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1984 Reports

  • Handbook of the Chinese People's Liberation Army [15 MB PDF] DDB-2680-32-84 Defense Intelligence Agency; November 1984.
  • Soviet Design Policy and its Implications for U.S. Combat Aircraft Procurement Rebecca V. Strode Air University Review January/February 1984
  • Violence In The Congo: A Perspective Of United Nation's Peacekeeping by Major David R. Bloomer, USMC, Marine Corps University Command and Staff College Reviews UN Peacekeeping forces, specifically in the Congo
  • Humanity In Warfare: The Law Of Civil War by Major Gerard J. Boyle, USMC, Marine Corps University Command and Staff College The purpose of this paper is to explain the law of war--its development and application in the contemporary world.
  • Advanced Naval Bases - Necessary And Dependable? by Major J. Bruntlett, USMC, Marine Corps University Command and Staff College Today's sophisticated naval fleet still has valid requirements for advanced bases, but the Marine Corps must take a hard look at its capability to defend them.
  • Automated C3I: The Dawning Of A New Age In Marine Corps History by Major J. F. Bouldry, USMC, Marine Corps University Command and Staff College Through the acquisition of automated computer based systems and state-of-the-art communication equipment, field commanders will now be able to make tactical decisions based upon inputs of near real-time information.
  • PLA Modernization: How Is It? by Major J. L. Booker Sr., USMC, Marine Corps University Command and Staff College Because China wishes to avoid dependence on foreign arms suppliers in the course of PLA modernization, it will be a long time before their defense will be form- idable enough to defend against what the Chinese perceives as their main threat.
  • Passive Air Defense: A Neglected Concept by Major J. Q. Butler, USMC, Marine Corps University Command and Staff College The Marine Corps must exert a determined effort to round out its air defense by placing as much emphasis on passive air detense as it does on active air defense.
  • The Spirit Of Moncada: Fidel Castro's Rise To Power, 1953 - 1959 by Major Larry James Bockman, USMC, Marine Corps University Command and Staff College How did an obscure, middle-class lawyer with no military training first rise to such prominence?
  • The Fire Support Coordinator As A Catalyst For Winning by Major M.R. Berndt, USMC, Marine Corps University Command and Staff College The training of the infantry battalion fire support coordinator must become a higher priority if the Marine Corps is to benefit from available firepower.
  • UNITA-A Case Study In Modern Insurgency by Major Robert R. Burke, USMC, Marine Corps University Command and Staff College A review of the rise and strategy of UNITA
  • The Marine Corps And Systems Acquisition by Major Reed T. Bolick, USMC, Marine Corps University Command and Staff College The Marine Corps' system acquisition process needs to be revised in order to bring it in line with the recent acquisition improvement program im- plemented by the Secretary of Defense.
  • American Military Intervention: A Useful Tool Or A Curse? by Major W.D. Bushnell, USMC, Marine Corps University Command and Staff College Although military intervention is a viable diplomatic tool, the United States must return to the use of statesmanship to effect positive, long- lasting international diplomacy.
  • Frequency Management--The Dilemma For Modern Communications by Major Dennis G. Courtnage, USMC, Marine Corps University Command and Staff College The dilemma facing modern communica- tions is the management of the frequency spectrum.
  • Determining The Relative Detectability Of Ground Weapon Systems by Major Edwin T. Carlson, USA, Marine Corps University Command and Staff College The focus of this paper is to establish a method of operational testing and analysis of ground anti-tank weapons systems that will provide an objective assessment of firing signature detecta- bility.
  • The China-India Border War by LCDR James Barnard Calvin, USN, Marine Corps University Command and Staff College The object of this paper is to present an overview of the 1962 China-India Border War.
  • Terrorism: A Frightening Problem With An Intuitive Solution by Major R. Cole, USMC, Marine Corps University Command and Staff College Argues for increased usage of military force and a reduction in civil liberties to combat terrorism
  • The Insurgency In Oman, 1962-1976 by major Stephen A. Cheney, USMC, Marine Corps University Command and Staff College This paper addresses Oman and its strategic value, providing the background for this counterinsurgency that indeed had "great power" implications. The evolution of organized resistance in Dhofar is detailed and later analyzed according to its impact on the counterinsurgency campaign. The growth of the Sultan's Armed Forces is included to pro- vide a balance to the development of organized resistance. The two are subsequently joined in a chapter outlining the general conduct of the war.
