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The best maths tutors

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4.8 /5

Tutors with an average rating of 4.8 stars and more than 4 reviews.

28 $/h

Great prices: 95% of tutors offer their first class for free and the average lesson cost is $28/hr

4 h

Fast as lightning! Our tutors usually respond in under 4 hours

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πŸ’Έ How pricey is a NCEA maths tutor in Tauranga and the surrounding areas?

In Tauranga, the average rate of maths courses is $28.

The price of maths lessons will differ depending on:

  • the experience of your maths tutor
  • where your lessons will be (online or an outside location)
  • the frequency of your lessons and the duration of each class
  • the objective of your classes

97% of our tutors offer their 1st lesson free. Check out the prices of our maths private tutors in your region.

πŸ‘¨πŸΌβ€βš–οΈ How many tutors are available to teach NCEA maths courses in Tauranga?

17 teachers are available to give NCEA maths courses in Tauranga and the suburban areas.

You can check out their cv and choose the maths teacher that corresponds to your needs.

Choose your maths course from our range of more than 17 tutors.

πŸ’» Can you take NCEA maths lessons online?

On Superprof, you can learn maths online with a private tutor. Whether you need help revising for your GCSEs, are struggling with maths concepts, or would just like to improve your maths skills, our tutors can help you.

Many of our maths teachers also offer private online tuition. Around 80% of the private tutors on Superprof give maths classes via webcam and most of them offer their first lessons free!

To find the available online lessons, just enter your subject criteria into the search engine and select the webcam filter to see the available teachers who are currently offering online courses in your desired subject.

Online courses via Skype offer you more benefits. You can plan your classes to fit around your schedule and online lessons are often less expensive as the teacher does not need to travel.

βœ’οΈ What is the average rating given by students to NCEA maths teachers in Tauranga?

Pupils rated their maths teachers on average 4.8 out of five from a sample of 4 recommendations.

πŸŽ“ Why should you start private maths lessons in Tauranga?

NCEA Mathematics is one of the hardest subjects in school. Many children struggle with maths throughout the school year, whether at primary level, secondary or higher. This is why maths tuition is so highly sought after.

With the help of a private maths tutor many students are able to conquer their fear of maths.

All maths private lessons with a certified private teacher offer you the occasion to learn the different mathematical concepts more quickly.

Sign up for private maths courses to learn more about the different mathematical concepts with a certified private teacher. With the help of your tutor, now is the perfect occasion to master the different mathematical concepts more efficiently.

You simply just have to select your private teacher and reserve your maths classes from home or take online classes

Whether you want to take private lessons from the comfort of your home or at an outside location, pick your tutor and book your maths lessons today.

A messaging service allows you to get in touch with your teacher to organise your maths lessons whether you want to learn from the comfort of your home or take online classes

Make use of our search engine to find your maths teacher from among 17 teachers in Tauranga.

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Essential information about your maths lessons

βœ… Average price :$28/h
βœ… Average response time :4h
βœ… Tutors available :17
βœ… Lesson format :Face-to-face or online

Connect with tutors in Maths offering NCEA, A level, and Uni Maths tuition

Why learn maths in Tauranga

Numbers are everywhere in the modern world and maths is the science that studies them and teaches us how to deal with them. Maths plays an extremely important role in our lives and is used by lots of professions. Not surprisingly, we start learning maths from year 1 of our primary education and have maths lessons until the end of school and our NCEA exams. take a more active part. Having a good level in maths can be crucial to enter a good university and to succeed in your higher studies. At university, you will learn a lot of new complex concepts and theories, so knowing school maths will be mandatory.

Maths is an essential subject because it's largely used in many other areas of studies, from statistics to chemistry. Almost every science has to deal with numbers at some point and having a good level in maths can be very useful. Naturally, maths is a compulsory NCEA subject in year 11 and lots of students choose to continue learning maths in years 12 and 13. The importance of maths in the school curriculum can only be compared to that of English, as both subjects serve us throughout our lives.

Learning maths can be entertaining and lots of students have fun solving problems during their maths lessons. But it's not the case for everybody. Sometimes, it can be enough to miss a small explanation in class to fall behind. More complex maths lessons are based on simpler ones and if you have trouble understanding the latter, it can become a major hurdle for you.

A great solution to help a student struggling with maths is to take private tutoring lessons with a personal tutor. Qualified tutors know how to help students boost their level in maths or prepare for the NCEA exams. Learning maths with a tutor is very efficient and can inspire the child to work more and to explore the science on their own.

Improve your level of maths in Tauranga

Tauranga is the fifth-largest city in New Zealand and has great educational institutions. A great primary school to start learning maths is Gate Pa School. The school puts stress on the personal development of each child in conjunction with their knowledge. After that, they can continue their education in Mount Maunganui College where experienced tutors will help them prepare for their NCEA exams. Finally, those who'd like to do higher studies in maths can enrol with the University of Waikato. One of its campuses is located in Tauranga and it can be very convenient to spend your university years not far from home.

If your child ever starts having difficulties with maths, it's very important to take action as soon as possible. Luckily, numerous qualified maths tutors are living in Tauranga. They give lessons to any level of students and can help them get back on track in a very short time. Your child will start enjoying science again and their results will improve.

The NCEA exams is a particularly important stage in the life of each student. They can be very stressful, especially in year 11 when students sit the NCEA exams for the first time. If your child already had problems with maths or English in year 11, it can be sensible to start taking tutoring lessons from the beginning of the school year. This way, the tutor will have enough time to work with the student and help them improve their level so they can be ready for the test. A lot of tutors offer NCEA support in Tauranga and you can certainly find a good one for you.

Why learning maths with a tutor is so efficient

Students often fall behind in scientific subjects, like maths or chemistry, because one missed detail can become a major hurdle to move forward. School tutors often teach huge classes and aren't able to work personally with each child. This is where a private teacher can be of help. They will identify what exactly the student has missed and explain this part of the course to them. As the student gets to understand better the basics, it will also become easier for them to learn new more complex concepts.

Another great advantage of private tutoring is that students feel more comfortable asking questions when they are at home. They aren't afraid of being mocked by their classmates and speak openly to their tutor. Once the real problem is identified, it will be much easier to solve it. The private maths tutor will tailor their lessons to the particular needs of the student and will help them improve their level quickly.

Learning maths with private tutors can be fun and as the child will better understand the subject, they will also grow more confident. They will see that science is not as difficult as it may seem and it will push them to work harder. They will also take a more active part in their maths lessons at school and their grades will improve. Having more self-confidence can even have a positive impact on their results in other subjects, such as English or chemistry.

Find the perfect maths teacher on Superprof

Now that you know about all the benefits of learning maths with a good private tutor, you may wonder how to find one. The answer is simple: Superprof. On our website, you can view the profiles of numerous maths tutors living in Tauranga or offering tutoring lessons online. We will provide you with all the necessary information about them, such as their price rates, location or the level they teach, and you will be able to read reviews written by other students or their parents. Finally, the majority of our tutors offer their first lesson for free, which can be a great opportunity to make sure you or your child get along well with the tutor. In addition to that, once you've found your perfect maths tutor, you can use Superprof to look for tutors in other subjects, like chemistry, physics or English.

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