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1996 Congressional Debates


    • Senator Robb urged on February 7 that foreign volunteer soldiers, particularly those from Iran, be expelled from Bosnia in order to permit the U.S. led effort to bring peace to that nation.
    • Although war conditions will not resume in Bosnia while NATO troops are still stationed in the area, to avoid future conflict and to encourage economic regrowth, vast aid must be targeted at the war-torn state, the Pentagon reported on April 17.
    • Senator Dole called for investigation of Iranian arm sales to Bosnia on April 17.
    • On April 19, Senator Kerrey advocated the bipartisan Select Committee on Intelligence's ability to investigate U.S. acquiescence to Iranian arms shipments to Bosnia.
    • On April 25, Senator Cox urged investigation into Clinton's changed stance on the arms embargo in Bosnia.
    • House debate on the formation of a Select Subcommittee within the Committee on International Relations to Investigate the role of the United States in Iranian Arms Transfers to Croatia and Bosnia took place on May 8.
      • What the "Vote on the Previous Question" regarding the formation of a Select Subcommittee to Investigate the role of the United States in Iranian Arms Transfers to Croatia and Bosnia really means.
      • Floor Procedure in the 104th Congress 1st Session; Compiled by the Rules Committee Democrats.
      • Vote on the "Previous Question" on the formation of a Select Subcommittee to Investigate the role of the United States in Iranian Arms Transfers to Croatia and Bosnia.
    • On May 9, Senator Lieberman commented that the Clinton administration acted admirably in allowing arms, supplied by Islamic countries, to pass through Croatia for the ultimate use of the Bosnian army.
    • The House Investigated Iranian Arms Shipments to Bosnia on May 14.
    • On June 11, Representative Hamilton requested and received information on the U.S. decision to take no position in response to the Croatian Government's request for our views on its serving as the channel for third-country arms shipments to Bosnia.


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