weinberger's set of tests remains a legitimate framework in which to deliberate the question of committing military forces to combat.
  • "Joint Force Air Component Commander: The Joint Air Control Cold War Rages On" by Major D. R. Motz, United States Marine Corps. Marine Corps University Command and Staff College [1992] The increased importance of joint doctrine and the evolving role and authority of the Joint Force Air Component Commander (JFACC) has served to increase concern that the Marine Air Ground Task Force (MAGTF) commander will lose control of fixed-wing aviation assets that are vital to his combat effectiveness.
  • "LAV: Time For A Real MOS" by Major D.R. Miller, U.S. Marine Corps. Marine Corps University Command and Staff College [1992] Establishment of a primary MOS for all LAV Marines will capture operational experience, provide focus for the LAV program, enhance training, and ensure combat readiness of LAI/LAR units.
  • "Air Power--Maneuver Element Or Pretender?" by Major G.A. Morrison, United States Marine Corps. Marine Corps University Command and Staff College [1992] The Marine Corps as an institution would help itself by realizing that air power, for all of its capabilities and numerous applications in reconnaissance, security force operations, interdiction and close air support roles is an enabler of victory on the ground--a supporting arm.
  • "Strategic Sealift: A Fleeting Capability?" by Lt. Commander G. Mark McLamb, United States Navy. Marine Corps University Command and Staff College [1992] Unless the United States is willing to substantially invest in a healthy and viable maritime industry, the pattern of increased dependence upon foreign-sourced strategic sealift assets will continue.
  • "WWMCCS In The Marine Corps: Time For Changes" by Major Heinz M. McArthur, United States Marine Corps. Marine Corps University Command and Staff College [1992] Significant changes in the World-Wide Military Command and Control System (WWMCCS) are imminent; these changes and a chronic shortage of expertise dictate the Marine Corps restructure its organization and training for WWMCCS support.
  • "Truman Or MacArthur: Who's In Command?" by Julie A. Miller. Marine Corps University Command and Staff College [1992] Truman was clearly within his constitutional authority as the sole voice of foreign policy in the U.S. Government to relieve General MacArthur as Commander-in-Chief of the Far East.
  • "Amphibious Warfare And The Composite Warfare Commander Concept: Doctrine In Need Of Change by Major J. V. Medina, United States Marine Corps. Marine Corps University Command and Staff College [1992] Amphibious warfare doctrine requires significant revision to incorporate the Marine Corps doctrine of maneuver warfare into the Navy's composite warfare commander (CWC) concept.
  • "Defining the Event Horizon: The Marine Corps and the Dialectic of Maneuver Warfare and AirLand Battle" by Major Kenneth F. McKenzie, Jr., United States Marine Corps.
  • "The Structure Of The US Strategic Mobility System: Is It Adequate And Cost Effective?" by Major L. A. Mercado, Jr., United States Marine Corps. Marine Corps University Command and Staff College [1992] The present structure of the US strategic mobility system does not possess sufficient sealift assets to sustain deployed forces beyond the initial phase of the contingency.
  • "Integration Of Naval Forces: The Time Has Come" by Lt. Commander M. P. McMillen, United States Navy, Marine Corps University Command and Staff College [1992] U.S. Naval Forces must respond to declining budget allocations with innovative methods for employing available forces to ensure that they adequately provide for the national defense.
  • "The Standing Joint Task Force Afloat" by Lt. Commander Patrick M. McMillin, United States Navy. Marine Corps University Command and Staff College [1992] To support the National Military Strategy the CINC must structure his limited assets to respond to regional contingency and peacekeeping operations.
  • "Attack Helicopters In Search Of The Right FARP" by Major S. E. Mills, United States Marine Corps. Marine Corps University Command and Staff College [1992] Desert Storm proved that the Marine Corps must improve its Forward Arming and Refueling Point.
  • "The Improved Direct Air Support Center" by Major Steven H. Mattos, United States Marine Corps. Marine Corps University Command and Staff College [1992] An analysis of the Direct Air Support Center.
  • "The USMC Special Operations Capable (SOC) Concept: An Alternative Approach" by Major W.J. Morrissey, United States Army Reserve. Marine Corps University Command and Staff College [1992] Compares the Marines to Special Operations, recommends that the Marines promote ampbibious warfare as a special operations mission.
  • "Force 2001: The Employment Of Marine Aviation In Offensive Air Support" by Major Oly Olson, United States Marine Corps. Marine Corps University Command and Staff College Marine air power should be utilized in the deep and strategic deep battle areas first and assigned to CAS once these targets have been fully serviced.
