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Sessions comments today regarding the Navy's proposal to purchase additional Littoral Combat Ship

Office of Jeff Sessions, US Senator for Alabama

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Jeff Sessions (R-AL), a senior member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, made the following comments today regarding the Navy’s proposal to purchase additional Littoral Combat Ships:

“In September of 2009, Congress authorized the Navy to downselect between two LCS designs and award one industry team a contract to build up to 10 ships. Secretary Mabus called me this morning to discuss an option that could allow the Navy to purchase additional Littoral Combat Ships. Secretary Mabus said the Navy would like to do a 10-ship buy with each ship builder, Austal USA in Mobile and Marinette Marine in Wisconsin, adding twenty LCS ships to the Navy’s fleet. Importantly, because of strong competition and price reductions, this plan can be accomplished without new funds.

“This is great news for Mobile and for the taxpayers. I am proud that the LCS program remains so competitive. Construction of 10 ships at Austal would more than double their sizeable current workforce from 1,800 to 4,000 employees over the next two to three years. The LCS decision would allow the Navy to obtain more ships in a shorter period of time, putting it on track to more quickly reach its goal of a 313-ship Navy. I applaud Secretary Mabus and the Navy for working toward this innovative solution. And, in a time of economic hardship, it is encouraging to see that Alabama’s industrial base is so strong.

“I believe that this is a good strategy, and I will strongly support it. The ultimate goal of the Navy for this priority program is 55 LCS vessels. The LCS vessels are a critical part of the Navy’s goal for a 313-ship Navy.”

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