...it's not dark yet, but it's gettin' there...
Bears vs. Cardinals in Arizona. Chicago favored by 12½ points. The Bears will win this one, but will they cover?
The answer is yes, unless there's an earthquake, tsunami or alien invasion in Glendale tonight. And even then, they'll probably still win.
Update: Just like I said, a disaster happened and the Bears still won. Actually, there were two disasters: the Cardinals' collapse and the Bears' offense.
Ohmigod! I definitely would've taken the over myself, but damn! 9:19pm, just a bit left in the 1st quarter, and the Cards are the ones up 14-0.
Who'da thunk?
Posted by: ElMondoHummus on Oct. 16, 2006Grossman is floating the ball all over the place. Figures, Michigan grad.
Posted by: Casca on Oct. 16, 2006Oh man!... 20-0 Cardinals.
That's messed up.
Now, there's still a whole half to play. And, Arizona's just leaning on luck, they're not going for the jugular. So the Bears can still pull this out.
But damn... I couldn't care less who would've won before the game started, but now! Man, I'm actually pulling for the Cards!
I can't believe I'm saying this, having been a Bears admirer since the '85 Superbowl run. But, my selfish ass wants my Colts to be the only undefeated team, so I'm rootin' fer de Cards.
Yeah, yeah, the Colt's can't stop anyone's run. I know. I man, do I ever know; I was screaming exactly that at the TV during the Titans' game. "Stop the !@#^ing run!!!" But dammit, I'm a fan nonetheless, and just being able to say "Only Undefeated Team", even if just for a week or two, is something I damn well want!
Posted by: ElMondoHummus on Oct. 16, 2006Damn, Cas, you're right. I haven't seem so many floaters since the Titanic sunk.
Posted by: ElMondoHummus on Oct. 16, 2006Ariz (*GACK!*)...
Arizo (*GACK!*)...
Sorry... was trying to say "Arizona", but I choked. Then again, so did they.
Oh well... haven't rooted for the dog in a long time. Was fun while it lasted.
Posted by: ElMondoHummus on Oct. 16, 2006Fucking Cardinals, coaching loss. There is no surer formula for losing a lead, than by trying to sit on it. How fucking hard is it to keep doing what has been working. Poor Edge and Leinart, they deserve better.
Posted by: Casca on Oct. 16, 2006Denny Green: still can't win the big one.
Posted by: annika on Oct. 16, 2006ha, my DVR stopped recording it right after Arizona deflected that ball and ran it in to make it 30 - 10. i didn't even bother checking the score online, game over! Normally I'll watch 'till the end, but Tony Kornhoser was being really annoying and catty and shit. They should have kept charles barkley in the booth.
Posted by: Scof on Oct. 16, 2006I am now 5 and 1 in fantasy. Kickin ass. It helps a little since my home team is once again the worst franchise in football. (Texans), well I guess thats debatable since Oakland might actually be worse.
Posted by: kyle8 on Oct. 17, 2006
Scof, that was my very thought. I was feeling sorry for Charles AND Theisman. Tony has GOT to go. Gawd he sucks.
Texans, Raiders, hmmmmmmm, could be a good game, er car accident. It has that, "couldn't bring myself to look away" element.
Posted by: Casca on Oct. 17, 2006Flip side of that game, to me, is Giants Cowboys, both need that win.
Posted by: Scof on Oct. 17, 2006It was a lame performace for both teams, don't think I was ever so disappointed by either.
Posted by: New York on Oct. 20, 2006ÇäÇÔíÏ
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