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August 30, 2004
Weekend protests

Last night on my way home I was listening to the radio and they were covering the protests that had occurred earlier in the day. At least one interviewee was still wound up about the 2000 election and I mean really WOUND up. Maybe it�s me but I would like to think that if it had gone the other way I would not be that pissed about something that happened almost 4 years ago. Jesus people you are in the shadow of ground zero here and all you can bitch about is the 2000 election?

Posted by Pete at August 30, 2004 08:09 AM

i think you are quite right about this. people are disrespecting 9-11. pretty soon that anniversary will be upon us. the protestors are disrespecting 9-11 ghosts.

you might not remember me, i was a cyberbeggar. your site has grown and become popular. congratulations. :)

people should remember 9-11...

Posted by: tricia minor at September 2, 2004 07:07 AM