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Army Publishes New Intelligence Manual

The U.S. Army announced today the publication of Field Manual (FM) 2-22.3, “Human Intelligence Collector Operations.” It replaces Field Manual 34-52, published in 1992. The new Army Field Manual 2-22.3 is broader in scope than the old field manual, but covers interrogation in detail. Other activities covered by the new field manual include screening, debriefing, liaison, and military source operations.

The Army is committed to the humane treatment of detainees. The new field manual complies with the Detainee Treatment Act of 2005 and incorporates provisions of the Geneva Conventions -- to include Common Article Three. It establishes a single humane standard for detainee treatment, regardless of detainee status.

The Army did not wait for the formal publication of this field manual to incorporate lessons learned into Soldier training. Specifically, the field manual clarifies the roles and responsibilities of military intelligence and military police Soldiers conducting detention and interrogation operations. It specifies the role of medical personnel and access to detainees by non-Department of Defense personnel. The manual makes clear that commanders are responsible and accountable for conducting humane interrogation operations.

Field Manual 2-22.3 establishes DoD/Joint interrogation standards to be followed by all services and DoD personnel -- including contractors conducting interrogation operations in DoD facilities.

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The U.S. Army has published this Field Manual in the interest of full transparency. The "FOUO" markings are no longer operative.

For additional information the media may contact Lt. Col. Carl Ey, Office of the Chief Army Public Affairs, via email at carl.ey@hqda.army.mil or call 703-614-2487. Visit the U.S. Army website at www.army.mil

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