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2011 Congressional Reports

  Full Text Report
FY 2012 Defense Authorization
House H.R.1540 H.Rept 112-78 - Part 1
H.Rept 112-78 - Part 2
Senate S. 1253 S.Rept 112-26
Conference   H.Rept 112-329
FY 2012 Defense Appropriations
House H. R. 2219 H.Rept 112-110
Senate   S.Rept 112-77
FY 2012 Military Construction Appropriations Act
House H.R.2055 H.Rept 112-94
Senate S.Rept 112-29
Conference H. Rept. 112-331
  • S. Prt. 112-21: Evaluating U.S. Foreign Assistance To Afghanistan U.S. Senate Committee on Foreign Relations 8 Jun 2011 -- "This report takes a close look at how the United States is spending civilian aid dollars in Afghanistan to make sure we are pursuing the most effective strategy in support of our national security objectives. We spend more on aid to Afghanistan than any other country and the environment in which the State Department and U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) operate is difficult and dangerous. With the upcoming transition to an Afghan security lead in 2014 and the increased responsibilities our civilians will absorb from the military, we have a critical planning window right now to make any necessary changes to support a successful transition."
  • Key Points - SFRC Report: Evaluating U.S. Foreign Assistance to Afghanistan U.S. Senate Committee on Foreign Relations 8 Jun 2011

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