Tsahkna to his Serbian counterpart: I expect EU candidate country Serbia to align with the EU's foreign and security policy

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Republic of Estonia - Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Tsahkna to his Serbian counterpart: I expect EU candidate country Serbia to align with the EU's foreign and security policy

Republic of Estonia - Ministry of Foreign Affairs


Today 16 September, Foreign Minister Margus Tsahkna met with his Serbian colleague Marko Ðjurić to discuss Russia's aggression in Ukraine, security in Europe and European Union enlargement.

Touching on Russia's aggression in Ukraine, Tsahkna recognised Serbia for its support to Ukraine and encouraged them to increase their aid. At the meeting, the Estonian foreign minister underlined that there can be no flexibility in contacts with the aggressor and no return to business as usual with Russia. "I condemn all efforts to normalise Russia's attempts to undermine European security and Ukraine's sovereignty."

Tsahkna said it was important for Serbia, a EU candidate country, to align with the EU's common foreign and security policy, including with the sanctions imposed against Russia.

Tsahkna said at the meeting that Russia was continuing its brutal aggression in Ukraine and hybrid actions against the West. "It is unacceptable to give a friendly handshake to Putin and his henchmen when their hands are covered in the blood of Ukrainian children. Instead, they must be held accountable for the crimes and aggression committed in Ukraine."

"Russia's aim is to destroy Ukraine who is fighting for us and instead of us," Tsahkna added. "Russia is not stopping; therefore, Ukraine's victory is an existential issue for us."

The ministers spoke about the security situation in the Western Balkans and the path of the Western Balkans into the EU. Estonia is steadfast in its support for the EU accession of all Western Balkan countries and is ready to share its experience of joining the EU. Tsahkna also expressed support for the continued EU-mediated dialogue aiming to normalise relations between Serbia and Kosovo.

Additionally, the meeting included talks on boosting bilateral relations, including on IT and digital affairs. "Estonia is contributing to several projects in the Western Balkans, including on digital governance and cybersecurity," Tsahkna said, adding that the meeting explored options for closer cooperation.

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