International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling (ICAPS)

Venue statistics

records by year

document access 

    frequent authors

      34th ICAPS 2024: Banff, AB, Canada

      33rd ICAPS 2023: Prague, Czech Republic

      32nd ICAPS 2022: Singapore [virtual]

      31st ICAPS 2021: Guangzhou, China [virtual]

      30th ICAPS 2020: Nancy, France

      29th ICAPS 2019: Berkeley, CA, USA

      28th ICAPS 2018: Delft, The Netherlands

      27th ICAPS 2017: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA

      26th ICAPS 2016: London, UK

      25th ICAPS 2015: Jerusalem, Israel

      24th ICAPS 2014: Portsmouth, New Hampshire, USA

      23rd ICAPS 2013: Rome, Italy

      22nd ICAPS 2012: Atibaia, São Paulo, Brazil

      21st ICAPS 2011: Freiburg, Germany

      20th ICAPS 2010: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

      19th ICAPS 2009: Thessaloniki, Greece

      18th ICAPS 2008: Sydney, NSW, Australia

      17th ICAPS 2007: Providence, Rhode Island, USA

      16th ICAPS 2006: Cumbria, UK

      15th ICAPS 2005: Monterey, California, USA

      14th ICAPS 2004: Whistler, British Columbia, Canada

      13th ICAPS 2003: Trento, Italy