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August 24, 2004
Whatever happened to free speech?

With all the yelling going on over the Swift boat veterans ads, and all the other outside ads, I have to wonder what in the hell was going through Bush's mind when he signed the campaign finance act into law. Did he really believe that it would stop this type of advertising or did he figure that it would be struck down by the Supreme Court? Perhaps he figured that a soft money ban would benefit the Republicans has they have traditionally been able to raise more �hard money� than the Dems. While people have long debated the second amendment I always thought that the first amendment was crystal clear. When the court failed to stop the campaign finance act I almost fell on the floor. What part of �Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech�� Don�t they understand?

Posted by Pete at August 24, 2004 08:07 AM | TrackBack
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