Welcome to the Canadian Museum of Flight





 Annual General Meeting 2024
The Canadian Museum of Flight Association completed its Annual General Meeting for 2024 on the evening of Saturday, April 13. 
Two Directors stood for re-election to further two-year terms:
· Al French
· Mike Sattler
Two individuals were nominated for election as Directors, and both allowed their names to stand:
· Geoff Guest
· Alex Walker
Brenda Radstaak assumes the position of Manager, Visitor and Member Services. This better reflects both what Brenda does, and the quality of her contribution.
Jeff Chenatte joins us with the job title Manager, Museum Operations.
 Royal Canadian Air Force 100th Anniversary
April 1, 2024, was the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Royal Canadian Air Force.
In WWI, 22,000 Canadians served in the Royal Flying Corps or Royal Naval Air Service. At the end of the First World War, there were several tentative efforts to form a uniquely Canadian air service. Ultimately these attempts came to fruition on 01 April 1924. The Royal Canadian Air Force was created.
To commemorate 100 years of RCAF contribution to Canadian defense and security through war and peace, the Canadian Museum of Flight hosted a 100th anniversary event on 01 April, 2024.


The March 2024 school break brought flocks of families to the Canadian Museum of Flight.
March is the month for Spring Break, historically a strong month for the CMF.
Again, this year, many families chose a visit to the Canadian Museum of Flight as a great spring break activity.
The March visitor count was 1309 persons. That was yet another in our string of records for the month of the year. We exceeded the excellent result from March 2023 by 7%.
Year to date, our total visitor count is 5341. We are running 32% ahead of our pace for 2023.

February 2024 was a marvellous month for visitation to the Canadian Museum of Flight, both Family Day - on the 19th - and regular admissions …
The February visitor count was 3343 persons. That was an increase of 46% beyond what seemed excellent in 2023. Family Day 2024 we welcomed 2518 visitors through our gates in one day! Who saw that coming? Record smashing, it was. The previous largest one-day attendance was 1773, recorded on Family Day 2023. Regular Visitors totalled 825. That was an incredible 60% more than the same month in 2023. Leap Year meant one extra day, but, still …

Family Day by the numbers:

 - Visitors: 2518

 - CMF volunteers and staff on site: 34

 - Injury and security incidents: zero

 - Litter at the end of the day: zero

 - Smiles: thousands

 - Crying children, wanting to go home: none spotted

 - Crying children, wanting to stay longer: well, there were a few of those :o)


Winter comes to the Museum

A snowfall in mid-January coated the Museum's outdoor collection with 30cm of fluffy snow. No problem at the time, but the forecast of freezing rain gave an ominous note. To prevent damage to the collection, a  volunteer brigade was formed and aircraft cleared, pathways formed and some of the parking lot opened up.

The Canadair Tutor of the Snowbird Squadron appears in authentic dress. 

The broad wing of the Hampden was loaded with snow.
The solution - person power and brushes.
The CF-104 at rest.
December visitor numbers saw the Canadian Museum of Flight cement 2023 as an outstanding year.
14, 359!! That is the number of people who chose to include our “aviation discovery centre” in their busy lives this year. An increase of 40% from our previous best of 10,227, achieved in 2022. Almost 62% better than the annual total for 2019, our peak year pre-covid.
Fitting, it was: Our 14,000th visitor for 2023 was a young person hauling home a foam glider and a growing passion for the world of flight.
372 guests were welcomed between Christmas and New Years, making that our best “non-event week” for the entire year. The December total was 750 people; that was achieved without any special programs. Truly, the CMF has grown to be a “four-season destination.”


Long-time Langley Airport personality, Werner Griesbeck, passed in 2023.
For more on Werner's lifelong passion for aviation, see:
The Museum has a Pietenpol? What is that - a sleek racehorse, or maybe a bottle of exotic French wine? It is neither - it is a small homebuilt aircraft that has been around since the 1930s. The story of the construction of one of these in Vancouver 1936 by two young brothers was told in the Vancouver Sun recently. See more:

Battle of Britain Day 2023


Museum President, Bruce Friesen, expresses his delight at the day...

The 2023 commemoration of the Battle of Britain at the Canadian Museum of Flight was a resounding success.

It was a day on which our museum community came together. With an exceptionally large number of volunteers and other CMF folks on site, everyone had time to mingle and chat and remark about the day amongst ourselves.  The final tally included:

 - 30 of our core volunteers;

 - augmented by 6 “re-enactors” from the VanHighlanders group;

 - plus 17 Canadian Museum of Flight Association Members and their guests; and

 - 13 CMF Associates from the Langley Area Mostly British Motoring Club (LAMB).

The undoubted star of the day was our new “travelling girl”, our scale replica Spitfire, looking glorious. I single her out, and single out Alf Frost for his outstanding progress on bringing that airframe up to a high standard for trailering to outreach events. She was fully rigged and taking pride of place in the hangar, with the Merlin engine positioned nearby. Period colour was added by the 1937 Austin loaned to the CMF for the day by Ian and Doreen Newby of the Museum of the Armed Forces in Aldergrove; much appreciated.

