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A formal model of services

Published: 01 February 2007 Publication History


Service-oriented software systems rapidly gain importance across application domains: They emphasize functionality (services), rather structural entities (components), as the basic building block for system composition. More specifically, services coordinate the interplay of components to accomplish specific tasks. In this article, we establish a foundation of service orientation: Based on the Focus theory of distributed systems (see Broy and Stølen [2001]), we introduce a theory and formal model of services. In Focus, systems are composed of interacting components. A component is a total behavior. We introduce a formal model of services where, in contrast, a service is a partial behavior. For services and components, we work out foundational specification techniques and outline methodological development steps. We show how services can be structured and how software architectures can be composed of services and components. Although our emphasis is on a theoretical foundation of the notion of services, we demonstrate utility of the concepts we introduce by means of a running example from the automotive domain.


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                                              cover image ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology
                                              ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology  Volume 16, Issue 1
                                              February 2007
                                              116 pages
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                                              Association for Computing Machinery

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                                              Published: 01 February 2007
                                              Published in TOSEM Volume 16, Issue 1


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                                              1. Components
                                              2. assumption/commitment specifications
                                              3. service engineering
                                              4. services
                                              5. software architecture


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