Crow |
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Scientific Classification |
Species |
Crows are any of the smaller species within the taxonomic genus Corvus. The larger species of this genus are typically referred to as Ravens. It is said that crows are the most intelligent of all birds and they can easily adapt to their surroundings. If a crow is trying to open up a nut it purposely puts it in an area where it will get run over by a car. Crows have a mixed and complex language, they can mimic sounds of things that they hear and even associate those sounds with things that happen often. American crows can easily be identified by their caw sound and black color. Crows live successfully in urban areas where it is easier to access food. Crows can live as long as ten years and can do a lot of reproducing in that amount of time. Crows are often found resting in trees or searching for food in numerous areas including cities. There are many different types of crows that differ in size, weight and even their color.
The crow is a dark colored bird that can be found all over the world. The crow varies in length anywhere from 18 to 22 inches. Crows have little firm bristles that cover over their nostrils. The Crow has long, pointed wings and its tail has a unique square shape. Crows are often mistaken for Ravens, the main difference between the two is that the Raven is larger in body size. Ravens also have their own unique tail and wing shape. When crows have reached adulthood they have a purple type of gloss on their body and on their wings it's more of a green type color. The crows eyes and beak also darken as it goes into adulthood. Most all crows tend to have firm, strong legs as well as toes. American Crows get up to about one pound in weight when they've fully developed.
When the crow is trying to get a mate it fluffs out its feathers and flies around in a circle in hopes of attracting a female nearby. The mating process can start in February and last all the way through June. American crows don't reproduce until they are at least two years of age, most reproduce when they have reached the age of 4. The nests that crows make are often in a tall and sturdy tree. The nest building process takes about one to two weeks before its ready for use. When two crows have mated they remain with each other throughout the rest of their lives. The female crow can lay up to five eggs, each of which have a light green color. To help with incubation both the male and female crow sit on the eggs to keep them warm until they have hatched. The eggs hatch in 18 days and the baby crows will leave the nest anywhere from 35 days old to two months old. Crow families can get up to 15 members from several different years of breeding.
Crows can be found in all parts of the world except Antarctica, New Zealand and South America. The American crow can be found in the lower parts of Canada and all through the United States with a large number of them living on the West coast. Crows can be found in forests, farm areas and agricultural areas. The crow prefers wide open areas so that it can feed, trees separated a distance from each other for nesting and somewhere to rest. During the summer months the American crow will migrate to Canada where the climate is colder. Crows have been known to travel all the way up to 1,500 miles just so they can migrate to an agricultural area.
The crows diet consists mainly of corn, which is the reason why scarecrows are put up in farm lands. While crows prefer to eat corn they aren't limited to just that. Crows are omnivorous and they'll eat just about anything they can get. Crows tend to hunt smaller animals such as mice, frogs and even young rabbits. Crows can also be found on the highway feasting on a nice piece of roadkill. Crows will hoard any extra food that they have, they hide their extras in places like trees and even rain gutters. From time to time crows will even eat from bird feeders that have been set up by humans. Crows will also scavenge through and garbage that they find eating any meats or bugs that might be in there.
Australian and Melanesian species
- Little Crow C. bennetti
- Torresian Crow C. orru (Australian crow)
- New Caledonian Crow C. moneduloides
- Long-billed Crow C. validus
- White-billed Crow C. woodfordi
- Bougainville Crow C. meeki
- Brown-headed Crow C. fuscicapillus
- Grey Crow C. tristis
Pacific island species
- Mariana Crow, C. kubaryi
- Hawaiian Crow C. hawaiiensis
Tropical Asian species
- Slender-billed Crow C. enca
- Piping Crow C. typicus
- Banggai Crow C. unicolor
- Flores Crow C. florensis
- Collared Crow C. torquatus
- Daurian Jackdaw C. dauricus
- House Crow C. splendens
- Large-billed Crow C. macrorhynchos
Eurasian and North African species
- Somali Crow C. edithae
- Jackdaw C. monedula
- Rook C. frugilegus
- Hooded Crow C. cornix
- Carrion Crow C. corone
North and Central American species
- American Crow C. brachyrhynchos
- Fish Crow C. ossifragus
- Northwestern Crow C. caurinus
- Tamaulipas Crow C. imparatus
- Sinaloan Crow C. sinaloae
- Jamaican Crow C. jamaicensis
- White-necked Crow C. leucognaphalus
- Palm Crow C. palmarum
- Cuban Crow C. nasicus
Tropical African species
- Cape Crow C. capensis
- Pied Crow C. albus
- Somali Crow C. edithae