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U.S. Department of Defense
Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Public Affairs)
News Release

  No. 858-07

DoD Announces Recruiting and Retention Numbers for June



The Department of Defense announced today its recruiting and retention statistics for the active and reserve components for the month of June.

  • Active duty recruiting. Three of the four services met or exceeded recruiting goals for June. The Army recruited 7,031 soldiers, which is 84 percent of its goal of 8,400. The Navy finished with 3,999 recruits for 102 percent. Their goal was 3,924. The Marine Corps recruited 4,113 new Marines reaching 110 percent of its goal of 3,742, and the Air Force met its goal of 2,233 recruits.
  • Active duty retention. Army, Navy, Marine Corps, and Air Force met or exceeded overall retention missions.
  • Reserve forces recruiting. Five of the six reserve components met or exceeded their recruiting goals in June. The Army National Guard recruited 5,342 soldiers surpassing its goal of 5,338. The Army Reserve and Navy Reserve finished at 108 percent with 5,255 and 1,013 recruits, respectively. The Marine Corps Reserve recruited 1,078 Marines surpassing its goal of 986 at 109 percent. The Air National Guard was the only reserve component to miss its goal finishing at 75 percent with 779 of its goal of 1,036. The Air Force Reserve met its goal of 597 recruits.
  • Reserve forces retention. For June, Army National Guard retention was 107 percent of the cumulative goal of 26,405, and Air National Guard retention was 98 percent of its cumulative goal of 8,430. Both the Army and Air Guard are currently at 101 and 99 percent of their end strength, respectively. Losses in all reserve components for May are well within acceptable limits. Indications are that trend will continue into June.

Detailed information on specific recruiting data can be obtained by contacting the individual military recruiting commands at (502) 626-0164 for Army, (210) 565-4678 for Air Force, (703) 784-9455 for Marine Corps and (901) 874-9048 for Navy. The reserve components can be reached at the following numbers: National Guard Bureau (703) 607-2586; Army Reserve (404) 464-8490; Air Force Reserve (703) 697-1761; Navy Reserve (504) 678-1240; and Marine Corps Reserve (504) 678-6535



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