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This page contains help on contructing a number of page formatting features such as the table of contents, colored tables, headings, and numbered or bulleted lists. For more basic editing help, consult the How to edit file. When you are ready to start writing your own article, consult the Style guide for specific instructions, such as naming conventions and how to format references.
This page has not been protected from editing, so that you may view the code. But, please do not alter this page except to add more formatting help. To experiment with page formatting, please use the Practice page.
Quick Reference
Wiki text | Result |
''italic'' | italic |
'''bold''' | bold |
'''''bold and italic''''' | bold and italic |
==heading== |
Headings in different sizes |
[[Link to another page]] [[Link|different title]] |
Internal Link to another page
on the wiki | |
External link Link with description |
[[fr:Page en français]] | Interwiki link to french Wikipedia (appears under “languages“) |
[[Category:Example]] | Add article to category “example“ |
---- |
horizontal line |
* one |
Bullet list |
# one |
Numbered list |
[[Image:File.jpg|Text]] [[Image:File.jpg|frame|Text]] |
Image with alternative text Image aligned right with caption |
[[Media:File.ogg]] | Download link |
{{Name}} | Include template “Name“ |
--~~~ | Signature (Link to userpage) |
--~~~~ |
Signature with timestamp (date & time) |
#REDIRECT [[Other article]] | Redirect to another article |
(The heading on this section is a "level 2" heading)
To create a heading, use the HEADING shortcut button above the editing window , or place two or more equals signs on either side of title. e.g. == My discussion topic == will convert the text between equal signs to a heading-sized font.
NOTE: The above table of contents is created by the Wiki software automatically when 4 or more "headings" are placed in a document. Subheadings are created using increasing numbers of equal signs, which are automatically indented in the table of contents. Also when you label a section of a page with a "heading", the Wiki software places an "edit" link beside that section allowing you to edit it individually.
This is a level 3 heading
A level 3 heading is created by adding three equals signs each side of the heading text.
- === This is a level 3 heading ===
This is a level 4 heading
A level 4 heading is created by adding four equals signs each side of the heading text.
- ==== This is a level 4 heading ====
NOTE: Do not use single equals signs—this will give a level 1 heading, which is what is used for the title of the page.
Character formatting
Italics and Bold formatting can be created using the shortcut buttons above the editing window , or by using the following markup.
Use two single-quote marks around text to be italicised:
- ''This is italic.''
- This is italic.
Use three single-quote marks around text to be bolded:
- '''This is bold.'''
- This is bold.
Create indentations by placing a colon sign ":" at the beginning of a line. Colons can be added incrementally to create hierarchical lists.
Use this markup:
: Single colon.
:: Two colons.
::: Three colons and so on.
To produce the following:
- Single colon.
- Two colons.
- Three colons and so on.
- Two colons.
Numeric lists
Create numbered lists using the Number sign "#"
Use this markup:
- # Those creatures better suited for the environment survive
- # As a species adapts to the environment it becomes specialized
- ## create subitem by adding second number sign
- ## another subitem
- ### create further subs by continuing to add number signs
To produce this numbered list:
- Those creatures better suited for the environment survive
- As a species adapts to the environment it becomes specialised
- create subitem by adding second number sign
- another subitem
- create further subs by continuing to add number signs
Bulleted Lists
Create bulleted lists using the Asterisks ( * )
Use this markup:
- * Created traits - these are traits created in the beginning
- * Mutations - these are new traits typically resulting from deactivating genes.
- ** create sub-bullet by adding second asterisk
- ** another subitem
- *** create further subs by continuing to add asterisks
To create this bullet list:
- Created traits - these are traits created in the beginning
- Mutations - these are new traits typically resulting from deactivating genes.
- create subitem by adding second asterisk
- another subitem
- create further subs by continuing to add asterisks
Creating Frames and Tables
- Main Article: Table Help
The easiest method for placing a frame around text is simply to put a space before the text. The space will automatically cause a frame to be placed around text. There are problems associated with this type of frame.
- Line breaks must be inserted manually. Table width will stretch offscreen to fit text.
- Each new line must contain a space to be place in the same table. Table ends upon first occurrence of no space.
- Bullet and number lists cant be created in this kind of table using the asterisk and number sign.
One space was placed before these 3 lines. *Bullets dont work. #Numbers dont work.
Grey Frame
This markup:
- <blockquote style="background: #F9F9F9; border: 1px solid #AAAAAA; padding: .3em;">
Gen 6:7 ''So the LORD said, "I will wipe mankind, whom I have created, from the face of the earth--men and animals, and creatures that move along the ground, and birds of the air--for I am grieved that I have made them."'' </blockquote>
Produces this frame:
Gen 6:7 So the LORD said, "I will wipe mankind, whom I have created, from the face of the earth--men and animals, and creatures that move along the ground, and birds of the air--for I am grieved that I have made them."
Blue Table
This markup:
- {| cellspacing="3"
- |- valign="top"
- |width="60%" bgcolor="#f0f0ff" style="border:1px solid #c6c9ff;padding:1em;padding-top:0.5em;"|
- '''Darwinist prediction:'''
- New genes are created through duplication and mutation of ancestral genes. *This type of table does support bulleted lists. #It also supports numeric lists.
- |}
Produces this table:
Darwinist prediction: New genes are created through duplication and mutation of ancestral genes.
Alternatively - use the "quote" template ( {{quote}} ) to create a colored box that is suitable for containing quotes.
Data Tables
- Main Page: Creating Tables
Here is how you produce a table of data. It particularly handy when comparing different categories of data.
This markup:
- {| border="1" cellpadding="2"
- !width="20"| '''Space'''
- !width="20"| '''Time'''
- !width="20"| '''Matter'''
- |-
- | Height
- | Past
- | Solid
- |-
- | Width
- | Present
- | Liquid
- |-
- | Depth
- | Future
- | Gas
- |}
Produces this table:
Space | Time | Matter |
Height | Past | Solid |
Width | Present | Liquid |
Depth | Future | Gas |
- Main Article: Image help
To add an image to a page:
1) upload the image to the CreationWiki.
2) Click the image icon in the editing toolbar . This button creates the following code - [[Image:example.jpg]]. Then replace the example.jpg filename with that of the uploaded file.
3) The image can then be formatted by placing the pipe character (|) after the filename, followed by a formatting option, such as right, left, or size specifications (i.e. 250px)
For example:
- For a floating image on right side of the page use the following.
- [[Image:Person.png|right]]
- For a floating with a descriptive caption use the following format.
- [[Image:Person.png|frame|left|Descriptive text here]]
- To specify a size and have a thumbnail icon in the frame use the following format.
- [[Image:Person.png|thumb|80px|right|Descriptive text]]
Image can also be placed in galleries or tables. For more image formatting help see: Help:Images