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2017 Congressional Reports

  Full Text Report
FY 2018 Defense Authorization
House H.R.2810 H. Rept. 115-200 - Part 1
H. Rept. 115-200 - Part 2
Senate S.1519 S. Rept. 115-125
Conference   H. Rept. 115-404
FY 2018 Defense Appropriations
House H.R.3219 H. Rept. 115-219
FY 2018 Military Construction Appropriations Act
House H. Rept. 115-188
Senate S.1557 S. Rept. 115-130

  • Restoring American Power - Recommendations for the FY 2018-FY 2022 Defense Budget By Senator John McCain, Chairman, Senate Armed Services Committee Senate Armed Services Committee 16 Jan 2017 -- "This paper offers a general blueprint to begin rebuilding and reshaping our military. It is not cheap-roughly $430 billion of new money above the Obama administration's defense budget for the next five years, which is already more than $100 billion above the budget caps in law. The cost of further inaction, however, is worse: We will irreparably damage our military's ability to deter aggression and conflict. Indeed, as General Mark Milley, Chief of Staff of the Army, has said: 'The only thing more expensive than deterrence is actually fighting a war, and the only thing more expensive than fighting a war is fighting one and losing one.'"


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