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U.S. Department of Defense
Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Public Affairs)
News Release

  No. 1080-10
IMMEDIATE RELEASE November 22, 2010

DOD Announces Recruiting and Retention Numbers for Fiscal Year-To-Date 2011 Through October


The Department of Defense announced today recruiting and retention statistics for the active and reserve components for fiscal year-to-date 2011, through October. Beginning this fiscal year, the department will report against the services’ ‘year-to-date’ recruiting goals, as opposed to the monthly goals reported in the past. The department had already been reporting retention against year-to-date goals.

The services manage end strength using recruiting, retention, and attrition. The services set goals for each at the beginning of the year, and from those annual goals, develop monthly goals. When one element is doing better than expected, the services have to intentionally lower other elements, to ensure they do not exceed end strength at the end of the year.

“In the past, the services have, on occasion, intentionally ‘missed’ their monthly recruiting goals, to ensure they don’t come in over end strength,” said Accession Policy Director Curtis Gilroy. “This gives the false impression that recruiting goals are not being met, when in fact, for the year, the services are meeting or exceeding their goals. By reporting against year-to-date goals, the public is provided a more comprehensive picture of military recruiting.”

Active Component.

Recruiting - Year to Date. All four active services met or exceeded their numerical accession goals for fiscal year-to-date 2011 through October.

* Army – 6,643 accessions, with a goal of 6,425; 103 percent
* Navy – 2,291 accessions, with a goal of 2,291; 100 percent
* Marine Corps – 2,457 accessions, with a goal of 2,448; 100 percent
* Air Force – 1,511 accessions, with a goal of 1,511; 100 percent

Retention. Army, Navy, Marine Corps, and Air Force retentions are near or above the fiscal year-to-date goals through October.

Reserve Component.

Recruiting. All six reserve components met or exceeded their numerical accession goals for fiscal year-to-date 2011 through October.

* Army National Guard –4,973 accessions, with a goal of 4,504; 110 percent
* Army Reserve –2,774 accessions, with a goal of 2,557; 108 percent
* Navy Reserve –665 accessions, with a goal of 665; 100 percent
* Marine Corps Reserve –1,154 accessions, with a goal of 889; 130 percent
* Air National Guard –729 accessions, with a goal of 541; 135 percent
* Air Force Reserve – 769 accessions, with a goal of 760; 101 percent

Attrition. Losses in all reserve components are within acceptable limits.

Detailed information on specific recruiting data can be obtained by contacting the individual military recruiting commands at 502-626-0164 for Army, 210-565-4678 for Air Force, 703-784-9454 for Marine Corps, and 901-874-9049 for Navy. The reserve components can be reached at the following numbers: National Guard Bureau 703-607-2586; Army Reserve 404-464-8490; Air Force Reserve 703-697-1761; Navy Reserve 757-322-5652; and Marine Corps Reserve 504-678-6535.



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