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CNO Guidance for 2006
Meeting the Challenge of a New Era

I. Introduction

We are a nation and a Navy at war. Whether providing sovereign deck space from which to launch strikes in Afghanistan, continuing to support ground operations in Iraq, patrolling the seas to interdict terrorists, or shaping the maritime domain through swift humanitarian action in Indonesia and on our own Gulf Coast, we are contributing to joint and combined operations in ways no one could have imagined a few short years ago.

We live on the cusp of a new era. It is an era plagued by uncertainty and change and unrestricted warfare, an era of shifting global threats and challenging new opportunities. It is an era that calls for new skill sets, deeper partnerships, mutual understanding and -- with the great majority of international commerce still moving on the world’s oceans -- a firm commitment to the incredible power resident in the sea itself.

Harnessing sea power in the 21st century will demand much more of us than simply putting ordnance on target -- though clearly that remains a core capability. It will demand the ability to aggregate and disaggregate forces quickly; it will demand highly sophisticated networks, connectivity and stealth; it will demand better joint, allied and coalition interoperability; and it will demand that we build for the future a new fleet of ships, aircraft and submarines to wield that power across the spectrum of conflict.

It is with my firm belief in our ability to meet these challenges that I have crafted my Guidance for 2006. Rooted in the framework of Sea Power 21, this document articulates our vision, reiterates our mission, establishes the guiding principles that will underpin our actions and restates my top three priorities (supporting each with specific objectives, desired effects and tasking). Please distribute it and share it widely.

II. Vision

The vision we seek is: Americans secure at home and abroad; sea and air lanes open and free for the peaceful, productive movement of international commerce; enduring national and international naval relationships that remain strong and true; steadily deepening cooperation among the maritime forces of emerging partner nations; and a combat-ready Navy -- forward-deployed, rotational and surge capable -- large enough, agile enough, and lethal enough to deter any threat and defeat any foe in support of the Joint Force.

III. Mission

To realize this vision -- and in support of the National Security Strategy, National Defense Strategy, National Military Strategy, National Strategy for Maritime Security, Naval Power 21 and the Naval Operating Concept for Joint Operations, and the National Fleet policy -- the United States Navy will organize, train, maintain, and equip combat-ready naval forces capable of:

  • Winning the global war on terror and any other armed conflict;

  • Deterring aggression by would-be foes;

  • Preserving freedom of the seas;

  • Promoting peace and security.

IV. Guiding Principles

I expect the following principles to guide and inform our actions every day:

1) Warfighting Focus. We are first and foremost a fighting, sea-going service -- the guardians of a rich heritage of bravery in battle and courage under fire.

2) Dedication to our People. Our success in defense of this nation depends upon the men and women of the United States Navy -- active, reserve and civilian -- and their families. Personal and family readiness are vital to combat readiness. Our strength and our future also rely on our diversity.

3) Naval Teamwork. The Navy and Marine Corps provide the nation versatile military capabilities across the spectrum of conflict. Ours is a special relationship -- a national treasure -- born with this republic and strengthened through war and peace.

4) Jointness. The future of national and international security lies in interoperability and cooperation among the Services, the interagency, international partners and non-governmental organizations. Naval forces bring to the fight unique maritime and expeditionary prowess, but we are only as good as the contribution we make to the overall effort.

5) Leadership. Everything starts and ends with leadership. Nothing else we accomplish, no other priority we pursue, is of much consequence if we do not have sound and effective leadership in place to enact it. We all have a responsibility to develop our own leadership potential and that of the Sailors in our charge.

6) Accountability and Integrity. Wherever we go, whatever we do, we represent the ideals and the people of this nation. We must hold ourselves accountable to high standards and comport ourselves with the integrity and honor befitting the service.

7) Alignment. Alignment is the degree to which resources, processes and communications support vision and mission. A properly aligned organization can accomplish anything it attempts. Every Sailor should share an understanding of our vision and mission and be able to describe how he or she contributes to them.

8) Risk Management. Risk is inherent in everything we do. Managing it should be a continuous process that permeates -- but does not dominate -- our daily lives. Every Navy leader should be willing to take prudent risks in the conduct of their actions.

