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U.S. Department of Defense
Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Public Affairs)
News Release

  No. 819-05

DoD Announces Recruiting and Retention Numbers for July

 The Department of Defense announced today its recruiting and retention statistics by the active and reserve components for the month of July.  

            Active duty recruiting.   The Army, Navy, Marine Corps and Air Force met or exceeded their active duty recruiting goals in July. 

  Accessions Goal Percent
Army 8,085 7,450 109
Navy 4,739 4,780 99
Marine Corps 3,609 3,505 103
Air Force 2,099 2,087 101

            Active duty retention.   All services met or exceeded their overall retention goals for July and are projected to meet their retention goals for the current fiscal year.

            Reserve forces recruiting.   Two of the six reserve components, the Marine Corps Reserve and Air Force Reserve, met their July recruiting goals.

  Accessions Goal Percent
Army National Guard 4,712 5,920 80
Army Reserve 2,131 2,585 82
Navy Reserve 791 1,477 54
Marine Corps Reserve 952 950 100
Air National Guard 721 827 87
Air Force Reserve 672 670 100

            Reserve forces retention.  For July, Army National Guard retention was 105 percent of the cumulative goal of 27,664, and Air National Guard retention was 109 percent of its cumulative goal of 8,552.  Losses in all reserve components in June were within acceptable limits.  Indications are that trend will continue into July.  We continue to monitor the effects of the increased use of our reserve components on retention rates. 

Fiscal Year-to-date Summary

Fiscal 2005 Active Duty Enlisted Recruiting from Oct. 1, 2004-July 31, 2005

  Accessions Goal Percent
Army 55,207 62,385 89
Navy 27,761 27,749 100
Marine Corps 25,006 24,491 102
Air Force 13,546 13,425 101

Fiscal 2005 Reserve Component Enlisted Recruiting from Oct. 1, 2004-July 31, 2005

  Accessions Goal Percent
Army National Guard 39,301 50,909 77
Army Reserve 18,618 23,394 80
Navy Reserve 8,550 10,210 84
Marine Corps Reserve 7,302 7,283 100
Air National Guard 7,011 8,446 83
Air Force Reserve 7,276 6,439 113

            Detailed information on specific recruiting data can be obtained by contacting the individual military recruiting commands at (502) 626-0164 for Army, (210) 565-4678 for Air Force, (703) 784-9454 for Marine Corps and (901) 874-9048 for Navy.  The reserve components can be reached at the following numbers: National Guard Bureau (703) 607-2586; Army Reserve (404) 464-8490; Air Force Reserve (703) 697-1761; Navy Reserve (504) 678-6055; and Marine Corps Reserve (504) 678-6535.


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