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  • Sarsa S, Denny P, Hellas A and Leinonen J. Automatic Generation of Programming Exercises and Code Explanations Using Large Language Models. Proceedings of the 2022 ACM Conference on International Computing Education Research - Volume 1. (27-43).


  • Shindler M, Pinpin N, Markovic M, Reiber F, Kim J, Carlos G, Dogucu M, Hong M, Luu M, Anderson B, Cote A, Ferland M, Jain P, LaBonte T, Mathur L, Moreno R and Sakuma R. (2022). Student misconceptions of dynamic programming: a replication study. Computer Science Education. 10.1080/08993408.2022.2079865. 32:3. (288-312). Online publication date: 3-Jul-2022.


  • Feijoo-Garcia P, Kapoor A, Gardner-McCune C and Ragan E. Effects of a Block-Based Scaffolded Tool on Students’ Introduction to Hierarchical Data Structures. IEEE Transactions on Education. 10.1109/TE.2021.3109604. 65:2. (191-199).


  • Webb K, Zingaro D, Liao S, Taylor C, Lee C, Clancy M and Porter L. (2021). Student Performance on the BDSI for Basic Data Structures. ACM Transactions on Computing Education. 22:1. (1-34). Online publication date: 31-Mar-2022.


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  • Nelson G, Strömbäck F, Korhonen A, Begum M, Blamey B, Jin K, Lonati V, MacKellar B and Monga M. Differentiated Assessments for Advanced Courses that Reveal Issues with Prerequisite Skills. Proceedings of the Working Group Reports on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education. (75-129).


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  • Taylor C, Clancy M, Webb K, Zingaro D, Lee C and Porter L. The Practical Details of Building a CS Concept Inventory. Proceedings of the 51st ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education. (372-378).


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  • Porter L, Zingaro D, Liao S, Taylor C, Webb K, Lee C and Clancy M. BDSI. Proceedings of the 2019 ACM Conference on International Computing Education Research. (111-119).


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  • Zingaro D, Taylor C, Porter L, Clancy M, Lee C, Nam Liao S and Webb K. Identifying Student Difficulties with Basic Data Structures. Proceedings of the 2018 ACM Conference on International Computing Education Research. (169-177).


  • Taylor C, Spacco J, Bunde D, Butler Z, Bort H, Hovey C, Maiorana F and Zeume T. Propagating the adoption of CS educational innovations. Proceedings Companion of the 23rd Annual ACM Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education. (217-235).


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