  • The Role Of The Marines At The Korean Peninsula by LtCol. C. S. CHO, Korean Marines, Marine Corps University Command and Staff College Reviews the role of Marines and amphibious warfare on the Korean Peninsula
  • Employment Of The AH-1T (Tow) Against The ZSU-23-4 by Major S. J. Cobain, Jr., USMC, Marine Corps University Command and Staff College The AH-1T(TOW) is well suited to counter the ZSU-23-4 on the modern battlefield.
  • Israel's Surprise In 1973 (Should It Have Happened?) by Major A. H. Dank, USMC, Marine Corps University Command and Staff College Although the military intelligence data (for the forthcoming surprise attack) was perceived, the political analysis of those facts was erroneous.
  • Combat Service Support--A Concept Of Operations For Cold Weather Operations by Major W. F. Deubler, USMC, Marine Corps University Command and Staff College Major changes to the concept of combat service support must be made by the Marine Corps if timely and effective sustained support of infantry units is to be ac- complished in a cold weather environment.
  • Offensive Air Operations Of The Falklands War by Major Walter F. DeHoust, Marine Corps University Command and Staff College The intent of this paper is to study the offensive air action of the Falklands War.
  • The T-AVB: A Challenge To Aviation Supply Planners by Major J. E. Evans, USMC, Marine Corps University Command and Staff College Upon visualizing the T-AVB from an aviation supply perspective, it is apparent that the Marine Corps will be unable to successfully deploy a functioning group supply department aboard the T-AVB within the prescribed response time unless aviation supply planners aggresively develop imaginative and sound aviation supply procedures to overcome the problems that will be associated with this program.
  • The Time For Sea-Basing by Major J. M. Eicher, USMC, Marine Corps University Command and Staff College To have sufficient "punch" during an amphibious operation, Marine air has to be available in strength; but still unanswered is the question of how to get it where it is needed, when it is needed, in all situations.
  • The Bay of Pigs: A Struggle For Freedom by Major Joe R. English, USMC, Marine Corps University Command and Staff College This paper presents a review of the invasion of Cuba in April, 1961, by a group of Cuban exiles.
  • The Horn of Africa by Major Arthur Gomez, USMC, Marine Corps University Command and Staff College This paper, is a brief historical survey of the conflicts currently facing Ethiopia.
  • The Hukbalahap Movement by LtCol. Romelino R. Gojo, Philipines, Marine Corps University Command and Staff College The Philippine Government will not succeed in its counterinsurgency operation unless an integrated effort of military action against the Huk guerrillas and a civic-action program for the mass base is undertaken.
  • Television Coverage Of The Vietnam War And Its Implications For Future Conflicts by Major Cass D. Howell, USMC, Marine Corps University Command and Staff College From the perspective of the U.S. Military, television coverage of the Vietnam War had a detrimental impact on the conduct of that war; policies on television coverage of future conflicts should be revised so as to not repeat past mistakes.
  • Conflict In Chad, 1975 To Present: A Central African Tragedy by Major David H. Henderson, USMC, Marine Corps University Command and Staff College This paper examines the war in Chad as an example of a lesser developed third-world country in which the United States may become, or be tempted to become, involved in military action
  • Learning From The Past: A Fighter Pilot's Obligation by Major E. W. Hacker, USMC, Marine Corps University Command and Staff College Although there have been significant tech- nological advances in the capabilities of fighter aircraft since World War I, the basic tactics of aerial combat have not changed.
  • The Falkland Islands Conflict, 1982: Air Defense Of The Fleet by LCDR James A. Haggart, USN, Marine Corps University Command and Staff College This paper examines the air defense aspects of the 1982 Falkland Islands Conflict and by a discussion of "lessons learned", identify future directions for the U.S. Navy and Marine Corps.
  • Can We Be A Clean, Cold, Fighting Machine? by Major Richard F. Holihan, USMC, Marine Corps University Command and Staff College The Marine Corps must be able to identify, deal with and solve the large unit level sanitation and hygiene problems which exist when conducting military oper- ations in cold weather environment.
  • U.S. Reliance On Africa For Strategic Minerals by Major R.A. Hagerman, USMC, Marine Corps University Command and Staff College Since World War II the United States has become increasingly dependent on imported strategic minerals. A major source for many of these minerals is Africa, a vola- tile region in which the possibility of a major disruption of U.S. mineral supplies is distinctly possible.
