Resveratrol is a stilbenoid, a type of natural phenol, and a phytoalexin produced naturally by several plants when under attack by pathogens such as bacteria or fungi.
Chemical structures of cis- ((Z)-resveratrol, left) and trans-resveratrol ((E)-resveratrol, right)
- Polygonum cuspidatum è il nome di una pianta erbacea perenne, appartenente alla stessa famiglia del grano saraceno (Polygonaceae). Di origine asiatica, questa specie cresce spontaneamente in zone aride degli Stati Uniti e nel sud del Canada. P. cuspidatum è una pianta nota sin dall’antichità, impiegata dalla medicina popolare come erba lassativa, e occasionalmente utilizzata come cibo. Oggi se ne conoscono diverse applicazioni terapeutiche per varie patologie, ma attualmente l’importanza di questa pianta è in relazione all’elevata concentrazione di resveratrol in essa presente, una fitoalexina dotata di potente attività antiossidante, antitumorale e cardioprotettiva.
- grapes (red wine)
- peanuts
in food supplements
- AA
- BB
- Life extension
- Cancer prevention
- Cardioprotective effects
- Antidiabetic effects
- Other applications
- Applications that have been demonstrated ineffective
- -Estrogeno simile
resveratrol dose human
Le ragioni che mettono in dubbio l’utilità del resveratrolo sono il dosaggio(esperimenti condotti con dosi elevate per avere una concentrazione nel sangue consigliata di almeno 10mg/l, per ottenere tale concentrazione nel nostro corpo dovrebbero circolarne 50 mg. La buccia dell’acino d’uva rossa contiene circa 50-100 microgrammi di resveratrolo/grammo di peso secco e la sua concentrazione nel vino rosso è dell’ordine di 0,3-0,5 milligrammi/litro; onde per cui un individuo di 70 Kg per assumere le stesse dosi testate in laboratorio dovrebbe mangiare 3-6 Kg di buccia di acini di uva al giorno.) e la biodisponibilità che nel resveratrolo è bassissima in quanto viene metabolizzato molto velocemente.( una dose di 25 mg lascia tracce di concentrazione nel plasma trascurabili e dopo 30-60 minuti circa i valori di picco sono 10-100 volte inferiori alle dosi utilizzate in laboratorio).
Resveratrol: a multitargeted agent for age-associated chronic diseases. 2008
- direct targeting of the non-redox NAD-dependent proteins using resveratrol to activate SIRT1 (Wikigenes, iHOP) or PJ34 in order to inhibit PARP1 (iHOP)
Pharmacological targeting of IDO-mediated tolerance for treating autoimmune disease. 2007
- Alternatively the direct targeting of the non-redox NAD-dependent proteins using resveratrol to activate SIRT1 or PJ34 in order to inhibit PARP1 and prevent autoimmune pathogenesis are also given consideration.
Effect on HMGCoA reductase
Papers resveratrol cholesterol
The contents of cholesterol and triglyceride in hepatic tissue were significantly lower in the resveratrol group than in the control group. Real-time PCR analysis revealed that HMGR mRNA expression was significantly lower in the resveratrol group than in the control group. These results indicate that dietary resveratrol reduces serum cholesterol by down-regulating hepatic HMGR mRNA expression in hamsters fed a high-fat diet.
Resveratrol attenuates the expression of HMG-CoA reductase mRNA in hamsters. 2007
Effect on VDR
Resveratrolo e vitamina D
Tra i suoi targets, il resveratrolo include anche la vitamina D, ormone liposolubile coinvolto nell'omeostasi del calcio-fosforo, indispensabile per la formazione del tessuto osseo e dei denti ma la cui importanza non é limitata solo alle ossa.
Il resveratrolo, che nella sua forma chimica é assimilabile ad un fitoestrogeno, attraversa la membrana plasmatica cellulare e interagisce con il recettore degli estrogeni.
Gli ER sono presenti in 2 isoforme, alfa e beta, ma il resveratrolo sembra legare solo l'isoforma alfa (Regulation of the human vitamin D3 receptor promoter in breast cancer cells is mediated through Sp1 sites. 2005).Il complesso recettore-resveratrolo, stabilizzato da proteine della classe HSP) migra nel nucleo, legandosi a sequenze ben codificate sul promoter dei geni VDR e può attivare la trascrizione
che porterà alla sintesi dei recettori per la vitamina D.
