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1996 Congressional Hearings

    U.S. Policy on Taiwan
    6-7 February 1996 - Senate Foreign Relations Committee
    Subcommittee on East Asia and the Pacific.

    • Winston Lord Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs - 6 February 1996
    • Kurt Campbell Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Asian and Pacific Affairs - 7 February 1996

    Tactical Aviation Issues in Review of the FY 97 Defense Budget
    March 15, 1996 - Senate Armed Services AirLand Forces Subcommittee

    • Lt. General Harold Blot, Deputy Chief for Aviation, U.S. Marine Corps
    • Maj. General David McCloud, U.S. Air Force
    • Admiral Dennis McGinn, Director, Air Warfare Division, Office of Chief of Naval Operations
    • Craig Steidle, Director, Naval Advanced Strike Technology Program
    • Brig. General Robert Magnus, Assistant Deputy Chief of Staff, Aviation
    • Lt. General Ed Eberhart, USAF Deputy Chief of Staff For Plans and Operations

    C-17 Multi-Year Procurement Request
    March 28, 1996 - Senate Committee on Armed Services: Subcommittee on Seapower

    Tactical Aviation Issues in Review of the FY 97 Defense Budget
    16 April 1996 House National Security Procurement Subcommittee

    Aid to Israel
    25 April 1996 - House Appropriations Committee 
    Subcommittee on Foreign Operations, Export Financing, and Related Programs

    • Neal M. Sher Executive Director American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC)

    China and MFN
    House International Relations Committee Subcommittee on Asia and the Pacific - May 16, 1996

    Clinton Administration and Arms shipments from Iran to Bosnia
    May 23, 1996 Senate Select Committee on Intelligence

    Iran/Bosnia Arms 
    30 May 96 House International Relations Committee

    China's Most Favored Nation status
    5 June 1996 - Senate Foreign Relations Committee

    China's Most Favored Nation status
    6 June 1996 - Senate Foreign Relations Committee

    • Sven F. Kraemer, Former Director of Arms Control, National Security Council Staff, 1981-1987

    House International Relations Committee - June 12, 1996

    DoD Tactical Aviation Modernization Program
    June 27, 1996 - House Committee on National Security: Subcommittee on Research & Development and the Subcommittee on Procurement

    24 July 1996 - Senate Select Committee on Intelligence

    1 August 1996 Senate Armed Services Committee

    The Arab States Of The Persian Gulf
    25 September 1996 - House Committee On International Relations Subcommittee On Near East And South Asia

    • Judith S. Yaphe Visiting Senior Fellow at the Institute for National Strategic Studies at the National Defense University


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