9) Commitment to Change. Success in this new and uncertain security environment demands that we continue to transform the way we think, operate and fight. It also requires leaders to set the right expectations, eliminating to the maximum extent possible the uncertainty caused by that change through constant dialogue and the free flow of information. We must sustain a sense of urgency about change in all we do.

10) Effects-Based Thinking (EBT). A relatively new but powerful planning concept, EBT requires us to begin each new task with the end state clearly in mind. It allows us to continually monitor progress against a discrete set of metrics, reallocating resources or effort as required to achieve concisely stated desired effects.

V. Priorities

I will remain committed in 2006 to these three priorities:

  • Sustain combat readiness … with the right combat capabilities -- access, speed, agility, adaptability, persistence, awareness and lethality -- for the right cost.

  • Build a fleet for the future … balanced, rotational, forward deployed and surge capable of the proper size and mix of capabilities to empower our enduring and emerging partners, deter our adversaries and defeat our enemies.

  • Develop 21st Century leaders … through a transformed manpower, personnel, training and education organization that better competes for the talent our country produces and creates the conditions in which the full potential of every man and woman serving our Navy can be achieved.

VI. Objectives

To address these priorities, my specific objectives in 2006 are to:

1) Support from the sea and ashore the joint and combined war on terror, while staying ready in all respects to meet other operational requirements.

2) Determine and deliver on the Navy’s future force structure requirements by a) defining an improved force structure and construction plan and, b) contributing to a stable industrial base.

3) Drive to execution Sea Warrior and other ongoing manpower and personnel transformational efforts. Deliver on specific improvements that will positively impact the lives, careers and leadership potential of our Sailors and their families.

4) With the USMC, increase the value of naval contributions to the Joint Force.

5) Develop closer working relationships with the U.S. Coast Guard and other governmental and non-governmental organizations to support national security policy, enhance homeland defense and improve maritime domain awareness.

6) Apply effects-based thinking across the Navy.

7) Become leaders of change and innovation.

VII. Desired Effects

Once accomplished, these objectives will have the following desired effects:

1) The Fleet is properly sized and balanced to empower our partners, deter/dissuade our adversaries, and defeat our enemies in war.

2) Navy’s long-range shipbuilding plan is aligned with the results of the Quadrennial Defense Review (QDR) and fiscally supported within the program of record and the budget process.

3) The Navy-Marine Corps team enhances its Joint warfighting readiness with expeditionary agility, flexibility and lethality, while working closely with inter-agency, international, and non-governmental organizations to promote peace, stability and other US interests.

4) The Navy and U.S. Coast Guard work cooperatively to improve homeland defense and national security through increased synergy and cost effectiveness.

5) The effectiveness of Combatant Commanders is enhanced by the Navy’s contribution to the Joint Force.

6) Sailors, civilians, and their families enjoy a good quality of life and positively contribute to overall readiness.

7) A transformed manpower and personnel system delivers an improved quality of service that is more responsive to the men and women serving the Navy.

8) Our Navy is a team whose people are treated with dignity and respect, are encouraged to lead and feel empowered to reach their full potential.

9) Our Navy represents and harvests the strength of the nation’s diversity.

10) Our people clearly understand and take ownership of the Navy vision, mission, and guiding principles.

VIII. Tasking

To achieve our 2006 objectives and desired effects -- and building upon the work already tasked out in my July 05 memoranda, the Lead agent (first agent listed after each task) assigned in the following items will submit a plan for execution to me within 60 days of the release of this Guidance:

1) To support the joint and combined war on terror and stay ready for all operational requirements, we will:

  • Develop adaptive force packages and flexible deployment concepts to include NSW, U.S. Coast Guard, and coalition partners in support of operations in blue, green, and brown water environments that are aligned with the National Fleet policy and the National Strategy for Maritime Security [CFFC, N3/N5, N8, N6/N7]

  • Identify requirements to organize, train, maintain, and equip a Navy Expeditionary Combat Command. Develop concepts for green and brown water operations to include Level III VBSS, Expanded Maritime Interdiction Operations, expeditionary training team concepts, enhanced combat and force protection capabilities, civil affairs, and Theater Security Cooperation influence activities. [CFFC, N8, N6/N7, DEEP BLUE]