Exp Biol Med (Maywood). 2008 May;233(5):558-74. Epub 2008 Mar 28.
"Mitochondrial dysfunction and redox signaling in atrial tachyarrhythmia.. 2008":
Bukowska A, Schild L, Keilhoff G, Hirte D, Neumann M, Gardemann A, Neumann KH, Röhl FW, Huth C, Goette A, Lendeckel U.
University Hospital Magdeburg, Institute of Experimental Internal Medicine, Leipzigerstrasse 44, 39120 Magdeburg, Germany.
Comment in:
Exp Biol Med (Maywood). 2008 May;233(5):vi.
Accumulating evidence links calcium-overload and oxidative stress to atrial remodeling during atrial fibrillation (AF). Furthermore, atrial remodeling appears to increase atrial thrombogeneity, characterized by increased expression of adhesion molecules. The aim of this study was to assess mitochondrial dysfunction and oxidative stress-activated signal transduction (nuclear factor-kappaB [NF-kappa B], lectin-like oxidized low-density lipoprotein receptor [LOX-1], intercellular adhesion molecule-1 [ICAM-1], and hemeoxgenase-1 [HO-1]) in atrial tissue during AF. Ex vivo atrial tissue from patients with and without AF and, additionally, rapid pacing of human atrial tissue slices were used to study mitochondrial structure by electron microscopy and mitochondrial respiration. Furthermore, quantitative reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR), immunoblot analyses, gel-shift assays, and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) were applied to measure nuclear amounts of NF-kappa B target gene expression. Using ex vivo atrial tissue samples from patients with AF we demonstrated oxidative stress and impaired mitochondrial structure and respiration, which was accompanied by nuclear accumulation of NF-kappa B and elevated expression levels of the adhesion molecule ICAM-1 and the oxidative stress-induced markers HO-1 and LOX-1. All these changes were reproduced by rapid pacing for 24 hours of human atrial tissue slices. Furthermore, the blockade of calcium inward current with verapamil effectively prevented both the mitochondrial changes and the activation of NF-kappa B signaling and target gene expression. The latter appeared also diminished by the antioxidants apocynin and resveratrol (an inhibitor of NF-kappa B), or the angiotensin II receptor type 1 antagonist, olmesartan. This study demonstrates that calcium inward current via L-type calcium channels contributes to oxidative stress and increased expression of oxidative stress markers and adhesion molecules during cardiac tachyarrhythmia.
olr1 calcium
Effect on angiogenesis
resveratrol angiogenesis
Anti-angiogenic effects of resveratrol mediated by decreased VEGF and increased TSP1 expression in melanoma-endothelialcell co-culture, 2010
resveratrol angiogenesis
Resveratrol Enhances Antitumor Activity of TRAIL in Prostate Cancer Xenografts through Activation of FOXO Transcription Factor, 2010
Resveratrol reverses multidrug resistance in human breast cancer doxorubicin-resistant cells. 2014
- Although its mechanisms remain unidentified, resveratrol (trans-3,4',5-trihydroxystilbene; RES), which is an active, low molecular-weight compound, possesses a unique antitumor function and is capable of enhancing the cytotoxicity of doxorubicin (DOX) within solid tumor cells. RES is hypothesized to exert these effects by reversing the multidrug resistance (MDR) of the cancer cells in response to chemotherapeutic agents. The aim of the present study was to investigate the reversal effect of RES on MDR in human breast cancer DOX-resistant (MCF-7/DOX) cells and investigate the underlying mechanisms of RES. The results demonstrated that RES inhibited the proliferation of MCF-7/DOX and MCF-7 cells in a dose-dependent manner. Moreover, RES enhanced the cytotoxicity of DOX on MCF-7/DOX cells and the reversal index of RES treatment was demonstrated to be significantly higher when compared with that of the group without RES treatment. In addition, RES was observed to reverse the MDR of the MCF-7/DOX cells and elevate the concentration of DOX in the MCF-7/DOX cells. Furthermore, RES was identified to significantly downregulate the MDR-1 gene and P-glycoprotein expression levels. Reversing MDR, via the downregulation of MDR-1 expression, was concluded to be a mechanism of RES, which enables the unique antitumor function of this polypeptide. Therefore, the present study indicated that RES may be a novel MDR reversal agent for the treatment of breast cancer.
100 mg/die