  • "C-17: A Critical Asset" by Major B.W. Peters, U.S. Air Force. Marine Corps University Command and Staff College [1992] Argues for a reevaluation of the C-17, supports a greater emphasis on it and additional procurement.
  • "The F/A-18: A MAGTF Weapon Accepted By The Marine Corps--But Is It Accepted By Marines?" by Major John. C. Pross, United States Marine Corps. Marine Corps University Command and Staff College [1992] Argues that the F/A-18 plays an important role in MAGTF, but that 'unsubstatiated' claims are creating negative perceptions of the program.
  • "Keeping MAC Airborne" by Major J E. Page, United States Marine Corps. Marine Corps University Command and Staff College [1992] The C-17 program should receive strong support from military and strategic planners in order to ensure that defense budgets provide for adequate production of that aircraft to fill our mobility needs.
  • "Force Of Choice: It Can Be Everywhere-But Can Go Anywhere" by Major John J. Pomfret, United States Marine Corps. Marine Corps University Command and Staff College [1992] The Marine Corps should become more deployable to adapt to strategic lift constraints and CINC requirements.
  • "Blind Man's Bluff: The Reconnaissance And Counter-Reconnaissance Efforts In The Gettysburg Campaign 0f 1986" by Major J. A. Roberts, United States Marine Corps. Marine Corps University Command and Staff College [1992] Although often viewed as a peripheral aspect of the Gettysburg Campaign, the successes and failures of the tactical reconnaissance effort by both armies was the single most important aspect shaping events in this operation.
  • "U.S. Army Countermine Capability Is "Broken" by Major John H. Ruehe, United States Army. Marine Corps University Command and Staff College [1992] Although combat operations in Desert Storm were highly successful, the U.S. Army's countermine capability was shown to be deficient.
  • "Rethinking Close Air Support" by Major J. M. Redman, United States Marine Corps. Marine Corps University Command and Staff College [1992] Argues for greater reliance on the attack helicopter for close air support.
  • "Under The Cover of Darkness: Is Helicopter Night Training Keeping Pace With Technology?" by Major R. K. Read, United States Marine Corps. Marine Corps University Command and Staff College [1992] The Marine Corps helicopter community should fly 30% of its flight time during the hours of darkness.
  • "SOF Submarine Operations And The National Military Strategy" by Lt. Commander R.L. Rambeck, United States Navy. Marine Corps University Command and Staff College [1992] America should begin building some submarines designed from the keel up with a primary mission of supporting SOFs and a secondary mission of traditional attack submarine tasks.
  • "Retaining The Japanese/American Security Alliance" by Lt. Commander T.W. Roberts, United States Navy. Marine Corps University Command and Staff College [1992] Discusses the role of the US-Japan Security alliance in the post-Cold War environment.
  • "Friendly Fire: Reducing The Risk Of Future Battlefield Tragedies" by Lt. Commander Danny A. Shockley, United States Navy. Marine Corps University Command and Staff College [1992] Realistic training and new technology will help to reduce the risk of future friendly fire.
  • "The Joint Force Commander's Communications System" by Major Gene A. Steffanetta, U.S. Marine Corps. Marine Corps University Command and Staff College [1992] A joint force commander must understand the generic communications architecture and-support structure for the type and size force he commands.
  • "Coordinating The Marine Corps Crisis Response With The State Department" by Major Gary S. Supnick, United States Marine Corps. Marine Corps University Command and Staff College [1992] To ensure the safety of U. S. lives and property during crisis overseas, the U. S. Marine Corps and the Department of State must develop emergency response as a coordinated team.
  • "Marine Reserve Regimental And Battalion Staffs - Warfighting Or Administrative Headquarters?" by Major J. K. Sparks, Jr., United States Marine Corps. Marine Corps University Command and Staff College [1992] In order to ensure the viability of Marine reserve battalions and regiments in future conflicts the Corps must institute structure and policy changes that will properly prepare reserve combat units at echelons above the company.
  • "Give The Shiphandlers Experience" by Lt. Commander James T. Stewart, United States Navy. Marine Corps University Command and Staff College [1992] The experience gained through bridge watchstanding and shiphandling prior to command for Surface Warfare Officers is decreasing and must be raised.
  • "A Cobra Night Targeting System - Finally!" by Major M. L. Steele, United States Marine Corps. Marine Corps University Command and Staff College [1992] Equiping the AH-1 with a nigh fighting system is crucial to insuring continuous pressure on the enemy.
  • "MAGTF Battlefield Success: Synchronization And Execution Matrices" by Major T. E. Sittnick, United States Army. Marine Corps University Command and Staff College [1992] The present rapid planning model offered by FMFM 3-1 is inadequate to match the tempo of the modern battlefield.