  • Execute corrective actions in response to Operation Iraqi Freedom, Operation Restore Hope, and the hurricane relief effort on the U.S. Gulf Coast. [CFFC]

  • Rapidly prototype ASW technologies that will: hold at risk adversary submarines; substantially degrade adversary weapons effectiveness; and, compress the ASW detect-to-engage sequence. Sensor development is key. [N8, N6/N7, CFFC]

  • Develop a Joint Integrated Fire Support strategy to bolster Sea Strike capabilities. [N8, N6/N7]

  • Leverage existing language, area studies, and technology curricula to enhance and expand Foreign Area Officer development, intelligence, information warfare, and cryptologic expertise as well as to develop practical cross-cultural skills needed to further relations with emerging partners. [N1/NT, N3/N5, N2]

  • Establish Strategic Communications as a core enabling capability. [CHINFO]

2) To determine and deliver future force structure, we will:
  • Craft a detailed plan (based upon cost/capability analysis of shipbuilding programs and consideration of the Navy Strategic Plan developed in response to my Memorandum dated 29 July 2005) that specifically addresses capability, affordability, stabilization of the Ship Construction Navy (SCN) account, and sustainment of the industrial base. [N8]

  • Establish and articulate clear process and procedures to be used to prepare the Navy’s Program and Budget with due consideration of information provided in response to Single Provider Command Memorandum dated 25 July 2005. [N8]

  • Streamline requirements generation process including roles assigned to Navy Requirements Oversight Council (NROC)/ Ship Characteristics and Improvement Board (SCIB). [VCNO, N8, CFFC]

  • Align USN/USMC aviation recapitalization plans, to include the development of TACAIR Integration, Helicopter and UAV Master Plans. [N8, N6/N7]

  • Develop an annual plan within the Navy Marine Corps Board that identifies major USN/USMC issues over fiscal year 2006. [VCNO]

  • Develop a Sea Shield Missile Defense CONOPs to support: defense of the Joint Sea Base and forward operating base infrastructure, regional defense of allies and joint maneuver forces ashore, and Homeland Defense. [CFFC]

  • Align aircraft acquisition plans, shipbuilding plans, the Sea Basing concept, and Joint Operational concepts. [N8, CFFC

  • Execute the Sea Trial plan for FY06. [CFFC]

  • Align FORCEnet vision with Joint investments and planned capabilities to identify gaps, time or funding mismatches. [N8, N6/N7, CFFC]

  • Assess and improve the state of our technical authority. [NAVSEA, NAVAIR, SPAWAR, NR]

3) To drive to execution of ongoing manpower and personnel transformational efforts, we will:
  • Execute the merger of Manpower, Personnel, Training, and Education (MPT&E) using clear metrics to evaluate progress. [N1/NT]

  • Integrate Task Force Sea Warrior into the MPT&E enterprise. [N1/NT]

  • Deliver a fully functional Sea Warrior system that is easy to use, clearly defined and responsive to our Sailors with a robust IT plan for execution. [N1/NT, CFFC]

  • Building upon the concepts developed for the Department of the Navy’s Human Capital Strategy, and IAW Human Capital Memorandum dated 25 July 05, deliver a transformed, competency-focused manpower and personnel system for all segments of our workforce -- military and civilian. [N1]

  • Develop a post-graduate education strategy centered around the Naval Postgraduate School’s resident and distance learning programs that fully leverages Joint service, inter-agency, and international curricula. [N1/NT, ELO]

  • Expand the Ombudsman program to better meet the needs of our families. Ensure it is fully reinforced at every command in the Navy. [DNS, CNI, N1, CFFC]

  • Ensure Task Force Navy Family is resourced and supported to carry out and successfully complete its mission, creating a model for family support in future crises. [TFNF, N1, N4, CFFC, CNI]

  • Drawing upon the response to the Navy Health Care Costs Memorandum dated 25 July 2005, ensure future costs of health care for our Sailors and their families are adequately covered by Navy’s Total Obligation Authority for health care and/or by the Defense Health Care Program. [N8, N093]