  • Emergency In Kenya: Kikuyu And The Mau Mau Insurrection by Major R. D. Hughes, USMC, Marine Corps University Command and Staff College This text reviews the history, customs and religion of the Kikuyu tribe of East Africa, while tracing their social and political development, recession and resurgence under the impact of British colonialism from 1887 to 1952.
  • Close Air Support And The Marine Air/Ground Team by Major S. D. Haley, USMC, Marine Corps University Command and Staff College In the anticipated antiair high threat environment, successful close air sup- port missions cannot be conducted with- out greatly improving current procedures and techniques.
  • British Triumph On East Falkland by Major Timothy J. Hannigan, USMC, Marine Corps University Command and Staff College Discusses how Britain won the ground war in the Falklands
  • Revolt Revisited--A Study Of The Hungarian Revolution Of October, 1956 by Major Charles Christopher Johnson, Marine Corps University Command and Staff College A review of the 1956 Hungarian Revoultion, discusses the background and causes of the revolution as well as the diplomatic reaction
  • MCATF--THE ROAD TO DISASTER? by Major G. P. Kelly, USMC, Marine Corps University Command and Staff College The Marine CorPs' Present doctrine and underlyin9 PhiloPosoPhy for formin9 and fi9htin9 MCATFs is based on an oversimPlification of an extremely comPlex military oPerations thus, it may Point down the road to disaster.
  • The India-Pakistan War Of 1971: A Modern War by Major Rodney G. Kyle, Royal Canadian Artillery, Marine Corps University Command and Staff College This paper examines the origins, conduct and results of the war between India and Pakistan of 1971 from which the nation of Bangla Desh emerged.
  • Command And Control Communications For Fighting And Surviving A Modern Battle by Major David C. Litchfield, USMC, Marine Corps University Command and Staff College To prepare itself for future conflict, the Marine Corps must compare its C3 strengths and weaknesses against those of the Soviets, and make necessary modifications to fight and survive a modern battle of high intensity.
  • The Iran-Iraq War: Struggle Without End by Major Martin J. Martinson, USMC, Marine Corps University Command and Staff College The purpose of this paper is to describe the war between Iran and Iraq which commenced in earnest on September 22, 1980. Its theme is that the war is a continuation of struggle which has occurred between the peoples of these two countries for centuries.
  • An Analysis Of Organizational Socialization In The Marine Corps by Major R. B. McKittrick, USMC, Marine Corps University Command and Staff College The author evaluates the initial and subsequent phase of the organizational socialization process focusing on certain leadership characteristics identified by Rensis Likert in his book, The Human Organization, Its Management and Value.
  • To Change Or Not To Change: Revision Of The Joint Chiefs Of Staff by Major R. M. McCormick, USMC, Marine Corps University Command and Staff College The central question is whether or not the current structure of the Joint Chiefs of Staff should be revised; more specifically, should any or all of the revisions proposed by Generals Jones or Meyer be adopted? The answer to that question is an emphatic NO!
  • EMP: The Quiet Killer by Major M. J. Nielsen, USMC, Marine Corps University Command and Staff College EMP is the least understood and most neglected nuclear weapons effect: A discussion of the orgin, effects and defensive strategies is provided.
  • Employment Of The Future Landing Vehicle Tracked, Experimental And Variants by Major M. R. Nance, USMC, Marine Corps University Command and Staff College The LVT(X) family of amphibious vehicles is the most viable alternative in the 1990- 2000 year time frame which will permit operations in a weapons heavy environment.
  • Operational Valiant: Turning Of The Tide In The Sinai 1973 Arab-Israeli War by Major Richard L. Owen, USMC, Marine Corps University Command and Staff College This paper concentrates on the planning, preparation for, and execution of the Canal crossing
  • The Role Of The Brazilian Navy In The Amazon Region by Carlos R. O. Candido Pereira, Marine Corps University Command and Staff College Analysis of the Amazon's potential as a source for economic development, discusses the Brazilian Navy's role in that development
  • The New E.W. Threat--Electro Optics by Major J.A. Penne, USMC, Marine Corps University Command and Staff College Electronic Warfare to counter acquisition and fire control radars is accepted, but few acknowledge the presence of the threatening adjunct-optical or electro-optical (EO) sensors and the human operators who man them.
  • JVX: Tilt-Rotor Future Or Folly? by Major J. J. Porter, Jr., USMC, Marine Corps University Command and Staff College JVX's tilt-rotor technology possessess the greatest potential to satisfy the Marine Corps' medium assault transport helicopter requirement from the 1990's into the twenty-first century.