  • "How Should JFACC Fit Into MAGTF?" by Major Thomas K. Sudbeck, United States Marine Corps. Marine Corps University Command and Staff College [1992] A review of the JFACC during the Gulf War.
  • "Determining The Future Of Naval Aviation: An Institutional Perspective" by Lt. Commander William B. Stedman, United States Navy. Marine Corps University Command and Staff College [1992] A review of Naval Aviation in a changing security environment.
  • "STOVL Strike Fighter: The Aircraft Of The Future" by Major D. H. Tierney, United States Marine Corps. Marine Corps University Command and Staff College [1992] The Marine Corps needs a modern, tactical fighter/ attack aircraft, capable of employing ASTOVL (advance short takeoff-vertical landing) techniques, to effectively employ air power in future conflicts.
  • "Campaign Planning: A Missing Piece In The Joint Planning Process" by Major Jeffrey J. Tierney, United States Army. Marine Corps University Command and Staff College [1992] To bridge the gap between national and military strategy, campaign planning should be integrated into the joint planning process.
  • "Missing The Deep Battle" by Major R. S. Trout. Marine Corps University Command and Staff College [1992] As the Marine Corps restructures to meet a shrinking defense budget, it should do so in such a manner as to gain the ability to fight in the deep battle area.
  • "Drug Interdiction--A Losing Strategy" by Major Warren R. Tate, United States Air Force. Marine Corps University Command and Staff College [1992] Direct military intervention into drug trafficking is not strategically sound, tactically suitable, or cost effective.
  • "Aerospace Power After The Storm: Where Do We Go From Here?" by Major Richard W. von Berckefeldt, United States Air Force. Marine Corps University Command and Staff College While the positive effect of air power on the outcome of Operation Desert Storm is generally unquestioned, the degree of its effect is subject to contradictions based largely on incomplete information or negative predisposition.
  • "Reconstitution, The Defense Industrial Base, And U.S. National Security" by Major Joseph P. Valore, Jr., United States Marine Corps. Marine Corps University Command and Staff College [1992] Discusses the risks involved with a weak economy and a declining military industrial complex on readiness.
  • "The Soviet Upheaval" by Major Jean -Paul Vallin. Marine Corps University Command and Staff College [1992] The threats posed by the new republics of the former Soviet Union, instead of diminishing with the fading away of World War III, have considerably increased and could act like a trap for the western democracies.
  • "Friendly Fire: Time For Action" by Major Bradford G. Washabaugh, United States Marine Corps. Marine Corps University Command and Staff College [1992] To reduce friendly fire casualties in future conflicts, the Marine Corps must implement changes in doctrine, organization, training, and material.
  • "Does A MAGTF Commander Have Sufficient Capability Within The MAGTF Command Element To Command A JTF?" by Major Edward M. Walsh, United States Marine Corps. Marine Corps University Command and Staff College [1992] Argues that differrent requirements and job descriptions mean that a MAGTF command element can be JTF only in limited circumstances.
  • "U.S. Marine Corps Force Structure: Another Look" by Major Glen White, United States Marine Corps. Marine Corps University Command and Staff College [1992] With the elimination of the Marine Expeditionary Brigade, the Marine Corps will no longer have the rapid response capability of medium, self-sustained, and established forces.
  • "Marine Corps Air Defense Of The Future: Strength Or Weakness?" by Captain Gregory K. Wilkinson, United States Marine Corps. Marine Corps University Command and Staff College [1992] Improvements to the TAOM and air defense systems are vital to the future of MAGTF operations.
  • "Armor In Low Intensity Conflict: What Is The Best Tactical Doctrine For Armor In Counterinsurgency?" by Major Jeffrey L. Wilkinson, United States Marine Corps. Marine Corps University Command and Staff College [1992] Since the Marine Corps has invested so much of its combat power and force structure into mechanized forces, it should plan to use those forces in LIC.
  • "LX: Key To The Future For The Amphibious Navy" by Major John R. Webb, United States Marine Corps. Marine Corps University Command and Staff College [1992] Now is the time for the Navy and Marine Corps to increase involvement in the LX program, ensuring that the vessel is indeed capable of supporting future MAGTF operations.
  • "The Maritime Strategy: Full Speed Ahead" by Lt. Commander M.E. Wagner, United States Navy. Marine Corps University Command and Staff College [1992] An analysis of Naval Strategy for the 21st Century.
  • "Entering The Golden Age With The Composite Warfare/ Amphibious Doctrine Dilemma" by Major T. D. Waldhauser, United States Marine Corps. Marine Corps University Command and Staff College [1992] An analysis of Composite Warfare strategy and amphibous warfare.
  • Freedom of Navigation: FY 1991 OPERATIONAL ASSERTIONS DoD Feb 1992

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