  • Execute initial steps in the transition of civilian workforce to the National Security Personnel System. [N1/NT, CNI, CFFC]

  • Align the Personnel Exchange Program (PEP) with component commander regional engagement strategies to better leverage opportunities with emerging partner nations. [N1, N3/N5]

4) To increase Navy-Marine Corps contribution to the Joint Force, we will:
  • Establish and enable Globally Networked Joint Force Maritime Component Commanders (JFMCCs), leveraging deployed forces to provide access, dominance, persistence and shaping -- to include capturing C2 relationships with assigned intelligence assets within and between JFMCC’s. [CFFC]

  • Further develop the Sea Basing concept and develop a CONOPS to include ESG, MPF(F), LCS, Joint High Speed Vessel, and MPSRONs employment in support of future expeditionary operations. [CFFC, N3/N5]

  • Develop options to better support the Joint Force by temporarily filling critical operational manning requirements. [N3/N5, N1/NT, N095, N8, N6/N7, CFFC]

  • Develop a plan to integrate the Navy’s logistics support capabilities with the Joint logistics force by leveraging the competencies of the other Services, Defense Agencies, Joint Staff, COCOMs, and coalition forces. [N4]

5) To develop closer working relationships with the U.S. Coast Guard and other governmental and non-governmental organizations, we will:
  • Develop Global Maritime Intelligence Integration (GMII) as part of JFMCC and Maritime Domain Awareness (MDA) in support of Joint, Navy, and interagency operations. [CFFC, N2]

  • In line with the National Fleet policy, engage with the U.S. Coast Guard to leverage the National Strategy for Maritime Security to more rapidly develop capabilities for Homeland Security, particularly in the area of Maritime Domain Awareness. [N3/5, CFFC, N6/7
  • ]
6) To apply effects based thinking across the Navy, we will:
  • Institutionalize executive development for our senior military and civilian leadership to include formal training (specifically, but not limited to, Risk Management and Effects Based Thinking IAW Risk Management and Effects Based Thinking Executive Education Memorandum dated 28 July 2005), and career path planning. [N1/NT, ELO]

7) To become leaders of change and innovation, we will:
  • Execute realignment of Echelon II, III, and IV commands (with due consideration given the response to Ashore Readiness Memorandum dated 25 Jul 2005 and applicable law) and report clear metrics to evaluate execution. [CFFC]

  • Evaluate establishment of a single integrated maintenance command with subordinate regional maintenance organizations. [CFFC, SYSCOMS, NR]

  • Align the DEEP BLUE mission within OPNAV to support theater Naval/Joint Force Maritime Component Commanders with rapidly deployable forward presence and reachback for deliberate, contingency, crisis and exercise planning. [DEEP BLUE]

  • Investigate innovative concepts to focus resources on engagement to include military-to-military and civil-to-military cooperative opportunities. [N3/N5, DEEP BLUE]

IX. Conclusion

The Navy is in great shape. Readiness is high. Maintenance is being performed faster and more efficiently. Recruiting and retention remain strong. Our people are motivated, well trained and battle-tested. In addition to the critical strategic reserve we provide the country, there are nearly four thousand of our shipmates on the ground in Kuwait, Afghanistan and Iraq and many thousands more deployed aboard ships at sea. And they are performing magnificently.

But we cannot meet the challenge of this new era simply by sustaining today’s readiness and requirements. Our adversaries will not rest; our friends and allies cannot wait. Building upon Sea Power 21, we must continue to transform, recapitalize and modernize our Navy. With our partners in the Secretariat, industry, the acquisition community, OSD, and the interagency -- and with the continuing support of Congress -- the Navy will begin to build today a force that is properly sized, balanced and priced for tomorrow.

It is impossible to foresee, or to fully comprehend, all the challenges we will face. But by building a balanced force that is resilient and adaptable, with the depth of capabilities required to meet the demands of a multi-mission, multi-task environment, we can mitigate against this uncertainty.

I am proud to face these challenges with you and look forward to our shared success.

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