November 22, 2003

The Kangaroo Rebellion

It appears that Kang has gotten a fan and is gettin' really cheeky about movin' on. I am takin' volunteers for a kangaroo nettin' party.

Posted by Tiger at November 22, 2003 09:58 PM

I think it's only responsible to let Kang keep his blog and let Pixy make you another one for USURP HQ...

Posted by Susie at November 23, 2003 05:35 AM

I don't know, it seems those kangaroos are gettin' pretty militant, but yes, if I can get Pixy to cede us a bit of munu territory for a USURP HQ, I may make peace with those kangaroos. I will at least cede the West Bank and part of the Gaza Strip, I am sure. ;)

Posted by Tiger at November 23, 2003 05:39 AM
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