Hello teachers!
Order your kit HERE!
I taught for 10 years and have SO much respect for the time, energy and love you pour into your students! I hope this makes them smile this holiday season and takes some stress off you! Besides the first and last day, the order of the days is not that important, so feel free to mix it up!
Some extra items you will need…hopefully most of these are already in your classroom: a box of tissues (Day 3), a small container for water (see Day 5), candy wrappers (optional) (see Day 7), 1/2 a cup of sugar or salt or something to “plant” your mint (see Day 9), pencil sharpener (Day 12), wall clock (Day 13).
If you have ANY questions do not hesitate to DM me on Instagram @crispcollectiveig or send me an email at info@crispcollective.org.
Let’s get this elf party started!!
Extras in the Bag Labeled Days 1-5
In this bag you should find one of these cards that say Claus Pause. These are not assigned to any specific day. They are just a fun way to leave your students individual notes throughout the month! You can find a printable PDF by clicking HERE.
We wanted to give your elf a little style this year, so all kits come with a pair of sneakers. Loosen the laces and place your elf’s foot inside.
Each kit will also come with a fun green pair!
Day 1:
Arrival Day!!
Supplies: The special delivery 5×7 sign from the bag labeled Days 1-5
Write your name on the 5×7 under the words Ship To:
Carefully slide your elf into the slit provided, feet first, so that only the arms, torso and head are out.
Place him somewhere fun within your classroom.
Day 2:
Supplies: Blindfold, Card with balls glued on, easel, extra balls
Instructions: Tie blindfold on elf. Place card on easel. Place extra balls next to elf.
Do not throw the red pom pom balls away! We will use them later in the kit!
Day 3
Supplies: Snotty or nice card, kleenex box, kleenex
Instructions: Tear a tissued into little pieces and wad them up so it looks like your elf has used them. Spread them around. Place the card nearby.
Day 4:
Supplies: Rudolph card, red pom poms, sticky squares
Instructios: Use your sticky squares to attach the red noses to the covers of books in your classroom or faces around the classroom. You could also print photos of people on campus- your principal, police officer, librarian, etc. and place the noses on their faces…whatever will make your students giggle!
Day 5:

Supplies: Snowman card, bag of “snowman parts” from the bag marked “Days 1-5”, small bowl and water (you provide)
Instructions: Place your snowman parts in water to represent the melted snowman your elf brought from the North Pole! You can write your elf’s name under the heart at the bottom of the card. Place the card on the easel.
Note: Snowman parts may vary.
Day 6:
Supplies: Blitzen’s Book Fair 8×10, black plastic cup
This booth is an 8×10 at the bottom of your box. Fold the sides along the lines.
Set your elf in the cup provided, like so, so that he doesn’t fall forward. Place him behind the booth near books in your classroom.
Note: DO NOT throw the cup away! We’ll be using it again later in the kit!
Day 7:
Supplies: Feliz Navidad card, easel, straw, blindfold, string for pinata, mini pinata-located in your box.
Instructions: Place the card on the mini easel. Tie the blindfold around your elf’s eyes. Tie the string to the handle of the pinata and hang it from a cabinet knob or wherever makes sense for your classroom. Place the straw in your elf’s hands. You can use a sticky square if needed to make it stay!
Later that day…(optional)
The switch might happen while your students are at lunch, recess, etc.
Supplies: Pinata, Fiesta then Siesta card, candy wrappers (optional)
Instructions: Spread the wrappers around like the pinata has been busted and all the candy has been eaten. Place your elf in a sleeping position.
Have students write a letter of gratitude (or draw a picture if that is more age appropriate) for someone on campus- a specials teacher, school secretary, custodian, librarian, principal, etc. Deliver the letters and spread a little Christmas JOY!
Day 8
Supplies: Flamingo float, cup, umbrella, 2 jingle bells, card, easel
Directions: Set your elf on the inflated flamingo. Place the umbrella in the cup and the card on the easel.
Let’s flamingle!!
Day 9:
Supplies: Easel, Candy cane farm card, “Plant me” mint, Black plastic pot, 1/2 cup of salt or granulated sugar
Instructions: Place card on the easel, measure out 1/2 a cup of salt or sugar and set it out with the Plant Me mint. When your students discover the elf, open the mint and “plant it”, placing the mint at the bottom of the pot and pouring the sugar on top.
Day 10:
Supplies: 2 candy canes from the Days 7-14 bag
Instructions: Today our mint has grown into two candy canes! Push the bottom of the candy cane all the way to the bottom of the pot, so it is secure. Place them to create a heart like the picture on the mint wrapper and card…..this is Cupid’s Candy Cane farm after all!
Day 11:
Supplies: Cup and lid, small sign
Instructions: Fold elf’s legs in and place him in the cup. Place the sig inside and attach the lid.
You can have your students carry him to specials, recess, lunch….anywhere your elf would like to explore. Students can write or draw a recap of their elf’s day!
Day 12:
Instructions: Place your elf’s hand in the pencil sharpener. Place the card nearby. Use a sticky square to attach if needed.
Day 13:
Supplies: Time flies sign, tape
Instructions: Tape your elf to your wall clock and attach the sign.
Day 14:
Supplies: Card, Easel
Instructions: Sign your elf’s name and set card on the easel!
Enjoy your holiday break…you’ve earned it!!