A selection of the Museum's vintage fleet was on display.
A 1937 Austin Seven accompanies the replica Spitfire on display.
Military re-enactors pose by the Museum's Beech 18.



Museum visitor numbers year to date are over 10,000 - a full 46% ahead of the same point in 2022!


Airshow 2023

The Museum participated in the summer airshow season with Museum aircraft active or on display.
The first showing was at Pitt Meadows (CYPK) Regional Airport Day on June 24. Good weather and a good size crowd gave show-goers a good look at the Museum's fleet. The sales tent and team did a roaring trade in take-aways.
The Museum's display of the Sopwith Camel and the Sopwith Pup.
While the Pup can fly away home, the ground-bound Camel replica is only mobile in its trailer.
A strict protocol is followed to remove and stow the wings to prevent damage to the fragile machine.
Next on the show circuit was Boundary Bay Airshow (CZBB) in Delta on July 22. Good weather and plenty of visitors made it a successful day for the Museum.
The Museum's SE5a replica WW1 fighter on display with a USAAF Boeing B-17 behind.
The long-running Abbotsford International Airshow took place on August 11, 12 & 13. As usual the Museum was a participant in the ground and flight display. The SE5a and the Fleet Canuck flew in front of the crowds on Saturday and Sunday. The Sopwith Camel replica was extracted from its trailer and placed near the Museum sales booth. There was surprise when told that this was a full size replica of a WW1 fighter. The green metal model of a biplane was a hit among the younger crowd - who then directed their parents to the Museum sales booth!
Pilot, Bruce Nicmans, readies the SE5a for the flying display.
The SE5a parades in front of a sell-out crowd.
The Museum's Fleet Canuck shows its form for the airshow attendees.
The aircraft was donated to the Museum in 2003 in poor condition and rebuilt by volunteers.
The Museum participated in the annual Chilliwack Flight Fest on August 20. In spite of the smoky conditions our aircraft were able to travel and show off the Museum's flying fleet. 
The Museum's Sopwith Pup leads the group at Chilliwack.

Public Admission

(includes all applicable taxes).
Adults: $12.00
Concession (seniors* / youth*): $8.00
Family: $30.00 (2 adults and up to 5 students)
Children under 6: Free
Museum members, plus one guest: Free
(* seniors, 60 and over; youth, 6-18 years)
Special rates for Group Tours - call the Museum for more information.
If you would like to become a Museum member click here  for more information, or contact the Museum.
Phone: 604-532 -0035
Fax: 604-532-0056

Holiday Hours

A few public holidays and the Christmas-New Year time may result in the Museum being closed. 
As well, severe weather may have an impact on opening hours. Please phone before you travel.


Hangar # 3 - 5333 216th Street
Langley, BC
V2Y 2N3



 Hangar Day! Monday, May 1st.

This was a busy day for a lot of our wonderful volunteers. In a large group effort, every airplane from inside the hanger was carefully rolled outside and tied down (of course!) for security.


All of the models and airplanes hanging from the ceiling were lowered to the ground, washed, cleaned, and raised back up to the sky.

During this time, a LOT of new pictures were taken, a lot of inside the plane pics were available, and a lot of closeups. 

A big change was having new LED lights installed on the ceiling, replacing the old ones that took forever to turn on!

It was a hectic, long, tiresome day, but the overall results are marvelous.

A BIG thank you to all of the volunteers who helped with this immense task.




Welcome to #5000 for 2023!

The Museum was delighted to welcome our 5000th visitor for the year 2023. April 30th, and we already passed that milestone! We marked the occasion with a small gift to the 5000th. Well, not sure which of the young visitors was in the door first, two gifts :o).
To reach 5000 visitors before the end of April is remarkable, and well worth celebrating. Our total visitor count for 2022 was 10,200 – and that itself was 35% better than any previous year. This year, we are running a remarkable further 60% ahead of that pace. Only four months into the year, and already half way to the current annual record. In our slow winter season, no less!
It was fitting the 5000th visitor was a young person, coming as part of a young family. That is the demographic accounting for a large part of our visitor growth. It is apparent our ‘aviation discovery centre’ resonates with parents of children, both toddlers and youth. It is apparent word of mouth is bringing us many new faces. We take that as encouragement that our increasing focus on inspiring and educating young people is a worthy choice.




Earth Day 2023

A group of visitors joined Museum staff at the Canadian Museum of Flight for our first ever Earth Day event on Saturday, April 22.  The event gave a thoughtful exploration of how aviation is evolving to become a more eco-friendly form of travel and showed the possibilities that the future holds. There was fun for the whole family, and it proved to be a great family day out!

