"You don't come into my country; you don't come into my congressional district and you don't condemn my president," Rep. Charles Rangel, D-New York, scolded Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez.House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-California, was blunt in her criticism of the Venezuelan leader. "He is an everyday thug," she said. Source CNN.COM
This was in response to a speech made by Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez at the United Nations this week in which Chavez called President Bush El Diablo, an alcoholic, and made other disparaging comments.
The tepid response by Rangel and the stronger rhetoric by Pelosi are laughable at best. Chavez sounded more like a Democrat candidate for President of the USA than the President of an oil rich nation.
Click here to do a Google search of some of what Nancy Pelosi has said about President Bush. Click here for similar diatribes from Charles Rangel.
The fact that only two leading Democrats have come out publicly paying lip service against Chavez�s remarks is telling. You can almost hear giggling from behind closed doors.
Notice they are not actually defending President Bush. They are merely reserving the right to bash Bush at every turn for themselves.
When you go to the Polls this November keep in mind that the rhetoric of the Democratic Party (the Party that wants control of the US government) is strikingly similar to that of the communist President of a foreign country.
Who are you voting for?
Dan Walters of the Sacramento Bee writes that the recent incident where the Angelides campaign released transcripts of Governor Schwarzenegger�s comments about Assemblywoman Bonnie Garcia's ethnicity sullied everyone involved.
He makes some good points, but then goes on to do the exact same thing he criticizes the Governor for.
Schwarzenegger sullied himself by buying into the racist belief that personality traits are tied to one's "blood," the eugenic fallacy that has from time immemorial been used to justify discrimination, slavery and even slaughter. Given his personal history -- the Austrian-born son of a one-time Nazi -- Schwarzenegger would be, one might think, doubly and triply careful about expressing such sentiments, even in private. But once again, his mouth has gotten him into trouble. source- Sacramento Bee.
Is it just me or doesn't the statement "Given his personal history -- the Austrian-born son of a one-time Nazi -- Schwarzenegger would be, one might think, doubly and triply careful about expressing such sentiments.." stereotype the Governor based on his heritage?
Are there or are there not characteristics that different ethnicities have that one would make certain assumptions about? We shouldn't use them for dicrimination to be sure, but isn't it political correctness run amok to pretend we are all the same?
If it is wrong for the Governor to make behavioral assumptions about an Hispanic, isn�t it then the same for Dan Walters to do the same about an Austrian?
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