
November 05, 2008

Four Years and Counting...

As I mentioned briefly a little earlier, Confederate Yankee sprang to life four years ago today. It was never really intended as anything more than a one-off response to an angry elitist, but as responses to that post came rolling in, I got hooked.

Blogging has been very good to me. I've met some truly brilliant people as a result of blogging, both online and in person. Some of these people are bloggers and media personalities and politicians you may have heard of, and many more are commenters and those who actually do the things I write about, including soldiers, journalists, professors, and other hard-working Americans.

Those of you who do are are an inspiration to me, and keep me humble as I should be. Mostly, I write and reflect and pontificate. You make America—and other countries—work. I just hope that in some way I can contribute to furthering your far more important work, popularize those things you believe, and occasionally shine sunlight into those areas that need to be disinfected.

Thanks for the ride so far, folks.

I can only imagine what we'll do next.

Posted by Confederate Yankee at November 5, 2008 12:53 PM

Please vote in our poll:

In light of Sarah Palin's phenomenal popularity and potential to be an agent of change on a national level, what do you think she should do in the immediate future?

Posted by: History Chasers at November 5, 2008 01:19 PM

Congratulations, CY.

Here's hoping that you turn 4 years into 40 more. Cheers!

Posted by: W-K-B at November 5, 2008 03:22 PM

Congrats! You are on our RSS feed.

Posted by: Marc Boyd at November 5, 2008 04:00 PM

Only four years? Seems longer than that.

Posted by: Mikey NTH at November 5, 2008 04:03 PM

Thank You CY! You asked "What will we do next?" Well, I know from experience that a true unrestricted Combat War Correspondent (as in Ernie Pyle) is almost impossible to find these days. Michael Yon comes very close, but he's freelance. "Embedded Jouranlists" were neither, and were a joke, staying behind walls and paying locals for "reports" that naturally were false, they learn fast, and only bring back what the biased media wants to print, beneath a real name. I believe intereted bloggers should convene (As in Convention) and petition the U.S. Armed Forces to provide a real soldier correspondents to send their stories to interested blogs. With todays "lap-top" technology it's an easy task. Yes, their scoops would be censored, but I KNOW that the reality is that the Army WANTS this kind of news to go out, they just don't like it going out to, and being twisted to schreds by, the biased Mainstream Media. In contrast, PJM style blogs would offer the Armed Forces BOTH an opportunity to "kind'a" tweak the story, get the finished story out, and trust that there would be a SOURCE that the MSM would have to go through (like a firewall) to try and spin it. An added bonus is of course; REVENGE and PAYBACK by throwing the MSM out of the loop ant replacing it with bloggers dedicated to reporting the truth. PLEASE think about it, pass it along. It's a great Idea, and would make national stars out of all of you who participated. (Not that 'cha aren't already).

Posted by: Nostradamus at November 5, 2008 04:56 PM

CY, it's been a lot of fun hanging out here with ya. I plan on sticking around for at least 4 more years, if you'll have me. :)

Posted by: C-C-G at November 5, 2008 07:13 PM

Four years already! I hope you find the next four years as rewarding as the last. Glad you're around.

Posted by: pst314 at November 5, 2008 10:42 PM

Happy Anniversary!

Posted by: Robert at November 5, 2008 11:24 PM

Bob, you've done a hell of a job with this thing, going beyond blogging and into serious, substantive citizen journalism. Do carry on, and thank you.

Posted by: Pablo at November 6, 2008 12:00 AM

Don't sell yourself short - and I mean many of "you" - bloggers and commenters alike.

I agree with all you said, but I think one thing this election cycle has shown us -- the internet is becoming an important part of our democracy.

Of course, it, and specifically "blogging" can do harm - wild rumors and smears and lies and even fake sites set up to discredit the opposition or individuals.... is much harder for readers to police/sift the internet.....but it is a rising form of valuable mass communication - at a time when our traditional means --- is failing horribly ---- our mainstream media...

If it were not for certain talk radio shows, especially the investigative work Sean Hannity did, or for some well known conservative blogs, like this one, ---- how much more of our voting masses would have been completely in the dark about Obama's past before he began running for president - when he does not have an extensive history in government for us to learn from???

And talk radio's days are numbered.....

Reputable blogs --- and I'd say reputable on the left or right or center ---- will become even more important once the federal government makes the move against talk radio.

And blogs can build a reputation over time. And become known. And gain in credibility and influence.

The comments sections also allow for a sometimes too spirited discussion - but a discussion you can't get most other places. And that can be a small positive in our democracy as well.

You are not a soldier fighting a war or a policeman on the thin blue line.....but you are offering something valuable (and new).....

....and deserve thanks for that.....

Posted by: usinkorea at November 6, 2008 02:58 AM


Keep up the great work. I felt I had to do something more as I watched the election returns and started my own conservative blog here

Hopefully I can follow in your footsteps.


Posted by: garetjax at November 6, 2008 11:44 AM

Congrats, Bob, and well done; here's to many happy returns. Lord knows we're all going to have plenty of material to work with in the coming months and years.

Posted by: Mike at November 6, 2008 01:28 PM


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Posted by: ����� at May 4, 2009 04:59 AM