November 04, 2003

It cannot be!

Steven den Beste says:

That's not a characterization of Europeans I recognize. I would suggest instead the word effete, for which my dictionary offers three meanings:

1. decadent: characterized by decadence, overrefinement, or overindulgence
2. weak: lacking or having lost the strength or ability to get things done
3. barren: no longer able to reproduce

Yes, I think that pretty well summarizes it.

<snark> I don't think SDB and the word "summary" or any of its derivations belong together. </snark> Munuvians, I fear Steven den Beste is not himself. But who would have sufficient skillZ and motive to undermine him?

Only Al Gore. Having invented the Internet, he clearly possesses the requisite knowledge, and being a cyborg he would be able to hack even SDB's site.

Munuvians, we must arise and rescue Steven from the clutches of the Robotic One. To arms, to arms!

Posted by Tim at November 4, 2003 06:46 PM
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