Annual General Meeting 2023

 The Museum held its Annual General Meeting on April 15. A quorum was established and the Minutes of the 2022 AGM were accepted. Treasurer, Al French, presented the Financial Statement.
Museum President, Bruce Friesen, then spoke of the achievements of the Museum in the last 12 months and the positive outlook for the future. Mike Sattler spoke to the Concept Plan from the consultants (AldrichPears Associates Ltd) on future Museum activities, and an interesting discussion ensued.
An election was called for the Board of Directors. Tribute was paid to retiring Director, Peter Graham, for his dedication in managing the Museum collection. Present Directors, Bruce Friesen, Phil Lipscombe and Jim Sloat were elected by acclamation. Long-term Museum member - and previous Museum Director - Gord Wintrup, was elected to the Board.


Volunteer activities
Spring 2023.
What do volunteers at the Museum do on these cool, rainy spring days? 
See more in our Press section:

Vimy Day 2023, Sunday April 9

The Museum's SE-5a inflight.
(photo credit: Ferenc Cegledi)

Sunday April 09 was Vimy Day…. On that day in 1917, Canadians went into battle for the first time as the Canadian Army Corps. Prior to that day, Canadian regiments were integrated with British units. They were given the task of securing Vimy Ridge, a strategic position to the northeast of the French city of Arras. The British and French armies had previously tried to take the ridge but suffered over 200,000 casualties in the attempt. After painstaking and meticulous planning, and the under the cover of intense artillery support, the Canadians attacked and took the ridge with over 3600 dead and another 7,000 wounded. The ridge remained in allied hands for the rest of the war.

The Royal Flying Corps flew in support of that attack, and provided valuable reconnaissance before, during and after the battle. Accurate maps based on RFC photos, aircraft directed counter-battery fire, suppression of German air activity, and close air support, strafing and bombing German trenches, all contributed to the successful Canadian assault.

The pride that Canada and the rest of the Empire felt was enormous, and singled Canada out as a distinct nation, and no longer a minor player in the British Empire.

Three vintage WWI aircraft from the Langley based Canadian Museum of Flight went to France in 2017 to take part in the centennial commemoration of that seminal event in Canadian history. Come and see them here at the Langley Airport.

Vimy Flight crew at the Canadian National Vimy Memorial, 2017.

Family Day 2023

On Monday, February 20, the Canadian Museum of Flight welcomed 1768 visitors. That made our Family Day 2023 a huge success, our best ever.

Despite the cold and rain and wind, people came.  And left with big smiles, particularly on the faces of the little ones carting off their craft creations and their prizes from the paper airplane contest.





Can I?

 Is it okay to sit in the planes? YES! If the cockpits are open, please feel free to fly our planes.

Please be very careful, of course, climbing in and out. The planes are VERY hard and do not feel good when you bang your head!


Today I Learned!

Have you ever noticed the small holes at the end of a wooden propeller?

Wonder what they are for? Now you'll know!

They are to drain any water that happens to gather on the prop and work it's way under the protective metal cap. 


 Avro Canada Orenda
Did you know that the Museum has a very significant Canadian artifact on display in the Hangar? It is the first generation of jet engines and ran for the first time in 1949 - the Orenda engine.
Read more in the Collection section...
The Avro Canada Orenda 10 engine on display at the Museum.
Volunteer activities
Volunteers are the 'heart and soul' of our Museum organization. 
Have you seen this classic picture taken at Langley Airport many years ago? Our dedicated volunteer crew has made steady progress on restoration of this aircraft back to flying condition.
Read more in the Cub Restoration section...
Volunteer Saturday
The Museum has announced 'Volunteer Saturday' as a regular feature to accomodate those unable to come on weekdays. This will take place on the third Saturday of each month -  September 17, October 15 etc. We will be tackling all sorts of tasks around the museum ranging from dusting artifacts to restoring airplanes, and everything in between. No matter what your skill level or your abilities, there will be something for you to help us out with.
When the workday is done, we’ll kick back, socialize for a bit and share some well-deserved pizza (cost by donation). Once everyone is settled in and satiated, we’ll then put on an aviation themed movie for anyone who wants to stick around or join us !
Read more in the Press section...


Don't forget to have a look at the Press section for the latest news from around the hangar;

Donations of old photographs

The Museum welcomes the donation of artifacts of significance to the history of aviation in BC. On the list are photographs that document this history.
Visitors come by the office and drop off a box of books, photos, logbooks, tools etc. Some of the photos (prints and color slides) are of old aircraft that most people cannot identify. So the detective work starts. What is the aircraft, who owned it, what is the location?
Unfortunately, sometimes the person leaves before contact information is gathered and we have no way of tracing the story behind the photos. 
For details see our Press section;

The British Commonwealth Air Training Plan (BCATP)

During World War 2, Canada was a major contributor in training aircrew for the battles around the world. The plan was known as the British Commonwealth Air Training Plan (BCATP). This year, 2020, is the 80th anniversary of the Plan being put into action.
To remember and honour this massive war effort, the Canadian Museum of Flight has a special display in the hangar. Come and visit the Museum.
One of the aircraft used to train fighter pilots was the Hawker Hurricane, shown in this RCAF photo;
See more in our Aviation History section;
Coming to visit us? Here's some suggestions;