  • Counter-Terrorism--How Far Can We Morally Go? by Major E. J. Robeson IV, USMC, Marine Corps University Command and Staff College Terrorism is becoming increasingly common, and poses great dilemmas for those seeking to balance individual human rights with the obligation to protect the masses. What's to be done?
  • The New Navy by Commander Mahmoud Y. Rashad, Egyptian Navy, Marine Corps University Command and Staff College An analysis of the US Navy since World War II and its changing capabilities
  • Operation Musketeer: A Military Success Ends In Political Failure by Major R. W. Rathbun, USMC, Marine Corps University Command and Staff College An analysis of the French and British plan to seize the Suez
  • The Strategic Importance Of The Portuguese Atlantic Islands by LCdr Silverio T. Rodrigues, Portuguese Marine Corps, Marine Corps University Command and Staff College The Portuguese Atlatnic Islands are absolutely vital to control the Atlantic Ocean and to maintain the lines of communication of the western countries.
  • The Reorganization Of The Division by LtCol. A. Sano, Japan Ground Self-Defense Force, Marine Corps University Command and Staff College An analysis of the decision by Japan to reorganize the troop strengths of the JDF
  • The Navy-Marine Corps Team: Myth Or Reality by Major Clifford L. Stanley, USMC, Marine Corps University Command and Staff College The Navy is not committed to operational competence in amphibious warfare, and its noncommitment to teamwork seriously de- grades our nation's ability to maintain maritime superiority.
  • El Salvador After 1979: Forces In The Conflict by Major Charles O. Skipper, USMC, Marine Corps University Command and Staff College This study examines the causes of the conflict and attempts to analyze the motivations and behavior of each of the major participating groups
  • Quick Kill In Slow Motion: The Nigerian Civil War by Major Michael R. Stafford, USA, Marine Corps University Command and Staff College This paper examines the lessons of the Nigerian Civil War from the perspective of a U.S. military officer. It seeks to analyze the factors which stand out from the first modern war in independent Black Africa and equate their significance to general military concepts.
  • Anti-Terrorism: A Role For The Marines? by Major T. J. Sukow, USMC, Marine Corps University Command and Staff College The United States Marine Corps efforts regarding the threat of terrorism should be passive rather than active.
  • Cuban Foreign Policy: Joint Objectives In Angola by Major T. P. Sullivan, USMC, Marine Corps University Command and Staff College We should realize that the objectives of Soviet and Cuban military operations are likely to be shared and joint in nature rather than dictated by the patron state to the client.
  • Death March: The Other View by Major G. J. Wright, USMC, Marine Corps University Command and Staff College The brutality of the Japanese guards as they moved POWs north along the Bataan peninsula can not be denied. There were, however, many con- ditions unknown to most that led to the death of thousands of prisoners that cannot and should not be attributed to the Japanese soldier.
  • Mozambique-Insurgency Against Portugal, 1963-1975 by Major William C. Westfall, Jr., USMC, Marine Corps University Command and Staff College The object of this study is to review the insurgent movement in Mozambique from the perspective of why it occured, how it was conducted, and what caused the results
  • The Laws of Land Warfare: The Privileged Guerrilla And The Deprived Soldier by Major J. L. Whitson, USMC, Marine Corps University Command and Staff College The recent changes in the laws of warfare, with regard to the legal status of unconventional participants, are not in the best interests of the United States, western societies, or the individual soldier; western societies must guard against any such changes in the future.
  • Nicaragua 1984: Swirl In The Eye Of The Storm by Major J. W. Wilson, USMC, Marine Corps University Command and Staff College The United States has been waging political and economic warfare to force Nicaragua to embrace a more pluralistic form of government.
  • Limited Visibility Operations:Where Have We Been And Where Are We Going by Major M. E. Williams, USMC, Marine Corps University Command and Staff College The military history of the 20th Century shows that ground forces of the United States should place more emphasis on improving its doctrine and techniques for limited visibility operations.
  • The Somali Dispute: Kenya Beware by Major Tom L. Wanambisi, Kenya, Marine Corps University Command and Staff College Analysis of the situation in Somalia and the options before Kenya in the early 1980s
  • The MAGTF Weak Link - Rear Area Security by Major B. M. Youngs, USMC, Marine Corps University Command and Staff College To be victorious in future conflicts the Marine Corps must increase its awareness of the threat to rear areas, improve training methods in rear area security and organize the MAGTF with adequate resources to provide for its rear area security.

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