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Network Adjustment: Channel and Block Search Guided by Resource Utilization Ratio

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It is an important problem to design resource-efficient neural architectures. One solution is adjusting the number of channels in each layer and the number of blocks in each network stage. This paper presents a novel framework named network adjustment which considers accuracy as a function of the computational resource (e.g., FLOPs or parameters), so that architecture design becomes an optimization problem and can be solved with the gradient-based optimization method. The gradient is defined as the resource utilization ratio (RUR) of each changeable module (layer or block) in a network and is accurate only in a small neighborhood of the current status. Therefore, we estimate it using Dropout, a probabilistic operation, and optimize the network architecture iteratively. The computational overhead of the entire process is comparable to that of re-training the final model from scratch. We investigate two versions of RUR where the resource usage is measured by FLOPs and latency. Experiments on standard image classification datasets and a few base networks including ResNet and EfficientNet demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach, which consistently outperforms the pruning-based counterparts.

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This work was supported by the National Key R&D Program of China (2017YFB1301100), National Natural Science Foundation of China (61772060, U1536107, 61472024, 61572060, 61976012, 61602024), and the CERNET Innovation Project (NGII20160316). We would like to thank Dr. Xin Chen for the helpful discussions.

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Chen, Z., Xie, L., Niu, J. et al. Network Adjustment: Channel and Block Search Guided by Resource Utilization Ratio. Int J Comput Vis 130, 820–835 (2022).

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