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Empirical Studies of Programmers: First WorkshopJune 1986
  • Greenwood Publishing Group Inc.
  • Box 5007 88 Post Road W. Westport, CT
  • United States
Published:01 June 1986
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No abstract available.

Cited By

  1. ACM
    Lister R (2010). COMPUTING EDUCATION RESEARCHTeaching the super profs to fish, ACM Inroads, 1:2, (16-17), Online publication date: 1-Jun-2010.
  2. ACM
    Fitzgerald S, Simon B and Thomas L Strategies that students use to trace code Proceedings of the first international workshop on Computing education research, (69-80)
  3. ACM
    Lister R, Adams E, Fitzgerald S, Fone W, Hamer J, Lindholm M, McCartney R, Moström J, Sanders K, Seppälä O, Simon B and Thomas L A multi-national study of reading and tracing skills in novice programmers Working group reports from ITiCSE on Innovation and technology in computer science education, (119-150)
  4. ACM
    Lister R, Adams E, Fitzgerald S, Fone W, Hamer J, Lindholm M, McCartney R, Moström J, Sanders K, Seppälä O, Simon B and Thomas L (2004). A multi-national study of reading and tracing skills in novice programmers, ACM SIGCSE Bulletin, 36:4, (119-150), Online publication date: 1-Dec-2004.
  5. ACM
    Walz D, Elam J and Curtis B (1993). Inside a software design team, Communications of the ACM, 36:10, (63-77), Online publication date: 1-Oct-1993.
  6. ACM
    Koenemann J and Robertson S Expert problem solving strategies for program comprehension Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, (125-130)
  7. ACM
    Wright R (1990). Book review: Empirical Studies of Programmers: Second Workshop, Gary M. Olson, Sylvia Sheppard, Elliot Soloway (eds.), Norwood, New Jersey. (Ablex Publishing Corporation, 1987), ACM SIGCAS Computers and Society, 20:2, (30-32), Online publication date: 1-Jul-1990.
  • University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
  • University of Maryland, College Park
  • Florida International University
