My entry to this week's Carnival of the Vanities was censored. Here's the scoop.
Note that I'm not looking for a dogpile on the fellow who cut me, I just want the issue explored.
Posted by Jim at November 13, 2003 01:11 PMJim, I'm ticked on your behalf. And it looks like the guy didn't even bother to read your post before omitting it! Heck, I'm tempted to offer to host the Carnival just so I can leave out all the political entries I disagree with, and say I was just using my judgement...
Posted by Susie at November 13, 2003 02:43 PMI'm starting to think the whole "Vanities" things are a crock of shit. Yeah, there are some good posts there, but still.
Maybe this is just the ranting of a pissed-off guy who could get neither a bonfire nor carnival post listed at Wizbang when Kevin hosted them both...but still. I haven't been back to Wizbang since.
This bullshit takes, as they say, the cake.
Posted by Victor at November 13, 2003 03:02 PMSomething just hit me--you've had four out of six submissions not make it?
That's too high a percentage. I think there's a lot more censoring going on than anyone would think--only one person has admitted to it.
Makes me want to reconsider if Keven lost mine--I know he got the email, 'cause I also volunteered to write for Sports Blog in that message, and he gave me access that day.
Posted by Victor at November 13, 2003 06:49 PMKevin had an editing error when he was working on that post. He accidentally pasted some entries over some that were set up earlier. He put me back in as soon as I pointed it out. I'm sure you were obliterated in the same accident.
The other two I lost were due to email problems on the part of the hosts where they apparently didn't receive my entries.
Posted by Jim at November 13, 2003 07:06 PMThe other two I lost were due to email problems on the part of the hosts where they apparently didn't receive my entries.
Not to get all X-Files on you, but you sure about that?
I'm kind of thinking Victor may have a point--it seems pretty clear by now, after all the arguing I've done with blockheads this morning, that there were at least a few people who didn't "get" the Carnival concept. Thus, it stands to reason that the quiet dropping of articles has probably occurred before, only we may never know just when or by whom.
Posted by ilyka at November 13, 2003 08:52 PMOne of the two was a definite email problem. He had posted before the Carnival saying he lost a bunch of messages that were sent in a certain time period and asked that they be resent. I didn't see that post until after that Carnival was already up.
But there are definitely people out there who don't understand the concept. I shudder to see what would result if Trey ever hosted it.
Posted by Jim at November 13, 2003 08:59 PMLoosening my tin hat for a moment, I think I can explain what happened with my entries: I submitted three things on one email to Kevin--a Bonfire entry, a Carnival entry, and a note saying I want to be the Caps reporter on Sports Blog. Kevin, busy as cat piss doing the Bonfire and Carnival as well as Wizbang! and the Sports Blog, takes action on one of those (Sports Blog) and crosses off his action item by deleting the email.
That's my theory, anyway, and Jim--I love ya, man, but something about the bad cut-and-paste doesn't quite sound exactly right to me. It's not unreasonable, but something's still raising hte hairs on the back of my neck be-cuzzzzz...
I went back to Kevin's Carnival, did a search on both 'jim' and 'snooze' and I don't see your entry. Can you enlighten me, please--point it out to me in the Carnival? (I figure cutting-and-pasting his description should do the trick.)
Posted by Victor at November 13, 2003 09:09 PMIt's the last one on the list. Writer's Noose.
Candidate: Writer's Noose
Platform: This blog is a short horror story played out in real time via weblog entries. Very cool…
I guess the edit/paste was my own invention. What Kevin actually told me was:
I swear it was their when I posted... In subsequent editing I must have *ahem* fixed it... Not to worry, I'll tuck it back into the Fiction and Short Stories where it was...
Posted by Jim at November 13, 2003 09:39 PMOh, Jim as Writer's Noose. I done forgot about that already.
Got it.
Posted by Victor at November 14, 2003 01:35 AMI had higher hopes for the CotV than actually worked out. I had a lesser visitor count on the day I was included in it than previous days, or the day following.
Not saying the way it was presented or the host was at fault, just saying perhaps it's been hyped more than realistically.
Now, I must go sling mud on my fellow Survivors....