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U.S. Department of Defense
Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Public Affairs)
News Release

  No. 232-09

DoD Announces Recruiting and Retention Numbers for March 2009



The Department of Defense announced today its recruiting and retention statistics for the active and reserve components for the month of March.

· Active Component.

    · Recruiting. All services met or exceeded recruiting goals for March.

    · Army – 6,548 accessions with a goal of 6,425; 102 percent

    · Navy – 2,857 accessions with a goal of 2,857; 100 percent

    · Marine Corps – 2,017 accessions with a goal of 1,411; 143 percent

    · Air Force – 2,748 accessions with a goal of 2,745; 100 percent

    · Retention. All four active components continued their success in fiscal 2009, meeting or exceeding March retention goals.

· Reserve Component.

    · Accessions. All six reserve components met or exceeded their accession goals for the month of March.

    · Army National Guard – 6,255 accessions with a goal of 4,974; 126 percent

    · Army Reserve – 4,771 accessions with a goal of 3,445; 138 percent

    · Navy Reserve – 654 accessions with a goal of 654; 100 percent

    · Marine Corps Reserve – 579 accessions with a goal of 566; 102 percent

    · Air National Guard – 933 accessions with a goal of 840; 111 percent

    · Air Force Reserve – 825 accessions with a goal of 825; 100 percent

    · Attrition. Losses in all Reserve components were within acceptable limits.

Detailed information on specific recruiting data can be obtained by contacting the individual military recruiting commands at (502) 626-0164 for Army, (210) 565-4678 for Air Force, (703) 784-9454 for Marine Corps and (901) 874-9049 for Navy. The reserve components can be reached at the following numbers: National Guard Bureau (703) 607-2586; Army Reserve (404) 464-8490; Air Force Reserve (703) 697-1761; Navy Reserve (504) 678-6055; and Marine Corps Reserve (504) 678-6535.



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