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Cloud-based automatic test data generation framework

Published: 01 August 2016 Publication History


Designing test cases is one of the most crucial activities in software testing process. Manual test case design might result in inadequate testing outputs due to lack of expertise and/or skill requirements. This article delivers automatic test data generation framework by effectively utilizing soft computing technique with Apache Hadoop MapReduce as the parallelization framework. We have evaluated and analyzed statistically our proposed framework using real world open source libraries. The experimental results conducted on Hadoop cluster with ten nodes are effective and our framework significantly outperforms other existing cloud-based testing models. Proposed the framework for effective cloud-based testing.Designed and developed Hadoop MapReduce based automated test data generation strategy using GA and PSO.Devised and implemented the new approach for the gbest evaluation using Pareto-optimality.Empirical evaluation of the proposed framework.Comparison with the other existing soft-computing based cloud testing models.


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    Information & Contributors


    Published In

    cover image Journal of Computer and System Sciences
    Journal of Computer and System Sciences  Volume 82, Issue 5
    August 2016
    333 pages


    Academic Press, Inc.

    United States

    Publication History

    Published: 01 August 2016

    Author Tags

    1. Cloud computing
    2. Cloud-based testing
    3. Genetic algorithm
    4. MapReduce
    5. Pareto-optimal
    6. Particle swarm optimization
    7. Soft computing
    8. Software testing


    • Research-article


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    • (2021)Genetic-based web regression testing: an ontology-based multi-objective evolutionary framework to auto-regression testing of web applicationsService Oriented Computing and Applications10.1007/s11761-020-00312-y15:1(55-74)Online publication date: 1-Mar-2021
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