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MM '16: Proceedings of the 24th ACM international conference on Multimedia
ACM2016 Proceeding
  • Association for Computing Machinery
  • New York
  • NY
  • United States
MM '16: ACM Multimedia Conference Amsterdam The Netherlands October 15 - 19, 2016
01 October 2016
Next Conference
October 28 - November 1, 2024
Melbourne , VIC , Australia
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We warmheartedly welcome you to the 24th ACM Multimedia conference, which is hosted for the first time in the Netherlands, in the wonderful city of Amsterdam. ACM Multimedia 2016 brings an extensive program consisting of technical sessions covering all aspects of the multimedia field in the form of oral and poster presentations, tutorials, panels, exhibits, demonstrations and workshops, bringing into focus the principal subjects of investigation, competitions of research teams on challenging problems, and an interactive art program stimulating artists and computer scientists to meet and discover together the frontiers of artistic communication. The call for contributions attracted submissions from all over the world, which were all thoroughly reviewed for their merit in terms of scientific quality, innovation, and match to the conference.

In addition to these, the main program has two exciting keynote presentations, by Dirk Helbing from ETH Zurich, Switzerland, titled "A digital world to thrive in -- How the Internet of Things can make the 'invisible hand' work" and by Jack van Wijk from Eindhoven University of Technology, the Netherlands, titled "Visual Analytics for Multimedia: Challenges and Opportunities". Furthermore, a visionary presentation will be given by the winner of the SIGMM Award for Outstanding Technical Contributions to Multimedia Computing, Communications and Applications 2016, Alberto del Bimbo, from the University of Florence, Italy. The main program will conclude with the SIGMM Rising Stars Symposium, highlighting the scientific results and vision of the invited young researchers, who demonstrated great potential in multimedia research and who are considered to become future leaders in the multimedia field.

The main program is accompanied by eight workshops to discuss challenging topics and six tutorials to bring you up to speed on important foundations of our multimedia field. The unique co-location of ACM Multimedia 2016 with the European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV 2016) has brought the opportunity to have additional twelve invited tutorials from world leaders covering both multimedia and computer vision.

Cited By

  1. Voronin V, Gapon N, Zhadanova M, Semenishchev E, Agaian S, DelMarco S and Asari V (2024). Thermal image enhancement by artificial multiscale-exposure image fusion Multimodal Image Exploitation and Learning 2024, 10.1117/12.3017678, 9781510673847, (24)
  2. ACM
    Dubey S, Kraft D, Drueeke N and Bieber G Survey on food intake methods using visual technologies Proceedings of the 8th international Workshop on Sensor-Based Activity Recognition and Artificial Intelligence, (1-11)
  3. Chen X, Chen K, Shen L and Zhong G (2023). Detection of farm harvestable apples based on improved YOLOv7 2023 3rd International Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Analysis (ICCPA 2023), 10.1117/12.2684261, 9781510667563, (72)
  4. Wang Y, Zhou Z and Paas F (2023). Effects of instruction colour and learner empathy on aesthetic appreciation of Chinese poetry, Instructional Science, 10.1007/s11251-023-09631-x, 51:4, (617-637), Online publication date: 1-Aug-2023.
  5. ACM
    Vera Nieto D, Kalloori S, Zund F, Labrador C, Willhaus M, Klingler S and Gross M A Retrieval System for Images and Videos based on Aesthetic Assessment of Visuals Proceedings of the 46th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval, (3180-3184)
  6. Ye X, Gao S, Li F and Chu J (2023). HB-YOLOv5: improved YOLOv5 based on hybrid backbone for infrared small target detection on complex backgrounds Earth and Space: From Infrared to Terahertz (ESIT 2022), 10.1117/12.2664934, 9781510661196, (57)
  7. Zelensky A, Voronin V, Gapon N, Semenishchev E, Voronina S, Ilyukhin Y, Bouma H, Stokes R, Yitzhaky Y and Prabhu R (2022). Image enhancement based on multi-scale transform domain technique for visual surveillance application Counterterrorism, Crime Fighting, Forensics, and Surveillance Technologies VI, 10.1117/12.2641694, 9781510655539, (21)
  8. Chen K, Cai W, Shea R, Huang C, Liu J, Leung V and Hsu C Cloud gaming Frontiers of Multimedia Research, (287-314)
  9. Hsu C, Hong H, Elgamal T, Nahrstedt K and Venkatasubramanian N Multimedia fog computing Frontiers of Multimedia Research, (255-286)
  10. Ramanathan S, Gilani S and Sebe N Utilizing implicit user cues for multimedia analytics Frontiers of Multimedia Research, (219-251)
  11. Rizoiu M, Lee Y, Mishra S and Xie L Hawkes processes for events in social media Frontiers of Multimedia Research, (191-218)
  12. Singh V Situation recognition using multimodal data Frontiers of Multimedia Research, (159-189)
  13. Cui P Social-sensed multimedia computing Frontiers of Multimedia Research, (137-157)
  14. Jeǵou H Efficient similarity search Frontiers of Multimedia Research, (105-134)
  15. Atrey P, Lathey A and Yakubu A Encrypted domain multimedia content analysis Frontiers of Multimedia Research, (75-104)
  16. Alameda-Pineda X, Ricci E and Sebe N Multimodal analysis of free-standing conversational groups Frontiers of Multimedia Research, (51-74)
  17. Friedland G, Smaragdis P, McDermott J and Raj B Audition for multimedia computing Frontiers of Multimedia Research, (31-50)
  18. Wu Z, Yao T, Fu Y and Jiang Y Deep learning for video classification and captioning Frontiers of Multimedia Research, (3-29)
  19. Preface Frontiers of Multimedia Research, (xi-xv)
  20. Kang B, Tripathi S, Dane G, Nguyen T and Tescher A (2017). Low-complexity object detection with deep convolutional neural network for embedded systems Applications of Digital Image Processing XL, 10.1117/12.2275512, 9781510612495, (60)
  21. ACM
    El Ali A, Wallbaum T, Wasmann M, Heuten W and Boll S Face2Emoji Proceedings of the 2017 CHI Conference Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems, (1577-1584)
  • Delft University of Technology
  • University of Amsterdam
  • University of Amsterdam
  • Free University Amsterdam
  • EURECOM- Graduate School and Research Center in Digital Sciences
  • University of Southern California
  • Information Technologies Institute


Acceptance Rates

MM '16 Paper Acceptance Rate 52 of 237 submissions, 22%;
Overall Acceptance Rate 995 of 4,171 submissions, 24%
MM '1993625227%
MM '1875720928%
MM '1768418928%
MM '162375222%
MM '152525622%
MM '142865519%
MM '132354720%
MULTIMEDIA '053124916%
MULTIMEDIA '023304614%
MULTIMEDIA '971424028%